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Posts with tag 3d

Sony and RealD link up for 4K 3D cinema, our eyes weep for joy

Whoa, Nelly. This is getting serious. As 3D looks to infest each and every cinema it can, Sony has just inked a potentially ginormous agreement with 3D guru RealD that will provide "3D digital cinema systems that combine a single Sony 4K projector and its new 3D dual lens adapter with RealD technology." In other words, you could soon be seeing 3D cinema through a 4K projector, which just might lead to your head exploding from visual overload. The agreement makes mention of a "specially designed optical filter tuned for the projector, resulting in the ability to deliver crisp 3D images to screens up to 55 feet in width." Also, the relationship makes it possible for existing 2D installations to be upgraded with 3D capabilities, and honestly, even we're excited about 2K of 3D resolution per eye.

CEA study finds interest growing in 3D

Believe it or not, marketing goes a long way. According to a new joint study conducted by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and the Entertainment and Technology Center at the University of Southern California, interest in 3D (at least in America) is on the rise. The research found that within the past 12 months, nearly 41 million US adults have reported seeing a 3D movie in theaters, and of those, around 40 percent admitted that they'd prefer to watch a movie in 3D versus 2D. We're struggling to determine whether to focus on the fact that over half would actually prefer the 2D version, or whether it's a good thing that the pro-3D crowd is as high as 40 percent. At any rate, the study also found that 16 percent of consumers are interested in watching 3D movies or TV shows within their home, while 14 percent are interested in playing 3D video games. Ready for the most amazing statistic? Over half of those polled said that having to wear special glasses or hold their heads still while watching a 3D TV program would have "no impact on them purchasing a 3D set for their home." Hmm.

[Image courtesy of TheAge]

iPoint 3D brings gesture-based inputs to 3D displays

Just in case you've been parked out under a local stone for the past six months and change, we figured it prudent to let you know that the 3D bandwagon has totally regained momentum. So much momentum, in fact, that the brilliant minds over at Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have decided to bust out a 3D innovation that actually makes us eager to sink our minds into the elusive third dimension. The iPoint 3D, which we're hoping to get up close and personal with at CeBIT next week, is a technology that enables Earthlings to interact with a 3D display via simple gestures -- all without touching the panel and without those style-smashing 3D glasses. The gurus even go so far as to compare their creation to something you'd see in a science fiction flick, with the heart of it involving a recognition device (usually suspended above the user) and a pair of inbuilt cameras. There's no mention of just how crazy expensive this would be if it were ready for the commercial realm, but we'll try to snag an estimated MSRP for ya next week.

[Via Physorg]

SCTE considering a 3D over cable standard

In another small step along the road to proper 3D at home, the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers announced its standards program is looking into 3D content delivery over cable networks. Apparently planning to "consider" work already under way by SMPTE, CEA and others, the SCTE's 3D over Cable project is mostly committed to figuring out how existing standards might need to change to support 3D. There's no way to know if this will even lead to an additional standard, but you can believe the cable giants want their say in how 3D at home develops and whether they're ready to jump on the bandwagon.

3DFusion debuts glasses-free 3DFMax display

Forget all those 1080p sets with internet connectivity -- what you really want is an HDTV that does three-dee. Over at the Digital Signage Expo in Las Vegas, 3DFusion has announced the market launch of its 3DFMax stereoscopic, glasses free, broadcast ready (get all that?) 3D display. The set is built upon the Philips WOWvx 3D solution, but outside of that, we're really left to wonder what this thing's made of. No resolution, no contrast ratio, no price. Just the hope of a chicken in every pot and a 3D HDTV in every den.

Cinedigm, Sony link up to bring 3D HD to 10,000 cinema projectors

For those of you that enjoyed the NBA All-Star circus in 3D this weekend, you'll soon be able to indulge in similar events in far more places. Cinedigm has announced today a partnership with Sony Pictures Releasing Corporation that will bring Live 3D HD capabilities to upwards of 10,000 digital cinema projection system across the US. Make no mistake -- companies can force consumers to pay attention if enough money and marketing is poured into something, and we get the feeling that these 3D events in cinemas aren't going away anytime soon. In fact, Cinedigm ultimately hopes to showcase spectacles such as the Super Bowl and the Olympic Games via its 3D HD technology, and with support like this, we don't see any reason why it won't be able to.

