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Jack Loftus (JackLoftus) on Twitter
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090422094706/http://twitter.com:80/jackloftus


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  1. Love when the ol' weekly social calendar fills up on a Mon/Tues. Gives me something to look forward to during the work week. NO stress.
  2. @EmDonegan Don't stop there, Emily. Try a roundhouse kick. Something Taekwondo related. Knock some sense into her. Re: Miss Cali = Dunce.
  3. @greenmelinda They didn't stick Caprica on Fridays? What a shock. Maybe naming it SyFy isn't such a disaster after all. No. No, it still is.
  4. @joni_h Changing things up in the apartment is therapeutic, at least for me. Sigh. I live such a simple life.
  5. PRT @greenmelinda: Although I love SciFi, have a subscription to Wired and even watch "Fringe", JJ Abrams still bugs me http://is.gd/tBiK
  6. At Farina's in Watertown. The fellas are fixing a rear flat on the new road bike. Surprisingly cheap!
  7. Flat tire on my 2nd ride w/new bike. Of course it's the rear one. Time to clean those streets Waltham!
  8. Not as sore as I thought I'd be after 15-mile cycling trek to Cambridge yesterday afternoon. Better make it a 30-mile next time.
  9. Some pedophile I saw inwest Roxbury http://twitpic.com/3ksch
  10. About to embark on a journey of karaoke, dive bars and Keno. My guide: Sapporo.
  11. @byucatonis Working out the golfing kinks myself on Sunday. I anticipate dusting off a few unused swear words too.
  12. Skellig. Swinging Johnsons. Pretty much paradise as far a Waltham goes. http://bit.ly/iAbfF
  13. The Skellig later on Moody Street. This should not come as a surprise. http://bit.ly/rgH0Q
  14. @digiphile I think this is it: http://bit.ly/NLLxo I got the 2009 version. Happy birthday to me! (month early) I pick it up Saturday.
  15. @digiphile I bought a road bike today. Bye bye gasoline in the warm months ahead.
  16. Crazy number of new followers today (for me). Quickly realized my Twitter name was just added to @gizmodo masthead. Sup, peeps?
  17. At Enormous Room being incredibly frakkin chill.
  18. @EmDonegan They're with Rose and Bernard :-)
  19. Thought my cable company was ripping me off. Got out the ol' calculator. Eventually realized it's was me, unable to add or subtract.
  20. Did NESN not bring their HD cameras to Oakland or is it just my cable?


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