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Namco Bandai buying out D3 Publisher's parent company - Nintendo Wii News - QJ.NET
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090216234606/http://wii.qj.net:80/Namco-Bandai-buying-out-D3-Publisher-s-parent-company/pg/49/aid/128870
Posted Feb 12, 2009 at 10:49PM by Karl B. Listed in: News Tags: Namco Bandai

Namco Bandai and D3 - Image 1Japanese gaming giant Namco Bandai has announced that it intends to buy out and turn D3 Publisher's parent company, D3, into a full subsidiary.

According to andriasang.com, the company has already managed to reach an agreement with multiple D3 share holders and has now acquired around 70% of D3's shares.

A Namco Bandai press release said that the two companies need to work together to "strengthen global developments and expand business" in the harsh economic climate.

Both companies will cooperate on overseas content expansion (I guess Namco Bandai's Surge label now has a new playmate). They will also share game technologies to make North American content development easier.

Along with injecting their own content into D3's casual games series, Namco Bandai also plans to tie in D3's licenses with Namco Bandai Group's other "strategic business units" such as  toys and hobbies, amusement facilities, game content, network, and video/music content.

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   by xche78x - 3 days ago
 » so it a win win situation

more casual games for PSN and more AAA titles on BD.

   by m3rox - 3 days ago
 » What's with all the *****ing awesome news lately?

First SquareEnix buys out Eidos, and now this. :D

More great buyouts to come?

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