Panasonic sets out to bring "3D Full HD" to Blu-ray by 2010

Panasonic was already well on board the 3D bandwagon when we caught up with them at CES, and it looks like the company is now set to really blow things out, with it today announcing the opening of a new 3D authoring laboratory at its Panasonic Hollywood Laboratory in California. That, it says, will help it bring so-called "3D Full HD" to Blu-ray by 2010, and it'll apparently be working directly with various studios to ensure that 3D FHD (as the company seems to be calling it) becomes an actual standard of some sort for high-def 3D. In terms of actual products, it looks we could be seeing some of the systems that were on display at CES, including a Plasma 3D Full HD home theater system, as well as a 3D-ready digital projector with a 380-inch screen, although that is apparently intended solely 3D FHD picture evaluation at the lab. Let's all just hope they offer tours.

[Via About Projectors]

Reminder: win Valentine's Day tickets for NBA All-Star Weekend in 3D!

Still undecided on Valentine's Day plans? Bad news, Fred -- because every event worth its salt is already booked up by now. Don't panic just yet, though, because we've got 25 pairs of tickets (courtesy of Cinedigm) for this weekend's NBA All-Star Weekend in 3D to giveaway. If you and your lover would love to go, hit up the read link for all the official details including a way to see if it's showing near you. If so, enter your name over there and cross your fingers for a Cupid miracle.

Digital Projection reveals TITAN, LIGHTNING and iVision 3D projectors

Like it or not, 3D is making its way into the home -- slowly, but surely. As a followup to the TITAN 1080p-3D at ISE Europe, the company has introduced no fewer than fourteen 3D-capable projectors. Up first is the iVision sx+ 3D and iVision sx+W-3D, both of which are single-chip beamers that weigh in at seven pounds and feature SXGA+ resolutions. The differentiating factor is that the former sports a standard zoom lens, while the latter is equipped with a short throw ratio fixed lens. Moving on, we've got the overloaded TITAN 3D range, which is comprised of eight different DLP-based models that are available with SXGA+ or 1080p resolutions. For 3D applications requiring the highest lumen performance, the LIGHTNING 3D line mimics the TITAN family while upping the lumens to 21,000 and bumping contrast to 4,000:1. No prices are mentioned, but you can tap the read link for more details on the full lot.

Valentine's Day Giveaway: tickets for NBA All-Star Weekend in 3D!

Remember when we told you that Cinedigm, Turner Sports and the NBA would be broadcasting TNT's coverage of NBA All-Star Saturday Night in 3D? Remember just how bad you wanted to go? We've excellent news -- for those still scrambling to firm up their Valentine's Day plans, we've got 25 pairs of tickets to this here showing in live 3D HD, and we're giving every last set to you readers. 80 digitally equipped theaters in 35 states will be showing the event (and giving away freebies!), which kicks off at 8:00PM ET on February 14th. Enter your ZIP code here for a list of cinemas in your area, and if one's nearby, feel free to drop a comment below to consider yourself entered. Your honey / manly man will love you for it.

Special thanks to Cinedigm for the tickets!

The rules:
  • Leave a comment below. Any comment will do, though we'd prefer to hear who you think will win this year's Slam Dunk contest.
  • You may only enter this specific giveaway once. If you enter this giveaway more than once you'll be automatically disqualified, etc. (Yes, we have robots that thoroughly check to ensure fairness.)
  • If you enter more than once, only activate one comment. This is pretty self explanatory. Just be careful and you'll be fine.
  • Contest is open to anyone in the 48 continental US States, 18 or older! Sorry, we don't make this rule (we hate excluding anyone), so be mad at our lawyers and contest laws if you have to be mad.
  • Winner will be chosen randomly. 25 winners will receive two (2) tickets to the Live 3D HD showing of the 2009 NBA All-Star Weekend in cinemas. Approximate value is $18 to $22 per ticket.
  • Entries can be submitted until Tuesday, February 10th, 11:59AM ET. Good luck!
  • Full rules can be found here.

