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Jonathan Frakes: The TV Squad Interview - VIDEO

jonathan frakes star trek leverageThere is life after Star Trek. Jonathan Frakes, Star Trek: The Next Generation's former "Number One," has moved on from sci-fi stardom to a successful career as a TV and film director. He's helmed four feature films, countless hours of Star Trek and Roswell, plus the two latest entries in TNT's Librarian telemovie franchise. Now, he's joining one of TV's most critically acclaimed new shows.

Frakes directed tonight's episode of Leverage, TNT's hit heist drama starring Timothy Hutton. The episode is a Star Trek reunion of sorts with Frakes behind the camera and his former Star Trek co-stars Brent Spiner (Data from TNG) and Armin Shimerman (Quark from Deep Space Nine) guest starring.

I spoke to Frakes by phone for a few minutes this week and, somehow, I was able to hold back from asking him a million geeky Star Trek questions. (Now I'll never know if "Tom" Riker ever escaped from the Cardassians!) We discussed his love for Leverage, his friendships with his former cast mates, and the possible return of "Number One" Will Riker.

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Why do we need a Doomsday TV movie?

doomsday universalReason #1: Because the Sci Fi Channel wouldn't be the Sci Fi Channel without those craptastic movies-of-the-week.

Reason #2: Because it might star Marina Sirtis (Star Trek: TNG's Counselor Troi) and Luke Goss (the pastey prince from Hellboy II).

Reason #3: Because TV could use more evil mohawk-sporting, Fine Young Cannibal-rockin' punks and medieval mad scientists.

Am I wrong?

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TV Squad Ten: TV celebs worth following on Twitter

john hodgman twitter daily show

Yep, I got a Twitter. It's part of my plan to plaster the Internet with links to my must-read blog posts about '90s indie rock and that handsome bastard Neil Patrick Harris (don't ask). Fortunately for you, some clever TV stars also use Twitter for fun and shameless self-promotion.

Here are ten fan-friendly TV celebs worth stalking on Twitter. Unlike that fake Stephen Colbert, these guys are all one-hundred percent, real-life paparazzo magnets.

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Star Trek creator's widow to voice J.J. Abrams' Enterprise computer

Majel Barret-Roddenberry Star Trek computer voiceIt's almost as if J.J. Abrams is patting nervous Star Trek fans on the back and cooing, "It's OK. Everything's gonna be alright."

Variety reported this week that Majel Barrett-Roddenberry will reprise her role as the voice of the Enterprise computer for Abrams' upcoming Star Trek flick. Barret-Roddenberry, the widow of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry, voiced the computer for all six Trek series and many of the movies. She also played Christine Chapel in the original series and two of the films as well as "Number One" in Star Trek's original pilot. And who could forget her as Lwaxana Troi, the randy Betazoid from The Next Genertation?

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Stump the King: Star Trek: TNG

Worf, de-evolvedThis week's letter comes from a fan named Jim Rodrigues.

Jim writes...
"I just saw an episode I've never seen before! This was rare indeed. It involved the crew of the Enterprise devolving into different creatures. Barkley became a spider. Captain Picard was becoming a lemur. Warf (sic) was biting amphibian Troi. It was my favorite episode other than one of the best T.V. episodes ever, "Cause and Effect." I was wondering if this "monsters running around" episode was released for Halloween? It would be the perfect October 31st episode. If someone knows the title and the date of release, I surely would appreciate it."

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Star Trek: The Experience to end

Star Trek: The ExperienceStar Trek: The Experience is ending after an 11 year run at the Las Vegas Hilton on September 1st, 2008. The interactive ride contained elements from the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager.

Chad Boutte, Operations Manager and Director of Marketing, said in a press release, "Hailing frequencies open. We'd like to thank all the fans and friends of Star Trek, whose constant and amazing support we've enjoyed throughout our tenure at the Las Vegas Hilton. As we boldly go into the futures that await, know that we take your love of Star Trek: The Experience with us. We share the memories of time spent in the most unique place in the Galaxy, and we carry those memories into our futures with us. Live long, and prosper. Hailing frequencies closed." He said it in this fashion because he's a big nerd.

