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Dean, Felix, Noel retired from hurricane name list updated 5 hours, 42 minutes ago
Three names -- Dean, Felix and Noel -- were permanently retired from the list of Atlantic hurricane names after storms bearing those monikers in 2007 caused damage in the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico and elsewhere, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Tuesday.
Briefing: Oil updated 9 hours, 52 minutes ago
We rely on it to power our everyday lives, and it drives the economy worldwide, but oil faces an uncertain future in the 21st century. Black gold is increasingly expensive, environmentally damaging and, in the view of some experts, increasingly scarce.
McCain: Clean energy a 'national security issue' updated 11 hours, 25 minutes ago
Sen. John McCain took his weeklong environmental tour to Washington state Tuesday, addressing the need for reducing the nation's dependency on foreign oil and sparking investment in environmentally friendly technology.
iPhone sold out online updated 1 day ago
Apple Inc. said Monday its online stores in the U.S. and UK are sold out of the iPhone, a sign supplies are being winnowed ahead of the launch of the device's next generation featuring faster Internet surfing speeds.
McCain appeals to independents with environment pitch updated 1 day ago
Kicking off a week-long push seen as outreach to independent and Democratic voters in crucial swing states, John McCain on Monday delivered a speech outlining his vision for combating global warming.
L.A.'s cupcake boom updated 1 day ago
Old-fashioned American bakeries are popping up everywhere on the body-conscious West Coast. Here, five of the city's sweetest sensations.
Coach Aguirre keeps Atletico waiting updated 1 day ago
Atletico Madrid want Javier Aguirre to stay as coach next season, although the Mexican is remaining noncommittal about his future.
Real-life skull worship inspires new 'Indiana Jones' film updated 1 day ago
There is a legend that the ancient Maya possessed 13 crystal skulls which, when united, hold the power of saving the Earth -- a tale so strange and fantastic that it inspired the latest Indiana Jones movie.
The new cost of postal service updated Sat, May 10, 2008
The cost of mailing a letter goes up a penny to 42 cents Monday, the latest in what are expected to be annual price adjustments by the Postal Service.
2 top Mexican police officials killed in 2 days updated Fri, May 9, 2008
The commander of Mexico City's investigative police force was shot and killed Friday morning as he left his home, authorities said.

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