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Fired Up! The Psychology of Passion

Posted: Feb 16th 2009 6:30AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition

Every Monday, That's Fit's very own "charged up" wellness guru Laura Lewis presents The Passion Principle, a weekly guide that will help you achieve your greatest potential through words of inspiration, cutting-edge ideas and action tips you can use in your every day life!

What exactly is passion? Do you really know? When we think of passion, we often relate the term to relationships, romance and love. But here on "The Passion Principle," we delve into the feelings that compel you to follow the path of being fit in all areas of your life, to find that spark within that will light the fire of passion in your belly, the passion to "Just Do It" as the Nike ads proclaim.

While traveling to NYC this weekend, I picked up a book at the airport called, "Touching the Void: The True Story of One Man's Miraculous Survival" by Joe Simpson. A well-written read, it's a book I typically would not pick up as the subject matter has to do with how the author and a friend climbed to the top of a 21,000-foot peak in the Andes and then dealt with a tragic situation. It is a story of passion and survival. I would never think to climb a mountain. Are you kidding me? With special shoes that spike into sheer walls of ice? I was mesmerized by their story and found myself wondering what would compel them to do this type of thing? It has to be pure, burning passion for the sport, the high and more.

Continue reading Fired Up! The Psychology of Passion

Look Like an All Star in Fashionably Fit Gear From Adidas

Posted: Feb 16th 2009 6:00AM by Kristen Seymour
Filed under: Fashion and Beauty

I know not everyone who's interested in fitness likes sports, but I'm willing to wager that, even if you don't follow basketball, you have an appreciation for what those guys do -- I mean, a professional basketball player's skills on the court are nothing short of amazing, if you ask me.

Well, this past weekend was the NBA All-Star game in Phoenix, and while the festivities were definitely fun to watch, I have to admit that I was also pretty interested in what the players were wearing -- they looked sharp! It was all courtesy of Adidas, and it's all available to you!

You might not be in need of baggy shorts and a jersey, but everyone loves track jackets (seriously -- I've never met a single person who didn't appreciate a good track jacket. Ever.). If you're a fan of the West, you'll find red and gold designs, or, if you cheered for the East, you'll have your choice of apparel in silver and blue.

Continue reading Look Like an All Star in Fashionably Fit Gear From Adidas

Jillian Michaels, Thinner Thighs and More - Week in Review - January 9 to January 15

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 6:00PM by Bethany Sanders
Filed under: Diet and Weight Loss, Celebrities and Entertainment

week in reviewIf you missed our daily postings this past week, we invite you to take some time to catch up on our prior week's news and gear up for a new week of healthy living information and inspiration.

Sheryl Crow looked gorgeous and fit on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. How does she do it? Kristen's got the scoop.

"This Is Why You're Fat" is the Fatty Foods Hall of Shame ... some of this stuff doesn't even look edible, while some of it, well, YUM. What's your vice food?

Interval training is a good way to get an intense workout in a short period of time. But does it help you lose weight? Ashley's got the latest, as does Jonny.

Jillian Michaels -- Find out why she doesn't believe in cheat days, her least favorite workout and why contestants on "The Biggest Loser" have a 65 percent success rate (compared to five percent nationwide).

Three weeks to thinner thighs? Sign me up!

Ever wonder how Anne Hathaway stays so svelte? Get her secrets ... straight from her trainer.

So your arms need a little toning, you aren't alone. Let Fitz teach you the right way to work your triceps so you don't waste your time.

Ben & Jerry are so sweet, they make you believe that they want to be your friend. But don't get sucked in by the pithy names on those little pints of ice cream ... they're loaded with calories -- lie around 920 of them.

If you're looking for Michelle Obama, check the gym. She's probably there burning off her Valentine's gift -- a luscious, chocolate-covered brownie cake.

Take a hike! No, really, take one. It's good for you, and lots of fun too. Bev's got a neat trick to plan your next outing into the wilderness.

Have a great week, everyone!

Could Sweating With Your Sweetie Mean More Sex?

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 4:00PM by Kristen Seymour
Filed under: Fitness

couple runningOver at Lemondrop, one of the writers posed a question that might interest you a lot. She wanted to know if couples' exercise, like, at the gym, equals more exercise between the sheets. And, she didn't just ask it -- she researched it.

She and her husband tried a variety of physical feats, ranging from tennis to dancing to walking to hula hooping, and her results were mixed. Certain activities, like salsa dancing, really got them going, while others (like the tennis) left them a sweaty mess, but not the naughty kind.

What I'm curious to know is how much of it has to do with exercising together and how much of it has to do with just getting moving. I feel far sexier when I've gotten in a good workout, and therefore, I'm far more likely to initiate a romantic encounter. While I enjoy working out with my husband, I can't say that it increases the probability of a mattress mambo more than working out separately would. What do you think?

Does working out with your sweetie lead to other, naughtier physical activity?

