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Posted Sep 15, 2008 at 09:15AM by Gino D. Listed in: Cheats, How-To, Games, Rock Band 2 Tags: MTV, PS2, Harmonix

Rock Band 2 - Image 1You want a hassle-free way to just jump into the stage and rock out on all the Rock Band 2 songs at the get go? If you don't mind a couple of set backs, all you need to do is input a simple code and all of Rock Band 2's tracks will be unlocked for your unabashed quickplay jamming sessions whenever your friends come over. So, what's the code? You can try to figure it out on your own, or if that proves fruitless, just read more and check it out in the full article.

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Posted Dec 09, 2007 at 01:01PM by Gino D. Listed in: Cheats, How-To, Videos, Super Mario Galaxy, Games Tags: Wiimote, Super Mario

Nintendo Wii Super Mario Galaxy - Image 1 Some of you completists may think that you've squeezed everything out of the Super Mario Galaxy experience. But that doesn't mean you can't have fun anymore though.

Today, we have a compilation video showcasing some secrets and little knick-knacks to busy yourself in Mario's galactic adventure. From helpful tricks, wacky glitches, and other secrets, this video is a treasure trove of stellar proportions.

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Posted Nov 22, 2007 at 12:34PM by Tim Y. Listed in: Accessories, Cheats, News, Games Tags: Wal-Mart, North America, Amazon

Wii Zapper running low at Wal-Mart and Amazon - Image 1You may want to double-check with your local stores if you're planning to purchase the Wii Zapper and Link's Crossbow Training. Word is that some retailers are beginning to report that their stock for the said accessory are running out. More details on this shortage are available in the full article.

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Posted Jul 24, 2007 at 08:31PM by Glen D. Listed in: Cheats, Games, The Simpsons Tags: Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Homer, Wolfenstein

First off, if you hate spoilers, you have no business reading the succeeding paragraphs. Just back away from this one, read another QJ article and be completely happy playing this nice title. Skipping this one won't ruin your life, we assure you.

Still reading? Don't say we didn't warn you. If you haven't bought The Simpsons yet but are planning to, you'll either be real happy or real pissed with what you'll find out. This is your last chance to back off.

Duffestein - Image 1 

Destructoid reports that EA gave them a spoiler of sorts regarding this title. It turns out that there's a Wolfenstein level hidden in the game which can be unlocked. For the uninitiated, Castle Wolfenstein was one of the fathers of FPS and is certainly an icon of modern gaming.

Destructoid explains "in the Medal of Homer stage, Bart and Homie are hired to steal white flags from a town trying to surrender so that they can get firebombed. However, if you put your chores aside and transform into Bartman and fly across the channel you can snake around an abandoned warehouse and find the hidden area. Smash a few boxes out of your way and you'll find a door to Duffenstein, a replica of the great old-school FPS Castle Wolfenstein."

So there you have it. If you feel like revisiting the old school, The Simpsons will give you a chance to get some nostalgic treats. Otherwise, just enjoy the game and the nice movie, too. The Simpsons is available on Sony PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP owners everywhere.

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Posted Jul 21, 2007 at 05:49PM by Glen D. Listed in: Accessories, Cheats, Hacks & Exploits Tags: Datel

Wii PowerSaves - Image 1Those of you who aren't too put off with cheats on your Wii games may want to check a new product out coming most major retailers on the 27th of this month. It's Datel's Wii PowerSaves and it seeks to add some spice to your normal gaming fun.

In essence, this is a 512MB SD card loaded with PC-based PowerSaves programming that loads off a card reader. The software enables you to access cheats much like what the old Action Replay devices did. Infinite ammo, cash, health and whatever you have could be accessed, as well as unlocks to weapons and areas that you shouldn't have in certain game parts.

Most of the popular Wii titles are included in the list of games which can be hacked open for goodies. They've got it all, from Resident Evil 4 Wii edition to Super Paper Mario.

Wii PowerSaves will cost US$ 19.99 and should be right in a store near you come its release. If you want to see a list of games and stuff that can be provided by PowerSaves, follow the read URL. If you hate cheating, however, go out there and play with honor and integrity.

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Posted Jan 26, 2007 at 01:48PM by Kristine C. Listed in: Cheats, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Games Tags: Nintendo EAD

Hyrule, here we come! - Image 1Despite the fact that the Wii's Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has already been out for a good while, it still remains as one of the most popular games of the moment. This just goes to show that this title still bears the trademark charm and lifespan that previous Zelda games bear.

So, it can't be helped that months after its release, people are still discovering new things about the game; bits that range from small details in animation, to light references to other titles in the Zelda franchise.

Over at the IGN boards, one member has reposted a whole list of such details that one might want to try to catch the next time you fire up that Wii. For example, did you know that the songs that we hear from the Howling Stones are all taken from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? Besides factoids like this though, the list also contains several helpful tips on how and where to get some extra items and rupees, as well as some events and NPC reactions which can be triggered by doing certain things in-game.

Other intersting bits:
  • After defeating an enemy, press A without moving and Link will perform the cool-looking flourish move(spinning his sword before sheathing it) like he does in cutscenes. This may only work on harder enemies.
  • Ooccoo is a little bird in the game. 00CC00 is the hexadecimal colour code for the green of Links tunic in the original Zelda. It's likely a coincidence, with Ooccoo being a play on Cocoo (the chickens).
To check out the list, simply click on the "Read" link below.

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Posted Dec 26, 2006 at 12:35AM by Ryan A. Listed in: Cheats, Virtual Console, Games Tags: Super Mario, NES

SMB - Image 1 SMB - Image 2 

Mario is probably the most charismatic and persistent videogame character ever. Heck, Nintendo wouldn't choose him as the company's icon for nothing. Anyway, as you might all be aware of, Super Mario Bros. was released yesterday on the Virtual Console. Now, here's the exciting part: there's more to the game than meets the eye!

What we are talking about here are the hidden worlds and stages in the game. Actually, this is not something new as the 80's fans of the NES game enjoyed the same. We reckoned, however, that a lot of you might be experiencing playing Mario for the first time and so a little refresher wouldn't hurt one bit.

To be quite frank, we are really very fond of the Negative World. This, you see, can actually be viewed as the water version of World 1. Here, everything's submerge under water. More interestingly, at the end of Negative World is a majestic castle. Instead of walking into it, Mario actually swims inside. Anyway, here's how to get there:

Go to World 1-2. At the pipe that leads to the flag, break two blocks so there's one at the end touching the pipe. Now duck and jump backward toward the brick (don't break it!). You should go through the wall and pipe into a warp zone. Jump down the first pipe you see and you will be in the Negative World (-1)!

There are other hidden treasures and hidden areas within Super Mario Bros. All you have to do is look in the right places. If you want some more heads up about these things, refer to our Read link below.

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