Campaigning for a democratic alternative to the monarchy

Join Republic

Join Republic

Our standard membership rate is just £2 a month.

You can also join by calling our Membership Department on 08708 508 825 or by printing and sending us a membership form [pdf].

We look forward to welcoming you to Republic!

Why should I join Republic?

Joining Republic is one of the most effective ways of supporting the movement for a more democratic Britain.

As a member of Republic, you'll play a key role in our campaign. You'll be the first to hear about campaign developments and the first to find out how to take action. By joining Republic, you're guaranteed a place at the heart of the republican movement.

Our members come from all parts of the country and from all walks of life. What unites us is our shared commitment to the ideals of democratic republicanism and a belief that Britain deserves better.

What benefits will I receive?

As a Republic member you'll enjoy a range of benefits and have the satisfaction of knowing that you're driving forward real change. You can:

  • register your protest at an outdated and undemocratic institution
  • directly support Republic's campaign activities through your membership subscription
  • keep informed through our quarterly magazine 'Imagine', featuring debate, analysis and all the latest campaign news
  • keep up-to-date through our monthly members' e-Bulletin, featuring news roundups, competitions and events listings
  • assist Republic's national campaign team from your home PC by responding to our regular campaign alerts
  • be the first to hear about Republic events - such as our Spring and Annual Conferences - and receive a members' discount on tickets
  • meet likeminded people at talks and debates across the country, and online
  • help shape our campaign by attending our AGM or volunteering with the national campaign team
  • tell the world you're proud to be a republican with our exclusive Welcome Pack.

What do your members say?

Republic members regularly send their comments and feedback to us. Here's what they had to say:

  • "I joined Republic to help achieve a fairer society for my grandchildren"
  • "I no longer feel alone in my opinions about the monarchy"
  • "I now feel I am not alone in objecting to this undemocratic anachronism"
  • "Republic is making great efforts to raise the issue in the public's conscience and make it known how many people oppose the status quo"
  • "I feel encouraged that there are so many others who feel that the monarchy is irrelevant in a modern society"
  • "I now feel a member of an active movement instead of being isolated in my feelings towards the monarchy"
  • "As a member of Republic I am doing something positive towards removing the monarchy, and there is hope for the future"
  • "Thanks for all the good work you do"


Republic does not receive or store any credit/debit card details. All payments are processed by WorldPay. Republic does not share any of its membership or donor information with any third parties. However, we may contact you from time to time regarding our activities.

Republic can accept the following cards online:

Visa Credit payments supported by WorldPay Visa Electron payments supported by WorldPay Mastercard payments supported by WorldPay Maestro payments supported by WorldPay JCB Solo payments supported by WorldPay

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Payments may be in GBP, USD or EURO. All correspondence regarding online payments can be directed to:

Graham Smith, Campaign Manager, Republic, PO Box 69, Brighton BN50 9GS. Or you can email or call 08708 508 825.

Republic is based solely in the UK.

Republic complies with EU laws and regulations regarding refunds for online transactions. Products sold can be returned for a full refund within 7 days of receipt. Donations and membership fees can be refunded within 1 month of payment.

You will receive written confirmation of receipt of payment from Republic, in addition to an email confirmation from WorldPay.

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