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AOL Games

We're calling in sick this month with a case of Peggle XBLA

Dear Christopher J. Grant,

Consider this email a formal request for time off sometime in the month of March. I'm not sick or anything, I just want to play Peggle. I don't know the exact date that will kick off my vacation, since PopCap hasn't revealed specifically when Peggle will hit the XBLA. However, according to a press release we received last night, we know it's coming out in March. So, expect me to be gone whenever that happens.

If, for some reason, Peggle is hit with a case of the Microsoft Certifications (not a real disease) and it doesn't release on the XBLA this month, disregard this email until April, when PopCap will release the Xbox 360 retail disc, PopCap Arcade Volume 2 (which will include Feeding Frenzy 2, Heavy Weapon and of course, Peggle). Don't judge me. I seem to remember a certain website giving Peggle a Game of the Year nod in 2007 and with 4-player multiplayer, how can PopCap go wrong? Besides attempting to charge much more than the rumored (but once confirmed) 800 ($9.99) price tag, of course. Anyway, peace out.

Xav de Matos

Dexter's game debut gets delayed, new images spill out

Showtime's lovable serial killer will have to wait for his video game debut. According to a press release, Dexter for the iPhone has been delayed until the summer -- it was originally expected in February. Unfortunately, no release date details for the PC version, first revealed by Mark Fernandez -- VP of publisher Marc Ecko Entertainment -- at this year's Comic Con, were mentioned.

In the game players will take on the role of Dexter (surprise!), Miami Metro Police Department blood splatter analyst by day and serial killer by night -- don't worry, Dex only kills bad guys the system puts back on the streets. The game features puzzle solving, mini-games and the ability to wield your iPhone like a knife -- allowing you to swing it wildly. Dexter features a story from show writer Timothy Schlattmann and recorded dialogue from Michael C. Hall. We'd recommend staying close to home while playing this one, getting your Dexter on during a bus ride may result in punching people in the head -- in the effort of high score stabbing.

$100 million GeoEye satellite used to map Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

GeoEye's $100 million dollar commercial-use satellite imagery system will serve as the backdrop for Ubisoft's upcoming air-combat title, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. The Washington D.C.-based company -- that supplies data for Google Earth, among others -- allowed Ubisoft access to satellites 423 miles high to photograph real-world locations for the game's multiple missions. How powerful can a 423 mile high satellite be? The GeoEye-1 satellite that launched in September has the capacity to see objects on the ground that are just 16 inches long.

VP of communications at GeoEye, Mark Brender, told Venture Beat that using such a sophisticated technology to map H.A.W.X. will help in "immersing the player in the experience" rather than using "cartoon maps." So, a South Park, Colorado, mission cannot be confirmed at this time.

Metareview - Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li (Movie)

If at first you don't succeed ... fail, fail again. That must have been the mantra during filming of Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li, staring Canadian sweetheart Kristin Kreuk. Can anyone even feign surprise that the latest Street Fighter flick is a train wreck? It isn't easy following up a classic, and by that we of course mean Street Fighter: The Movie, staring the Muscles from Brussels, Jean-Claude Van Damme. Yes, we said classic. It was one of the greatest unintentional comedies of our generation.
  • AMCtv.com: "I much prefer the flamboyant badness of the '94 flick to the attractive, even-keeled mediocrity of this one. Jean-Claude Van Damme's stock just rose considerably."
  • WJFK-FM (CBS Radio) (-5/5): "As a fan of the video game series, I can honestly say that this is hands down one of the worst films I have ever seen. Chris Klein is so bad that he made the movie a comedy."
  • IGN Movies (1.5/5): "It may not be as gaudy or goofy as its predecessor, but it's far more boring and banal. It's a videogame adaptation that loses sight of what made the game popular to begin with: it was fun."

Joystiq Interview: Harrison Krix -- Page 2

What drives you to work on replicas?

At the risk of sounding cliche, I just like bringing these things out of the game and into reality. Everyone has played as Link, the Master Chief, "Insert Your Name Here" from numerous RPGs, and we've all held the weapons, armor and accessories. Bringing these things out of the game and being able to actually hold them is an experience not many people get to have. I like being able to know that I recreated someone's vision as exactly as I could. It's a stretch to call my work anything more than glorified copying, but I love the intricacy and have always believed that the real beauty of things lies in the details.

