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Gambling venue policy
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20090503001458/http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz:80/council/documents/gamblingvenue/default.asp
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Plans, policies and reports

Gambling venue policy

Gambling venue policy

Introduction | The policy


Auckland City's gambling venue policy was adopted at the council meeting on 22 April 2004.

On 22 June 2007, Auckland City Council's Public Safety and Community Order Committee resolved to roll-over the council's existing gambling venue policy for another three years.

The policy is a requirement under the Gambling Act, passed into law on 19 September 2003. Under the Act, councils are required to adopt a policy for class 4 gambling venues. Class 4 gambling is defined as any activity that involves the use of a gaming machine outside a casino. Class 4 gaming may only be conducted by a corporate society and only to raise money for community purposes.

The Gambling Act also amended the Racing Act 2003 to require that councils adopt a racing board venue policy for their district. The policy must specify whether new New Zealand Racing Board venues (commonly referred to as stand alone TAB agencies) may be established in the city, and if so, where they may be located.

The gambling venue policy covers both class 4 gaming venues (pokies) and New Zealand Racing Board venues (stand alone TAB agencies).

The policy's main objectives are to control the growth of gambling in Auckland City and to minimise the harm caused by gambling.

The Gambling Act requires councils to consider the social impacts gambling has on the community when developing their policies.

To this end, Auckland City along with the other six councils in the Auckland region commissioned a regional impact assessment report. Auckland City officers also met with key stakeholders such as gambling trusts, TAB, relevant social services, Maori and community groups before drafting the policy.

Click here to view a copy of the impact assessment report.

The public was able to make written submissions on the draft policy from 16 February to 16 March 2004. The written submission period closed on 16 March 2004. One hundred and twelve submissions were received. All submissions are publicly available on request.

The oral hearings were held on 5 April 2004.


Updated June 2007

Copyright © 2007 Auckland City Council. All rights reserved.