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Star Trek TNG Rap (OR: The video that might bring peace to the multiverse) - VIDEO

Why do we live on a planet that makes us dress like this again?Cracked,I take back everything bad I ever said about you. Sure you began life as an also-ran copycat of Mad magazine and sure you dominate digg with a seemingly endless string of under-written pop-culture lists, but popularizing the following video makes it all better. Put it this way, I'm Kobe Bryant's wife and this video is a $4 million purple diamond ring.

Be warned before you click through, however, this video contains both obscene language and a shirtless Jean-Luc Picard in bed with Q. Also, if you play it more than two or three times, there's a chance the nerd secret police will repel line right into your office.

That said, this might be the best silly internet video to come out in a long while. I'm convinced it will usher in a new world order, much like the music of Wyld Stallyns. If you're prepared for that, follow me after the jump...

Continue reading Star Trek TNG Rap (OR: The video that might bring peace to the multiverse) - VIDEO

Retro Squad returns, new and improved

retro squad logoThe "big" shows are over, and now the typically low-key summer TV schedule begins. Oh sure, there are some real gems in there that are still airing or will start soon, but overall the excitement is nothing like the September-through-May period. Maybe people are ... gasp ... going outside to enjoy the sun?

It's been two years since we first delved into the world of Retro Squad, so we're back now with what we believe is a better format. Rather than pick a few shows and only review one season from each throughout the summer, we're doing theme/show weeks. These weeks will not only have standout episode reviews from any past season, but we'll have themed lists, Vs., interviews and videos. There are only so many weeks in the summer, so we can't cover all of your favorites, but I think there's something for just about everyone here. Check out the schedule below, after the jump.

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George Takei to marry longtime partner

George Takei and Brad AltmanNow that California's gay marriage ban has been lifted, George Takei is getting married. The 71-year-old Star Trek actor recently announced that he would wed Brad Altman, his partner of 21 years.

Takei broke the news on his official website just one day after the California Supreme Court ruling. The couple has yet to set a date; Takei wrote that he and Altman, a business manager, were "enjoying the delicious dilemma of deciding where, when, and how [they] will be married." This news follows Ellen DeGeneres' announcement that she and girlfriend Portia de Rossi planned to marry in California.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Code of Honor

Code of HonorTitle: Code of Honor
Original Air Date: October 12, 1987
Written by: Katharyn Powers and Michael Baron
Directed by: Russ Mayberry
Episode: S01E04
Stardate: 41235.25

Synopsis: The inhabitants of the Federation planet Styris IV had the fish for dinner, leading to an outbreak of deadly Anchilles fever. With Styris IV's fate in the hands of Acting President Ted Striker and his intern Elaine, the Enterprise pays a visit to the only planet in the entire galaxy that can provide a vaccine, Ligon II.

Picard meets with the Ligonian leader Lutan and his little buddy Hagon when they beam up into the ship's cargo bay. On the way to meet them, Troi and Riker tell Picard that the Ligonians are a proud people with a very structured society. Picard thanks them for waiting until they're in the turbolift, going to the meeting to tell him this important information, instead of bogging down the pre-meeting briefing with it. When they get to the cargo bay, we discover that the Ligonians are also descended directly from a 1940s pulp novel set in deepest, darkest Africa, and that they are amused to discover that the Enterprise's security chief is a woman.

Oh good! We're going to be racist and sexist in this one!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Angel One

st: tngTitle: Angel One
Original Air Date: January 25, 1988
Written by: Patrick Barry
Directed by: Michael Rhodes
Episode: S01E14
Stardate: 41636.9

Synopsis: The Enterprise comes across the long-lost freighter Odin, which has been missing since Captain Hazelwood crashed the ship into an asteroid seven years ago. Three escape pods are missing and assumed to be on their way to Tatooine, but since the planet Angel One is closer, Picard decides to look there, first. Besides, it's supposedly run by hot babes who like to snu-snu, so Picard can finally dump that load of hats he's been hauling around since "Justice." And -- Science Fiction Cliche alert! -- it's "similar to mid-twentieth century Earth."