And there are a lot of details in your work. Are you driven by a love of gaming to focus your attention on this medium rather than ... movies, for example?

The thing about movies, live action ones anyways, is that somebody has already made the thing you've seen on-screen. Chances are that person is: (1) a butt load more talented than me; and (2) working with a much, much larger budget. I can't really hope to create anything that won't pale in comparison, and in the end, a shoddy replica isn't much of a tribute to the original artists design (in my opinion, anyways). That isn't to say I still wouldn't like to take a crack at some things, like the Zorg ZF-1 gun from The Fifth Element. But I have to realize my limitations in terms of budget, time and personal investment. I realize that's a bit at odds with my statement of building the Daft Punk helmet before, but that's a rare case in where I have a generous client who's willing to wait long enough and spend the required amount to make the replica really perfect.

Do you have a background in engineering and design or is this a "trial and error" hobby for you?

I went to the Savannah College of Art and Design, graduated in 2004 with a degree in Graphic Design and a minor in Furniture Design. I also worked as an auto-body repair tech for a while, and hold an MECP (Mobile Electronics Certified Professional) electronics certification, so I know my way around paint, wiring, metalworking, and low-voltage schematics.

Link's Master Sword (above), Midna's Helm from Twilight Princess (top, right)

If the Gears of War 2 Lancer bundle taught us anything, it's that people want big real life representations of in-game items. Are the pieces too pricey and time consuming to attract the general hardcore gamers who would love their own Portal gun, for example?

I definitely think there is a price break point, that's for sure. Most gamers would balk at a $1,000 Portal gun. I don't think I'd even buy one at that price, but if you knock things down to $150/200, then I think the market grows significantly. I don't possess the capabilities to do that, obviously, but I wouldn't mind exploring the option. The guys at Valve could probably do very well with a $250 collector's edition of Portal 2 and your own ASHPD. Look at how well the PipBoy 3000 Clock has been selling for Bethesda! I would definitely love to work with them on such a project if they chose to move forward with it.

Has Valve contacted you about your Portal gun replica?

Joystiq Interview: Harrison Krix -- Page 3

Has Valve contacted you about your Portal gun replica?

Doug Lombardi, the VP of Marketing at Valve asked me to build them one for their offices in Seattle. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity. Also, I got a note from a magazine that's doing an article about the gun that Paul Graham, the artist on the team that designed the Portal ASHPD, said "I really love that gun! I was just talking about it last night with a buddy. Best portal gun fan art I've ever seen." That's really the best compliment I can hope to achieve with my work

Portal gun and costume

2K Boston (developer of the original BioShock) or 2K Marin (developer of BioShock 2) will drop you a line?

Well, not just for the syringe, I think. That's been done before. I think once the Big Daddy costume makes its debut, it could garnish some attention. I think BioShock 2 was slated for release in late '09? If so, my deadline of August would fit perfectly with the release. We'll see. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm looking forward to it.

Have other game companies approached you about developing items for them?

Not as of yet, no. I did get emails from a lot of people in the gaming community -- letters from the guys at Bungie, Infinity Ward, Insomniac and, as I mentioned before, Valve. To be honest, I don't really have much in the way of a portfolio of this stuff yet, so someone looking up my name and my blog doesn't have much to go on regarding my skills as a prop maker. I think once I get a few more commissions under my belt and out there online, the likelihood of people contacting me for replicas will be better.

Is the end goal to become a prop maker for the film industry? Where do you see -- or want to see -- this hobby go?

I certainly wouldn't mind it; that's what everyone really hopes for -- working at a job they love. I went to school for Graphic Design, and I do love design, but I like this more. I only wish I'd tried my hand at it sooner. As I stand right now, this is a fun hobby that only really serves to perpetuate itself. The profits I make from my props go right back into buying newer and fancier tools and materials so I can make cooler and better props. If this turns into a full-time gig, I'm all for it, but I'm not really pushing that agenda right now. I'm just enjoying the fact that everyone seems to appreciate the work I've been doing.

Besides completing your BioShock project, do you have any other video game related items planned for the future?

