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Majed Athab

New York, NY - http://www.joystiq.com

Majed Athab is a long-time gamer and a seasoned games journalist working primarily for the Joystiq Network's PS Fanboy blog. He also contributes to the various other blogs on the network, including Joystiq itself.

He got his first break in the industry writing for the RPGamer website shortly after graduating from the University of Portsmouth in the UK. As of right now, he's joyously writing from his Manhattan home and virtual office.

Gaming renaissance happening now, Flower creator says

"I think right now – in the future, when people look back, I think it's the renaissance of video games." These words were spoken by Jenova Chen – creator of Flower and flOw – to MTV Multiplayer on the role of digital distribution in the industry. Chen believes that digital distribution platforms like PSN, Xbox Live, WiiWare, and Steam are a bastion for new and artistic game designers to flourish.

While larger companies are struggling to maintain higher production costs on "bigger and badder" versions of the same games every year, cheap and unique downloadable titles are doing well for themselves. Games like Flower, Braid and PixelJunk Monsters are noteworthy games that exemplify the "rebirth" of diversity and creativity for the industry. While it's nice to hear that digital distribution has been experiencing a renaissance and pushing boundaries, we can only hope that the rest of the industry catches up and gets pulled out of the dark ages.

[Image credit: Sklathill]

Metal Gear Online 'Scene Expansion' adds playable Raiden, Vamp

click to embiggen
It's about time that Metal Gear Online got back on the scene with a brand-new expansion pack. As revealed by Famitsu, this third DLC pack from Konami, titled "Scene," brings more Metal Gear Solid 4 characters and new map locales into the online battlefield. Both Vamp and Raiden will be added to the playable roster in this expansion, and three new territories are available to explore: "Hazard House" (a countryside manor), "Outer Outlet" (a shopping arcade) and "Revaged [sic] Riverfront" (a riverside town).

Though these first details currently only pertain to a Japanese release, we expect Scene to hit worldwide just like the Gene and Meme expansions that came before it. There are only two questions left that need answering: When should we expect Scene to arrive .... and what new word that rhymes with "spleen" will Konami use for the next expansion?

[Update: Konami just sent out a press release stating that the Scene expansion will be available in North America by March. Those who pre-order the pack off Konami's shop one week ahead of release will get complimentary "cardboard man" headgear. We've also got new screen shots and some new details on the maps after the break.]

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Joystiq eyes-on: Jumpgate Evolution (PC)

click to gallery hyper-jump
Sci-fi fans who love the idea of galactic war and space-age dogfighting will want to have a look at NetDevil's Jumpgate Evolution. In this Massively Multiplayer Online game, players take command of their very own fully-customizable spacecraft in a war against a mysterious alien enemy. The developers describe the game as an MMO version of Wing Commander with the intensity of Battlestar Galactica's fast-paced fighter battles.

This war not only has to have grand action, but also has to be set on an equally grand stage. And in that, we can attest that Jumpgate fulfills those duties very well. The artistic direction will be the very first thing that will grab one's attention upon sitting down with Jumpgate. The diverse locales we've been shown are all very colorfully vibrant and lively; there's rarely a spot that's dull or fails to dazzle. Open space is accentuated with swirls of thematic nebulas, while cruising along the backdrop of beautifully rendered planets is an amazing sight on its own. There are various other places to visit including mining colonies, asteroid fields and debris-filled 'space graveyard.'

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Monster Hunter tops Japan's 100 best-sellers list in '08, MGS4 best-selling PS3 game

The results are in for Japan's Top 100 software sellers for 2008 and the data is certainly unsurprising. Rising to claim the #1 spot is Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G. The PSP phenomenon has been topping the Japanese software charts for most of last year, and is, in fact, still selling hotly in Japan.

The PS3's best-selling game in Japan, Metal Gear Solid 4, barely scratched the top ten as it ranked in at #11. It was knocked out of the top ten by nine Nintendo exclusives, which include the likes of Super Smash Bros. Brawl at #5. But wait, Solid Snake is also in that title ... In a way, you could say he infiltrated the top ten. Back to your old tricks, Snake? And here we thought you had retired.

Media Molecule, Insomniac head to Nordic Game Con

While last year was marked with a strong Japanese delegation, this year's coterie of speakers at the Nordic Game Conference is more of the Western variety. Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet), Insomniac Games (Resistance series), Tigon Studios (anything that has Vin Diesel in it) and consultancy agency Englobe have all signed up to hold sessions at the conference in Malmö, Sweden on May 19 and 20.

