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NOW Calls on FDA to Drop Age Restrictions for Access to EC
After years of campaigning for access to emergency contraception (EC), the first big victory came in 2006, when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made EC available without a prescription -- but only to women 18 years and older.

Paid Parental Leave -- Urge Your Representatives to Support This First Step
As a first step toward universal paid leave, ask your representative to support upcoming legislation to guarantee federal workers four weeks of paid parental leave for a new child.

A National Disgrace: Stop Sexual Assault in the Military
Ending sexual violence against women in the military must start now! Act now to support the Military Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Response Act to address this national epidemic and stop the violence against military women and military families.

NOW Celebrates Equal Marriage Progress in Iowa, Vermont and D.C.
Could the tide be turning for equal marriage in the United States? "We have an uphill battle ahead," said Gandy. "But supporters of equal marriage just got the push we needed to know that we are making a difference and our goal is even closer."

Stop Rape and Assault: And That's An Order!
"Here are the words I want to hear from our new commander in chief: 'Our servicewomen deserve dignity and respect, and that's an order!'" writes NOW President Kim Gandy in her bi-weekly Below the Belt column.

New Conference Speakers Announced
Among the National NOW Conference speakers will be Hon. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), Democratic vice-chair of the Women's Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, candidate for the U. S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio).



feminist perspectives

Stop Rape and Assault: And That's An Order!
Here are the words I want to hear from our new commander in chief: "Our servicewomen deserve dignity and respect, and that's an order!"

Hanging in the Balance
"What does it say for any religious policy or organization to effectively take the side of a rapist and to punish people who help and support an abused child, whether or not her life is at risk?" writes NOW President Kim Gandy in her bi-weekly Below the Belt column.


campaigns and events

National NOW Conference2009 National NOW Conference: June 19-21, Indianapolis, Ind. Register online!

Transition to Obama-Biden 2009 Transition to Obama-Biden: See everything NOW is working on with the new administration.

Love Your BodyLove Your Body: Do you love what you see when you look in the mirror? See what you can do, more about our contest and check out our calendar!

NOW and Reproductive Rights Reproductive Rights: NOW affirms that reproductive rights are issues of life and death for women, not mere matters of choice.


take action

Paid Parental Leave -- Urge Your Representatives to Support This First Step
As a first step toward universal paid leave, ask your representative to support upcoming legislation to guarantee federal workers four weeks of paid parental leave for a new child.

A National Disgrace: Stop Sexual Assault in the Military
Ending sexual violence against women in the military must start now! Act now to support the Military Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Response Act to address this national epidemic and stop the violence against military women and military families.

Paid Parental Leave -- Urge Senators to Support This First Step
Ask your senators to support upcoming legislation to guarantee federal workers four weeks of paid parental leave for a new child, as a first step toward universal paid leave.

Unfinished Business for Fair Pay
The House passed both the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act, but the Senate considered and passed ONLY the Ledbetter legislation. In order to build up steam for this bill, we need to DOUBLE the number of Senate sponsors!

Promote Economic Recovery, Support Family Planning
An important family planning provision was dumped from the economic recovery package this week. Tell Congress and the President that the Economic Recovery package may be "shovel ready," but poor women got the axe.


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