After a chilly initial audio-only contact with Angel One's leader, Mistress Beata, during which no one at all asks why the leader has a dom-sub porn name, Picard sends Riker, Troi, Tasha and Data down to the planet to get permission to look for any survivors. On their way to the transporter room, they run into Wesley and Nameless Extra Kid, who are wrapped up in Jiffy Pop suits and on their way to skiing lessons. On the holodeck's version of the Denubian alps. Now, for all the failings in this episode, here are two things it does right: the holodeck doesn't malfunction, and we don't have to watch Wesley and his friend doing their best Suzie Chapstick impression on the icy slopes of Mount Needaplotpoint (part of the majestic Isthisthebestyoucoulddo range).

Picard tells the away team that Angel One could one day be of strategic importance to the Federation, so they'd better be on their best behavior. Riker says, "Dude, is there any planet in the galaxy that isn't going to be of strategic importance to the Federation one day?" Picard responds, "If you keep asking questions like that, Number One, it's going to be fifteen years before you get your own command. Beam them away, Nameless Transporter Chief."

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Rufus Sewell cast in new Bruckheimer pilot

Rufus SewellNobody would ever confuse Rufus Sewell for Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: The Next Generation), right? Well, super-producer Jerry Bruckheimer has chosen Sewell for the lead in the $4 million pilot of the British drama series Eleventh Hour. Presumably, Rufus will be playing the same role Patrick played, that is Professor Ian Hood, Special Advisor to the government's Joint Sciences Committee, enlisted to tackle all kinds of dangerous threats stemming from science gone awry.

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Nine fictional beverages from TV - VIDEOS

tavaSo, we've got this promotional thing going on with this new zero calorie sparkling drink from Pepsi called Tava. Haven't heard of it yet? Well, from what I can tell, you certainly will. What did they give us to give away? How does this sound:
  • Two (2) 80GB iPod Classics.
  • Five (5) swag bags containing TAVA Canvas tote bag, TAVA t-shirt and TAVA pen.
  • Seven (7) sample packs of TAVA.
What do you need to do? Well, to accompany this post I'm listing a bunch of memorable fictional drinks from TV. All you need to do is list your favorite, either from this list or one I missed. More details on the giveaway are at the end of this post, after the jump.

Continue reading Nine fictional beverages from TV - VIDEOS

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Datalore

dataloreTitle: Datalore
Original Air Date: January 18, 1988
Teleplay by: Robert Lewin and Gene Roddenberry
Story by: Robert Lewin and Maurice Hurley
Directed by: Rob Bowman
Episode: S01E013
Stardate: 41242.4

Synopsis: After dropping off a bunch of Human Horn for Lurr in the Omicron Persei system, the Enterprise cruises into the nearby Omicron Theta system, to pay a visit to Data's home planet.

Omicon Theta was once a farming colony, but all the colonists -- and everything they once grew -- were all gone when Data was found. Oh! A mystery! Riker leads an away team to the planet's surface in an effort to solve it. (In a scene that was cut from the final episode, the USS Mystery Machine showed up, and captain Fred said, "Dang." before it flew away to the Scary Old Amusement Park galaxy.)

They make their way to the exact spot where Data was discovered: it's sort of a hollowed out area beneath a bunch of rocks, where Data tells them he was found wearing nothing more than a layer of dust. Before anyone can make a saucy reference about 'The Naked Now' to Tasha, Geordi's Visor reveals that the rocks aren't naturally hollow, and the "wall" opens up, revealing a twisty maze of passages, all alike.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation - 20th Anniversary Complete Series - DVD review

st: tng complete series dvdsIf you're even mildly a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, you've no doubt heard of the recent release of the 20th anniversary edition of the complete series DVD set, complete with new bonus features. First you probably said to yourself, "holy crap, that was 20 years ago?! Get outta my yard!" You also likely groaned when you read the price tag of 400 smackeroos, which even for die-hard trekkies is a big pill to swallow.

I was lucky enough to recently get a look at what this new DVD set. Is it really better to have the entire series in an all-in-one case? Are the bonus features worth the price itself? Well, I'll tell you my thoughts, at least. (See here for a gallery of packaging images.)

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