Kate Hudson Installs a Stripper Pole

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 2:00PM by Maggie Vink
Filed under: Fitness, Celebrities and Entertainment

Kate HudsonI would imagine most celebs -- with their busy schedules and big bank accounts -- hire interior designers to stylize their homes. So I wonder what Kate Hudson's decorator thinks about the stripper pole Hudson just had installed in her bathroom. That's right. Stripper pole. In the bathroom. All righty, then.

Maybe Hudson's stripper pole is for entertainment purposes and her boyfriend, Owen Wilson, is a happy man. If that's the case, I don't want to know the details. I'd rather assume Hudson installed the pole for a creative fitness outlet.

Stripper poles aren't really new news in the fitness world. Heck, Carmen Electra has a whole series of striptease workout DVDs. Many fitness centers have pole dancing classes that teach you how to workout in a new way while increasing your awareness of your body and your sensuality. (And, don't worry, they're fully clothed!)

Would you ever use a stripper pole for a workout?

Katie Holmes: Weight Loss Due to Working Too Much

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 1:00PM by Martha Edwards
Filed under: Celebrities and Entertainment

When a mega-celeb like Katie Holmes appears thinner than usual, it's easy to assume that it's because of her overbearing husband, her bizarre Scientology religion or her apparent desire to look exactly like Victoria Beckham. But according to the star herself, her recent weight loss is for much less interesting reasons -- she's simply working too much.

Working long hours six days a week during the recent Broadway run of All My Sons, Katie said her busy schedule was the reason for her figure. "My metabolism was in full gear the whole time," she says. "I lose weight fast when I'm working so hard. It doesn't matter how much I eat, I just get thin. It's not the worst problem in the world to have though is it?"

Fair enough -- I know when I'm busy at work, I tend to eat less too. Your thoughts?

How Fido Helps You Get Fit

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 12:00PM by Martha Edwards
Filed under: Fitness

dogThose of us with canine companions know that getting a dog is hard work -- but not only is it emotionally rewarding, having a dog helps you get fit too. Singer Fergie and her new husband Josh Duhamel know -- they're about to adopt a third pooch into their fur family. And obviously it's working for them.

Yes, Fido helps you get fit, according to this article. And I believe it because here's the thing about having a dog -- you have to walk it. Which means you have to walk. Every day. I dog sat for a couple of months in the summer and it helped me get in even better shape because I had this gigantic ball of energy barrelling up and down hills that I had to follow.

I'm not saying you should get a dog just as an exercise device. But if a pooch is in the cards for you, don't fear the daily walks -- they'll do you a world of good.

Pilates Induced Butt Boo-Boo

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 10:00AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Healthy Products and Reviews

devi matThis is one of those stories I thought I'd never write. I'm writing about my tush and the big boo-boo on it. My dignity missing, I tell this tale as a warning to save the rest of you from similar pain. I promise to keep it short.

Last week I was a guest at a lovely gym while traveling and chose to participate in a pilates mat class. Just like everyone else in the room, I grabbed one of the little blue mats rolled up in the corner and unraveled it on to the wood floor. The instructor was terrific and everything was going really well, until we started rocking.

If you're not familiar with me, I'm a pretty lean little lady with a fairly flat booty. This lack of curvaceousness did not jibe well with the scrawny yoga mat and the wooden floor. I swear to you, my tailbone carved the alphabet into that studio floor after just a few minutes of V sits.

Continue reading Pilates Induced Butt Boo-Boo

Eggs and Toast - The Better Breakfast

Posted: Feb 15th 2009 8:00AM by Jacki Donaldson
Filed under: Food and Nutrition

eggs and toastEat a bagel for breakfast or opt for eggs and toast and you'll consume about the same amount of calories: 350. Specifically, that's one bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese and a three-ounce serving of yogurt or two scrambled eggs and two slices of toast with jelly. Pretty Even Steven, huh? Yep. But one breakfast is better for fighting the flab.

Dieters in one study who ate eggs and toast five days per week for eight weeks lost two pounds more than bagel-eaters. Egg-eaters had a 61 percent greater reduction in BMI and took off an extra half inch from their waists, without raising their cholesterol. Their energy was higher too.

What gives? The egg protein, probably, and the yolks' mix of fats too. The combination seems better at reducing hunger throughout the day. But only when combined with a weight-loss plan. Eating eggs while not otherwise cutting back will not do the trick.

Runners' Lounge Makes You a Wiser Runner

Posted: Feb 14th 2009 6:00PM by Bev Sklar
Filed under: Fitness

runnersRunner lounge -- oxymoron? But all runners need a little lounge lizard time before their next training run. A warm, welcoming joint where like-minded, Saucony-clad souls revel in the glory of that 5:00 am sojourn. Ahem, I'm more like 9:00 am.

Runners' Lounge is an on-line community where runners can create their own profile, share tips, run virtual races, form groups and peruse insightful discussion threads. Doesn't matter if you're knocking off your 20th marathon this year or slogging through that first 5K. It's for all runners, all the time.