Not for me personally, no. I do have on the books a "Fat Man" nuke launcher and PipBoy 3000 from Fallout 3, a Servbot helmet from Mega Man Legends and Dead Rising, a Tsubaki Mk-3 from No More Heroes ... Right now, I'm booked up until the end of October.

If you had unlimited time and resources to make any video game related item, what would it be and why?

Oooooh, now you've got me drooling! I think I'd have to defer back to my answer before. I'd build a Warthog. It really combines both aspects of my hobbies. I'm a big car nut, and I would love the chance to have an actual functioning replica of that vehicle. Plus, imagine rolling up next to someone at a stoplight!

Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (aka the Portal Gun)

Now, this is key ... Gauss or Chaingun?

You gotta go with the Chaingun. It is a classic. The Gauss is some cool tech, that's for sure, but can't beat seeing a belt of .50 cal ammo hanging out the side of the gun

Congrats, that was the correct answer. Thanks a lot for walking us through your world, Harrison. We can't wait to try on your Big Daddy suit! You're donating it to us, right ... Right?! Harrison...?

Joystiq Interview: Harrison Krix, replica designer

After wowing us with his Portal "gun" replica, Harrison Krix is at it again -- this time tackling the world of BioShock. His latest in-game item replica is the ADAM Syringe, used by the Little Sisters who roam the world of Rapture. We sat down with Harrison to discuss his work, reactions from video game companies and what he would build if money and time were no object.

Continued →

Rumor: Three more 'Tales of' games trademarked in Japan

Namco Bandai has trademarked three more Tales of titles in Japan -- to go along with the other three rumored titles from earlier this month -- according to Siliconera. Utilizing the insane power of Dr. Frankenstein, Namco Bandai is said to have concocted the following titles for the long running series:
  • Tales of Blessia
  • Tales of Startear
  • Tales of Floria (Look ma! A real word!)
  • Tales of SomeoneNeedsSpellCheckia
While it isn't out of the realm of possibility that Namco Bandai plans to release six Tales of titles, we'd just guess the mass trademarking was done to snag the names before someone else could. After all, made up words -- much like fossil fuels -- are one of the world's most sought after resources.

Joystiq hands-on: Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack

Click to view the Mythic Map Pack gallery walkthrough

Halo 3 is about to be refreshed with a trio of new battlefields known as the Mythic Maps: Orbital, Assembly and Sandbox. While the maps aren't scheduled to release on the XBLM until spring -- sooner if you pick up Halo Wars CE -- we've played them, and we brought our camera. Check out what we thought after the break.

But first, don't miss your chance to win a Mythic Map Pack redemption code!

Continued →

Joystiq Review: Halo Wars (2nd Opinion)

Halo Wars is a good game, but there are a few things that didn't sit well with me.

There really isn't much of a tech tree in the game. Players can typically research nearly every upgrade for weapons, soldiers and bases in the span of one match (against the computer, specifically), so I never got the impression that I needed to decide where I should focus my time. Units only have between one and five upgrades -- that may sound like a lot, but research completes rather quickly, and eventually you'll be left with nothing to spend resources on.

It's the kind of suspension of disbelief that you'll snicker at.

While I agree the controls work extremely well, it isn't going to do for the console RTS what the first Halo did for console shooters (or what the sequel did for online multiplayer ). Mainly, the controls sometimes seem too simple. For example, you can't assign control groups. You can select all units, individual units or local units, but you can't create platoons of multiple unit types without cheating the system by manually moving units around.

The mechanics in the context of the story work, and I enjoy how resources are collected, but the process does make you scratch your head at times. The best example is upgrading your mother ship, the Spirit of Fire. Since most resources come from the mother ship, upgrading it means the Spirit of Fire has to first send resources to the planet surface where they are then collected and spent on upgrading the ship. It's the kind of suspension of disbelief that you'll snicker at.

In the end, I had a lot of fun with Halo Wars. Sure, I have gripes, but it's a simple experience that may appeal to non-RTS fans, and even to hardcore RTS players who keep in mind that the game isn't trying to be a PC title.

Gallery: Halo Wars art

Joyswag: GTA IV 'The Lost & Damned' DLC

[Update: Entries for this Joyswag are now over! Thanks for entering!]