Insomniac community manager Ryan Schneider will be there along with Tigon's head of game production Ian Stevens, Englobe founder Tom Edwards and some unnamed reps from Media Molecule. Media Molecule are probably still drawing straws at the moment as they're busy flying off to attend this week's D.I.C.E. Summit and making preparations for next month's Game Developers Conference. It might be a little too early for them to decide who'll be there in May.

New York to open game-focused school this fall

Enrolling in a game-focused school may have been just a dream for us children of the 20th century, but for the kids growing up in the 21st, this fantasy will soon become reality. Quest to Learn is New York's new school for "digital kids" in grades 6 through 12. It uses the "underlying design principles of games to create highly immersive, game-like learning experiences for students."

The basic goal of Quest is to enhance traditional academics with new ways of learning through "digital media, games, online networks and mobile technologies." Students will not just utilize these new learning tools, but will also learn to design them. They can eventually take courses in computer programming, media arts and game design. Internship and mentorship programs also aim to further the learning experience, while affiliates like the Parsons New School for Design further helps a Quest student prepare for a career in new media. We already know what Parsons students are capable of, but how is the untested Quest to Learn going to fair? Hopefully these bred-for-gaming star developers of the future will give us more games like this and fewer of these. Quest opens with its first 6th grade class this fall.

[Thanks, Drew]

New details emerge from 'The Pitt,' Fallout 3's 2nd DLC

If the wastes of D.C. and Alaska just weren't enough places for Fallout 3 fans to visit, then the next DLC pack, The Pitt, for the Xbox 360 and PC should satiate the explorer within. According to UK OXM, 'The Pitt' brings the dystopian story of Fallout to 'The 'Burgh,' specifically taking place in Steel City's industrial district. There-in lies an abandoned steel yard, a vaguely-described "dungeon" area, and a settlement divided into "Downtown's" slave dens and "Haven's" upper class community.

Other details regarding this March-scheduled DLC include new interactive elements with the wasteland scavengers known as Raiders; it appears you can possibly talk with them as opposed to being shot at upon sight. It also seems that Raiders will play a central role in The Pitt as OXM reveals that one major quest involves investigating a Raider boss who supposedly
found a cure for mutation. Lastly, new weapons and items are expected to pop up, including the all new Auto Axe. It's apparently a chainsaw-type weapon. Hopefully, it'll be something a lot like this ... but in Fallout 3-style slow motion.

Empire's new Mensa games not only for the 200 IQ crowd

Empire Interactive has recently snatched up the rights to make Mensa-themed games for consoles, handhelds, PCs and Macs. While further details on these upcoming titles are scarce, the ultra-elite group of brainiacs assures us that these new games will "foster intelligence." Judging by that statement, and the group's taste in gaming, we'd say to expect a slew of Sudoku and crossword puzzles. As if the DS needed any more of those.

UK game industry beats Japan, takes second place

The reality of the Japanese gaming market is rather grim. As the industry continues to tumble in the region, other territories like the UK are climbing the ladder. GfK-ChartTrack reveals that the British software market grew by 26 percent last year – a sharp contrast to Japan's yearly decline. It's a bit ironic to hear all this, considering that major Japanese developers are the ones making the big bucks in Britain while local companies are getting reshuffled.

In any case, growth continues to follow through into 2009 as the first five weeks of the year witnessed massive year-on-year growth for the UK. Console unit sales went up by 37 percent over that of last year and revenue is up 21 percent. This all means that the Brits have knocked Japan down into third place and are now the second largest game territory in the world – after having used Japan's own assets against them. Ouch.

Korean game industry should be more like Nintendo, says president

"A lot of our elementary school children have Nintendo [DS]. Why can't our companies develop products like that?" These were the words of South Korean president Lee Myung-bak during his visit to the Ministry of Knowledge Economy. Lee wants to bolster the Korean game industry to rival the success of Nintendo, but local game companies agree that stagnant software support in Korea won't see that happening anytime soon.

It's for that very same reason that GamePark Holdings' GP2X (a Korean-made handheld system which relies on homebrew) isn't exactly flying off the shelves. Without any sort of big-name software like Mario or Zelda included, Mr. Lee's dream won't come true. This is a sentiment shared by Korean developers in every sector from mobile gaming to internet-based and PC software. If the Korean government could find a way of supporting the software industry better, helping out developers like Pentavision and NCsoft, then maybe Korea might get the ball rolling.

