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Civil defence
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Plans, policies and reports

Civil defence

Plans and reports | Evacuation in an emergency | Civil defence at home | Civil defence at work | Civil defence at schools and early childhood centres| Volunteering | Welfare centres

Civil defence website

Click to have a copy of this information posted out to you. Be Prepared - package- An emergency plan could save your life

This is a good opportunity to check that you are prepared for a disaster or civil defence emergency. You can take some simple steps now to reduce the impact of disasters when they happen.

Research tells us that over 75% of New Zealanders are aware of the impact that disasters can have and the need to be prepared. Yet only about 25% say they are prepared and can cope for three days or more in a disaster. Aucklanders are the least prepared of any region for a civil defence emergency.

It is important to be prepared for a disaster. Remember, once it is happening, it may be too late.

Get ready now so that you can be better prepared to look after yourselves and your loved ones.

As a minimum, everyone needs:

  • a getaway kit: family documents, birth and marriage certificates, insurance policies, driver's licence, personal hygiene items, family photos
  • an emergency survival kit: food and water for each person for at least three days, first aid kit, medicines, torch, batteries, radio, change of clothes, blankets, toilet paper, plastic bags, pet supplies
  • an emergency plan: the best way to leave your home or workplace in an emergency, where to meet and how to contact one another if separated.

The council has a free brochure and DVD to help you prepare. Contact us to request a copy.

Civil Defence Emergency Management workshops

Find out more about the Civil Defence Emergency Management workshops (136k) PDF

Plans and reports

Earthquake. Auckland City civil defence plan (168k) PDF
Our plan for responding to a civil defence emergency.

Volcanic Landscapes and Features management strategy
A report on managing our volcanic sites.

Find out more about the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Groups in the Auckland Region.

Evacuation in an emergency

In the event of an emergency, unless common sense dictates or you are told to evacuate, we want you to stay where you are.

Should evacuation be required during an emergency, public broadcasts will be made via broadcast media informing people of safe locations to evacuate to.

Storm. Civil defence at home

Be ready
Preparing your family for an emergency

When disaster strikes
What you should do in an emergency.

Civil defence emergency facts

"Be ready - how to prepare you and your family for an emergency" booklet is also available in four other lanuguages

  • MaoriTsunami.
  • Chineese
  • Korean
  • Samoan

 Contact us if you would like a copy of the booklet.

Civil defence at work

Emergency planning guidelines for business


Civil defence at schools and early childhood centres

Emergency planning guidelines - schools and early childhood centres


Volunteering for Civil Defence in the Auckland City Council area

The Auckland City Civil Defence office only utilises volunteers from recognised volunteer agencies, for example

  • Volunteering Auckland
  • Red Cross
  • Salvation Army, and
  • Citizens Advice Bureau.

Other councils utilise volunteers in different ways. If you would like to be a volunteer for a council other than Auckland City, visit the following websites:

Welfare centres

Welfare Centres are also known as Civil Defence Assembly Points, Reporting Points or Sector Posts.

Auckland City does NOT publicise its Welfare Centres prior to an emergency.

Should Welfare Centres be required during an emergency, public broadcasts will be made via broadcast media informing people of their locations.

To find out how other councils in the region operate, visit the following websites:



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Updated February 2009

Copyright © 2009 Auckland City Council. All rights reserved.