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Posted Jan 22, 2009 at 06:19PM by Karl B. Listed in: Rumors, Games, Scans Tags: Sonic, Nintendo, Sega, Olympics

Mario & Sonic - Image 1Rumors about a follow-up to Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii, DS) have started to circulate around the Net, thanks in part to an image spotted in Spanish gaming magazine Nintendo Accion.

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Posted Nov 26, 2008 at 08:24AM by Jon G. Listed in: News, Games, Scans, Tenchu 4 Tags: Famitsu, North America, From Software

Tenchu 4 - Image 1The title says it all. It seems like the Tenchu franchise isn't completely leaving Sony's consoles for greener Nintendo pastures (or rice patties, in this case). According to a recent issue of Famitsu, Tenchu 4 is getting a PSP version and will be coming out in Japan by February 2009.

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Posted Jul 20, 2008 at 10:42PM by Glen D. Listed in: Games, Scans Tags: Sega, Nintendo Power

Sega SQ - Image 1We recently reported that Sonic and the Black Knight put up its own official site. Now we have more confirmation about the game as we spot Nintendo Power showing Sonic with a sword up front. Is Sonic going medieval on us? We'll see.

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Posted Jul 16, 2008 at 09:41AM by Gino D. Listed in: News, Games, Scans, Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop Tags: Famitsu, Capcom, Wiimote, Frank West, Nunchuk

Nintendo Wii - Dead Rising - Capcom - Image 1Whoa! Talk about getting sneaked up on from behind! Capcom's E3 press conference may have revealed some stuff (like a Lost Planet movie - what?!), but we look to other sources for some rather big news: Dead Rising is headed for the Nintendo Wii, and scans from Famitsu confirm it! But is it a port of the original Xbox 360 version? Is it a remake? Or better yet... is it a sequel? Check out the details in the full article. Mmm... brainssss.

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Posted Jun 26, 2008 at 09:13PM by Mabie A. Listed in: News, Castlevania Judgment, Games, Scans Tags: Konami, Nintendo Power

Castlevania - Image 1Blood's about to spill and we can't be more excited about it. After the discovery of a Castlevania Judgment patent last April that sent waves of excitement rippling through us, we now have more definitive details about this bloodsuckin' game from Konami. It's going to the Wii, and it looks like it's gonna be 3D.

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Posted Jun 19, 2008 at 02:40PM by Isaac C. Listed in: Games, Scans, The Conduit Tags: High Voltage Software

The Conduit Game Manual - Image 1A new game manual has been released for The Conduit, which is looking like the next big FPS game for the Wii since Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. The manual reveals a lot of new details and artwork for the game. Check out the manual in the full article.

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Posted May 30, 2008 at 03:37AM by Karl B. Listed in: News, Games, Scans Tags: Japan, Wiimote

Wario Land Shake - Image 1 A lot of Wario faithful were giddy with delight at the thought of a new Wario adventure for the Wii when Wario Land Shake was announced for a July release recently. Today we got a few details regarding the game, all of which you can read at the full article.

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Posted May 29, 2008 at 10:41AM by Victor B. Listed in: Games, Scans, Fatal Frame 4 Tags: Famitsu, Tecmo

Fatal Frame 4 scans revealed - Image 1Want to see more dead people? Then have we got a surprise for you! We've got two new scans from Famitsu showcasing Tecmo's Fatal Frame 4 in action. Find the scans after the jump!

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Posted May 20, 2008 at 05:03AM by Karl B. Listed in: Games, Scans, Tales of Symphonia: Knights of Ratatosk Tags: GameCube, V-Jump

V-Jump scans of new DS, Wii games - Image 1 Today we have a bunch of V-Jump scans featuring a few new games for the Nintendo DS and Wii: Valkyrie Profile: The Accused One, Dragon Ball DS, and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World for the Wii. The scans are in the full article, so hit the link below and check 'em out.

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Posted May 16, 2008 at 04:47AM by Karl B. Listed in: News, Games, Scans, MadWorld Tags: Famitsu, Sega, Platinum Games

Sega, Platinum Games ink publishing deal - Image 1The rumored publishing deal between Sega and Platinum Games has finally been confirmed by way of a recent press release. All three games mentioned in our previous post - Bayonetta, Infinite Line, and MadWorld - have also been confirmed. Hit the full article for details as well as some Famitsu scans of the games in question.

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