So, you want to join The Brotherhood? This week Joystiq is gifting one lucky reader with a code to download the Xbox 360-exclusive DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV, otherwise known as The Lost and Damned. If you're eager to revisit Liberty City, but the return trip ticket is out of your price range, this is the Joyswag for you (thanks to Jade and Jake from the Xbox Canada Community Blog!). Here's how you can win:
  • Leave us a comment telling us the first thing you'll do when you step back into Liberty City
  • You must be 18 years or older and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec)
  • You may enter once per calendar day
  • This entry period ends at 3:00PM ET on Friday, February 20. We'll randomly select one (1) winner at that time to receive Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost & Damned (ARV: $20). Please check your e-mail!
  • For a list of complete rules, click here
Best of luck to all and make sure to check out Joystiq's review of The Lost and Damned -- thanks for reading!

Joystiq Review: Street Fighter IV

Nearly two decades have passed since Street Fighter II flooded arcades. Having grown up with the franchise, like other children of the '90s, my heart holds a special place for Capcom's premier fighting franchise.

When Street Fighter IV was first announced, an immediate excitement washed over me, which then quickly turned into panic. Melding the perfected 2D gameplay with ... 3D!? Blasphemy! I've never been the petitioning sort, but the laundry list of changes coming to the franchise nearly had me storming the Capcom (and co-developer DIMPS) offices.

Fortunately, my laziness -- and inability to secure fake passports -- paid off and an invasion was not required. After sinking time into both console versions of Street Fighter IV, it is clear and easy to admit: Capcom has delivered.

Continued →

Burnout Paradise 'Legendary Cars' priced

Criterion Games has officially announced the price for the upcoming Legendary Cars DLC for Burnout Paradise. Gamers who hunger for choice can download each vehicle separately or together in a discounted package when they release on February 19. The Jansen 88 Special (you know, the not-so-subtle nod to the DeLorean) is priced at $3.99 / 320, while each of the other three vehicles clock in at $1.99 / 160 a piece. The Legendary bundle will also be available for a discounted price of $7.99 / 640.

We know your first reaction would be to get upset that the obvious favorite in the package is priced slightly higher. Think of it as a glimpse into the future. Flying cars are going to be hella expensive. Don't even get get us started on the time traveling or air conditioning options -- we still don't know how those packages aren't on the base models.

[Update: Originally we listed the Legendary Cars pack at 600; however, the price is $7.99 / 640]

Indie iPhone dev makes half-a-mil, we question our career choices

Dear Whoever is in charge of this sinking ship,

This games journalism thing has been great, really it has, but word around the campfire says iPhone development is the wave of the future. So, with dreams of owning my own "dive-able" pit of money, like Scrooge McDuck, I'm totally outta here. You can't be surprised. Ethan Nicholas is just one of the developers rolling fat wads of dough after releasing the game iShoot, which was demoed by over 2.4 million users and shot to the top of the most purchased games list when he released a free trial version, iShootLite.

According to Nicholas, he earned $37,000 in a single day with tiny iMoneyMachine. Do you have any idea how many news posts (and lolcats) that is? Right now, iShoot hovers within the Top Ten games on the iTunes App Store -- a store made up of about 20,000 applications -- and Nicholas thinks the small tank artillery game will make him a millionaire by years end.

Now, I don't know anything about programing on iPhone -- nor do I have the patience to read a bunch of online FAQs to learn how, like Nicolas did -- but my plan is pretty solid: 1) Kidnap iPhone developers 2) Steal their ideas 3) ??? 4) PROFIT. Peace out, suckers!

Xav de Matos

P.S. If this developer thing doesn't work out, disregard this email and I'll see you at work in the morning.

Wanted: Weapons of Fate demo on March 5

According to a F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin promo insert (Xbox 360 version pictured), a demo for Wanted: Weapons of Fate is set to hit the Xbox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Store on March 5.

Developed by GRIN (of Bionic Commando Rearmed fame), Wanted: Weapons of Fate takes place five hours after the events of the 2008 action flick based on the same comic book property. Like a list of games as long as our arm, Wanted will feature bullet-time and (more creatively) the ability to curve bullets around the environment. Basically, it's the most realistic game ever.

Check out Joystiq's hands-on feature with Wanted: Weapons of Fate.

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