Did NBC's promotional shove help or hurt 3D?

Love it or hate it, 3D has been on a tear in 2009, and it enjoyed the biggest audience yet over the last two nights with a quick Super Bowl ad and follow up hour long 3D episode of Chuck, both on NBC. However, given the mixed opinions, and the questionable tech used to bring 3D to homes that aren't really equipped to deal with it, we're not sure if the movement went forward or backwards last night. Our friends at Cinematical and TV Squad have chipped in opinions on the Monsters vs. Aliens promo (embedded after the break) and special TV event, but what about you? As a glasses-only affair it required an audience a bit more prepared than usual than usual for TV, and there were plenty of chances for problems and misunderstanding. PR reps for theater 3D companies were quick to point out their stereoscopic technology provides much higher quality (we agree) than you saw on NBC, and while that begs the question why bother at all, it seems like the chance to seed the potential of 3D -- even with a subpar anaglyph display -- was too big of an opportunity to ignore.

Read - I don't care what NBC is saying... 3D on TV still doesn't work
Read - Poll: Did You Like The 3D Superbowl Movie Commercials?

SoBe's 3D Super Bowl commercial available now on YouTube HD

Yeah, today's big game is but hours away, but if you're itching to put those newfangled 3D goggles to use beforehand, you're in luck. Reindeer has hosted up tonight's 3D SoBe ad on YouTube in high-def, and folks with those glasses -- which can supposedly still be picked up at hard-to-miss kiosks in grocery outlets and retail stores if any stock remains -- can tap the read link to have a look right now. Obviously we wouldn't do so if you're not much on spoilers, but we're betting your curiosity is going to get the best of you. Once you've watched, chime in below with your thoughts on the quality. Fair? Great? Just plain gimmicky?

Sensio 3D tagged official, optional 3D standard by DVD Forum

Sensio is no new arrival to this 3D thing, claiming 10 years of investment, but count us among those surprised to find out its 3D technology has been deemed an optional DVD standard by the DVD Forum in a letter vote. Currently the only 3D standard for the home market that's quite a feat especially if you're expecting this 3D phenomenon to stick, but as HD DVD found out, the blessing of the DVD Forum may not be enough without hardware and software support to back it up. This is the same tech that powered the BCS Championship Game and the upcoming NBA All Star Weekend productions, and there's already a whole list of Sensio 3D movies available on their website if you've got compatible equipment, which includes many DVD players and projectors already available. Seems like Sensio 3D Compatible will be joining feature checklists next to DTS and the rest, now, to find out how the competition will respond.

My Bloody Valentine 3D grosses way more in 3D than 2D

We'll admit -- we were pretty amazed to hear that Journey To The Center Of The Earth pulled in more revenue in 3D than 2D, but this figure is downright jaw-dropping. My Bloody Valentine 3D, which we noticed was one of the first big screen releases to really be pushed in the format, grossed $27 million in its opening weekend. Ready for the kicker? 3D screens outperformed 2D screens 6:1, with RealD taking credit for a staggering 71 percent of the $27 million. Moreover, the flick was also the first to ever be released in over 1,000 digital 3D locations, so we're sure that didn't hurt matters. We won't deny that we've had our sincere doubts about the future of 3D cinema, but figures like this can make even the most hardened pundit take another look. Full release is after the break.

3D: is this the resurgence that counts?

You know, it's strange really. Not even four years ago, most everyone you talked to viewed 3D as a gimmicky trip reserved for theme park attractions and the occasional educational showing at the local cineplex. After all, it's hard to convince fifth graders to pay attention to a lesson in prehistoric history without a Tyrannosaurus Rex getting all up in their grilles, right? Now that CES has come and gone, it's safe to say that Hollywood (among other entities) is giving the format another chance to excel, but we still have strong reservations on whether it's actually what the people want. Join us after the break as we take a brief peek back at where 3D was, where it currently sits and where deep-pocketed executives -- those looking for the "next big thing" -- hope it goes.

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