[Via Game Daily]

Power Chord Academy opens Rock Band, Guitar Hero summer camp programs

Whether you like to play real instruments or rip it up on the plastic set, there's going to be a camp waiting for you this summer. Musical prodigies who specifically enjoy rhythm games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero: World Tour can join the teen-focused Power Chord Academy for their "GameROCKERS" program.

The three-day program allows musically-inclined gamers a chance to show off their original digital compositions, join competitions and win prizes. Also, if three days sounds too long, then there's always Power Chord's "iROCKER." It's basically a one-day version of the other program. Power Chord's website has details on dates and locations for those planning to make the trip out there.

NYCC 09: Cryptic panel covers Champions MMO, reveals Star Trek Online race creator

Yesterday's Cryptic Studios panel was a two-part affair. The majority of the hour-long panel was allotted to talk on Champions Online – a super hero MMO based off the original 80s paper-and-pencil RPG. The last five minutes were reserved for Star Trek Online. Both games yielded tons of new info.

First off, Champions will feature a lot of unique and odd weapons such as guitars. Essentially, this means you can create a "Guitar Hero" (hey, not our joke – blame executive producer Bill Roeper). The crew at Cryptic is also looking into implementing vehicles such as motorcycles, tanks ... and pogo sticks. Lastly, the formation of "super hero groups" will still follow the basic MMO guild structure, but with an integrated ranking system.

Moving on to Star Trek Online, the game was revealed to be set in the year 2409. That's 30 years after the events of Star Trek Nemesis, which marks the end of the ST timeline. The MMO puts players in the captain's chair as they are tasked to command their own ship either under the banner of the Starfleet or Klingon Defense Force. Ships and bridge officers are customizable. Cryptic says to expect a lot of "beaming up and down" from ship to ground for an authentic ST feel. The most interesting reveal was the race creator, allowing players to customize their own race. See that in action after the break.

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NYCC 09: 38 Studios panel

Despite officially labeling Saturday's discussion with the subtitle "How I Learned to Talk on Panels Without Saying Anything," 38 Studios actually ended up sharing a little bit about their MMO project Copernicus. Thom Ang, director of art, said to expect the final look of Copernicus' world to adhere closely to the previously shown concept artwork. He said that, unlike typical production structures, concept artists at 38 Studios are doing all the artwork – from initial sketches to modeling the environments. This ensures the artistic vision is maintained throughout.

Other than that, there's no news on Copernicus to speak of. The panelists mostly talked about the studio itself. So for those who are interested, 38 spoke about how they've grown to become a 60+ member team, and that they're surviving the tundra of Maynard, MA on a diet of gamer cakes and pastries. Hopefully the next time 38 holds a session, we'll finally get some deets on this uber-mysterious MMO.

NYCC 09: MadWorld hands-on (Wii)

MadWorld seems to be made with the theme: if you can see it, you can kill someone with it. This game is all about gore and the sadistic glee one derives from spilling others' blood. We've kept our eye on this title for nearly a year now, and with a release looming so closely, Sega finally lets us try it out for the first time.

So what does it feel like going through this ultra-violent Wii title? What does one feel while holding Jack's chainsaw and using the Wiimote to cut into enemies? It feels great – so natural and so good.

Gallery: MadWorld

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NYCC 09: Bomberman Ultra hands-on (PSN)

Bomberman isn't Bomberman if it isn't done in that classic 2D, top-down style. It's a simple formula that has transcended generations, making hits when staying true to its roots ... and making facepalms when it doesn't. It's with this thought in mind that we're left unsurprised to see what Hudson has decided to do with Bomberman Ultra -- the latest entry into this 26-year old series. Hudson is sticking to tradition with this PlayStation Network title.

Bomberman Ultra is, in a nutshell, a slightly upgraded port of Bomberman Live! which debuted on Xbox Live back in 2007. The visuals are virtually identical as this PS3 version retains a crisp and clean look along with some very vibrant colors. Other identical features include the very same power-ups and character customization options found in Live!. Ultra also contains all of Live!'s additional levels from the Bomb-Up Pack DLC, as well as three all-original stages for a total of 17 playable levels.

Gallery: Bomberman Ultra

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