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Cave Story coming in April or May!
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090310163122/http://nintendo.joystiq.com:80/2009/03/09/cave-story-coming-in-april-or-may/

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Cave Story coming in April or May!

The whole Nicalis team contributed to the latest Cave Story blog post, providing a fairly detailed snapshot of the game's progress at this point. "If all goes well," Tyrone Rodriguez said, "you'll be playing Cave Story by the beginning of May or even end of April."

Rodriguez is working on localizing the manual into Spanish and French, programmer Tiffany is working on the DLC, to make sure that "the game will be able to support all the new content that we have planned over the months following the initial release." And Yann and Nicklas (aka Nifflas) are finishing up the audio, and ... " also building the speech synthesizer that will sing lyrics over each song while the playing the game!" Which might be a joke.

Tags: cave-story, nicalis, platform, remake, wiiware

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