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Keywords a-z - Folkehelseinstituttet
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20111219133314/http://www.fhi.no/eway/default.aspx?pid=238&trg=MainArea_5811&MainArea_5811=6070:0:17,4692
English Norwegian

From A - Z, an alfabetic keywords list

Below each keyword you will find links to areas of interest, facts, tradearticles, statistics and publications.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | X | Y | Z


    1. ABC-study
    2. Abortion
    3. Acrylamide
    4. Adenovirus
    5. ADHD
    6. Adolescent health
    7. AIDS
    8. Air pollution
    9. Alcohol
    10. Allergy
    11. Amphetamine
    12. Analysis of intoxicants
    13. Analytical chemistry
    14. Antibiotic resistance
    15. Anti-depressants
    16. Assisted conception (IVF)
    17. Asthma
    18. ATC classification
    19. Autism


    1. Bacteriology
    2. Barents collaboration
    3. Benzodiazepines
    4. Biobanks
    5. Biodiesel
    6. Biopharmaceutical production
    7. Birth
    8. Blood pressure / hypertension
    9. Blood tests, forensic toxicology
    10. Blue-green algae (see Cyanobacteria)
    11. BMI
    12. Breast milk
    13. Brominated flame retardants
    14. Burkina Faso


    1. Caesarean section
    2. Campylobacter
    3. Cancer
    4. Cannabis (marijuana)
    5. Cardiovascular disease
    6. Cause of death
    7. Cerebral palsy
    8. Cervical cancer
    9. Chemical analysis
    10. Childhood diseases
    11. Childhood vaccines
    12. Children's health
    13. Chlamydia
    14. Cholesterol
    15. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
    16. CO2-capture
    17. Cocaine
    18. Cohort of Norway (CONOR)
    19. Congenital deformities (birth defects)
    20. Congenital heath disease
    21. Cot death (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
    22. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
    23. Cyanobacteria (blue green algae)


    1. DDD (see ATC classification)
    2. Dental health
    3. Depression
    4. Diabetes
    5. Diet (nutrition)
    6. Dioxins
    7. Diphtheria
    8. Drinking water quality and hygiene


    1. E.coli
    2. EARNEST
    3. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
    4. Environmental factors and childhood diabetes
    5. Environmental immunology
    6. EpiNorth
    7. EU project


    1. Fertility
    2. Fish
    3. Folate
    4. Food-borne infections
    5. Food safety and nutrition
    6. Forensic toxicology


    1. Genes
    2. German measles (Rubella)
    3. Global health
    4. Global public health


    1. Head lice
    2. Health in the population
    3. Healh Registers
    4. Heart attack
    5. Hepatitis
    6. Heroin
    7. Hib infection
    8. Hip fractures
    9. HIV infections
    10. Hospital infections
    11. HPV (Human papilloma virus)
    12. Hypnotics (sleeping tablets)


    1. Immigrant health
    2. India
    3. Infectious disease control
    4. Infectious diseases
    5. Influenza
    6. Intoxicants
    7. IVF (see Assisted conception)




    1. Language skills
    2. Life expectancy


    1. Measles
    2. Medical Birth Registry of Norway
    3. Meningitis / meningococcus
    4. Mental health
    5. Mercury
    6. Microbiological analysis
    7. MIDIA
    8. MMR-vaccine
    9. Mother and Child Study
    10. MSIS
    11. Mumps
    12. Mycobacterium


    1. Narcotics
    2. Noise
    3. Norhealth
    4. Norwegian Prescription Database
    5. Nutrition


    1. Obesity
    2. Oral clefts
    3. Osteoporosis
    4. Outbreaks
    5. Overweight


    1. Pathogens
    2. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
    3. Pelvic girdle syndrome
    4. Perinatal health
    5. Pest control
    6. Pharmacoepidemiology
    7. Pharmacological analysis
    8. Phthalates (plastic softeners)
    9. Physical activity
    10. Pneumococcus
    11. Poisons (toxins)
    12. Polio
    13. Pre-eclampsia
    14. Pregnancy
    15. Premature birth


    1. Quality control services


    1. Research data
    2. Respiratory and lung diseases
    3. Rotavirus


    1. SARS
    2. Sedatives
    3. Sexual abuse
    4. Sexually transmitted diseases
    5. Smoking and tobacco
    6. Statistics
    7. Stillbirth
    8. Streptoccoccus
    9. Stress
    10. Stroke
    11. suicide
    12. SYSVAK (National vaccination register)


    1. Tanzania
    2. Tetanus
    3. Toxicology
    4. Traffic, intoxicants and medicines
    5. Tuberculosis
    6. Tularaemia
    7. Twin study


    1. Uganda
    2. UV-radiation


    1. Vaccine distribution
    2. Vaccines
    3. Virology
    4. Virus infections


    1. Water supply
    2. WHO Collaborating Centre
    3. WHO project
    4. WHO Reference Laboratory
    5. Wholesale based drug statistics
    6. Whooping cough



    1. Youth studies
    2. Yersiniosis