One cool project is their on-line Runners' Lounge Book Project, due out this May. A collaborative effort of short articles submitted by sage runners across the globe, this publication will share personal best practices, as well as unique running mistakes made during those dark beginner days. Deadline is February 15th, so get crackin' on your 600 words or less. Here's my contribution -- don't wear your first pair of running shoes so long you crack the sole in half. Get properly fitted for high-quality running shoes early and replace often. Fitz says the Adidas Supernova Glides are comfy.

Miss Piggy - Has the Diva Slimmed Down?

Posted: Feb 14th 2009 4:00PM by Jacki Donaldson
Filed under: Diet and Weight Loss

miss piggyWe know that human celebs are somewhat obsessed with slimming down. It's part of the Hollywood scene, they say. Now, it seems the trim-down trend is catching on with Muppet celebs too.

The one and only Miss Piggy was spotted on "The View" on Thursday looking, well, less piggish. I guess Muppets are not immune to the pressures of fame and it was only a matter of time before the Diva herself caved and went all skinny on us. Well, she's not exactly skeletal. She's just leaner than she once was.

Sources are not naming the star's secret diet weapon, but Miss Piggy has been caught on video working out. Well, sort of. And "People" magazine has some before and after shots for your viewing pleasure. Tell us what you think -- is the pig less plump or what?

Leave Your Abs Trembling

Posted: Feb 14th 2009 2:00PM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Fit Kicks Videos

Using a small fitness ball, Fitz demonstrates three simple ab training exercises that will leave your entire midsection trembling. The workouts are simple, but intense!

For more innovative training videos, healthy recipes and Celebrity Fitzness interviews visit Fitzness.com.

Peanut Butter - Try Making Your Own

Posted: Feb 14th 2009 12:00PM by Maggie Vink
Filed under: Food and Nutrition

peanutsI was making out a grocery list the other day and realized we were almost out of peanut butter. We don't make many peanut butter sandwiches around here, but celery with peanut butter is one of my son's favorite snacks. Even though I know most major brands of peanut butter aren't on the growing list of recalled peanut products, I have to admit that I paused. The whole salmonella scare is enough to put a person off peanut butter entirely.

Planet Green has a great solution; make your own peanut butter. Not only does DIY peanut butter eliminate any worries about salmonella, it also means you control the ingredients -- there's no partially hydrogenated oil in sight! All you'll need is shelled and skinned roasted peanuts, honey, sea salt and peanut oil. Homemade peanut butter lasts about two months when sealed in an airtight container.

The Bar Method Accelerated Workout DVD - A Review

Posted: Feb 14th 2009 10:00AM by Kristen Seymour
Filed under: Healthy Products and Reviews

the bar methodSome exercises are deceptively difficult. When I first saw The Bar Method Accelerated Workout DVD, I thought it would be a piece of cake. I did ballet when I was younger, and while that was many, many moons ago, I figured the moves in the DVD would feel familiar.

Let me now admit that I was wrong. Completely, totally wrong. This DVD was hard, even if everyone on the DVD looked pretty while they were doing it. (For the record, I think I looked considerably less pretty. I know for a fact my face didn't look anywhere near as serene as theirs.)

First, let me give you a brief description of what The Bar Method is. There are Bar Method studios located throughout the US, all of which teach this specific method of working out. The Bar Method workout "creates a uniquely lean, firm, sculpted body by combining the muscle-shaping principles of isometrics, the body-elongating practice of dance conditioning, the science of physical therapy and the intense pace of interval training."

Continue reading The Bar Method Accelerated Workout DVD - A Review

Michelle Obama Gets Chocolate Cake

Posted: Feb 14th 2009 8:00AM by Jacki Donaldson
Filed under: Celebrities and Entertainment

Michelle Obama and Barack Obama
Michelle Obama got to sink her teeth into a Triple Chocolate Enrobed Brownie Cake for Valentine's Day. The cake, a $40 gift from her sweetie, President Barack Obama, was a "moist & fudgy brownie cake ... enrobed in rich chocolate, then ... completely blanketed with a shower of dark chocolate shaves." It was also topped with "milk and dark chocolate glazes drizzled all over and [a] Belgian chocolate plaque." Oh. My. Goodness.

The First Lady's cake arrived early (February 4) due to security reasons, so I'm betting the sweet treat is long gone. And Michelle is likely in the gym working off the overload of calories that came with her perfect present (which happened to come with the message "I Love You"). Knowing how attentive Michelle is to diet and fitness, though, I wouldn't be surprised if she ate just a slice and shared the rest.

Bake Me a Wish had the honor of baking the Obama cake. And while they advertise their "cakes for every occasion," we suggest you minimize your cake-eating occasions. It's Valentine's Day -- so go ahead and have some. Then get back to healthy eating and get your butt back on that treadmill.

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