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Novatech announces free upgrades to windows 7 - The Inquirer
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Novatech announces free upgrades to Windows 7

Free and browser free
Friday, 26 June 2009, 17:23

BRITISH BASED e-tailer Novatech has added to the Windows 7 hype by announcing it will be offering a free upgrade to the long awaited Vista killer, albeit without a browser.

Novatech said that starting June 29th, any Novatech PC sold with Vista will come with a voucher allowing punters to claim a free upgrade to Windows 7.

XP downgrade rights are also on offer for those who just can't bear to be stuck with Vista for another two months.

Kissing up to the Vole, Novatech's Commercial Director, Kriss Pomroy, blathered that the new OS would be a "breath of fresh air" and the first time in five years that Microsoft had shown any "true innovation" with the Windows operating system. Well, he got that last part right, anyway.


The daft thing about the upgrade, however, is that Novatech says that "as part of the EU ruling, Windows 7 will not ship with Internet Explorer 8," adding that if anyone actually wants a web browser to go along with their upgrade - and let's face it, who wouldn't want to have a browser? - they will have to ask especially for an additional browser installation CD. Silly? Welcome to the policies of Microsoft's captive channel partners in the European market.

Now, you'd think Novatech would ship Windows 7 with two or more browsers, or at least a widget on the desktop to choose and download a browser using FTP or something. You might think that, but you would be wrong. Microsoft is apparently behaving just like a sulky child about the EU Commission's decision, and it seems to have stuck out its lip and taken its ball and stomped off home to mum. Charming.

If you think that's silly, there's more. Apparently the N version of Windows 7 comes without either a web browser or Windows Media player. OEMs apparently can still choose to pre-install those separately, and for free, on new Windows 7 machines, but individual upgraders are on their own.

Novatech tells punters that a full reinstallation of Windows 7 is needed in order to wash away any aftertaste of Vista, warning this could "wipe user's documents and files". But, cheekily hoping to make a quick buck, Novatech tells its potential customers not to worry, as it can provide external hard drives and USB sticks for backups, at a price of course, as well as tech support if needed.

Novatech adds that customers will have until February 28th 2010 to claim their free Windows 7 upgrade and that options will be provided on a like-for-like basis, including 32bit and 64bit editions. µ


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Blame your stupid EU for this mess. NO it is NOT Microsoft's fault that a browser in not included. Wake up and smell the silicon...

posted by : Yardley Fiske, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
@Yardley Fiske

UE never asked Microsoft to banish it's browser from Windows. It was MS decision.

posted by : vries, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
What it deserves

"Microsoft is apparently behaving just like a sulky child about the EU Commission's decision"

Keep telling yourself that but the EU is getting its just deserts. The EU cried, complained, and eventually fined Microsoft into making this decision.

posted by : Natfly, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
Ah, the good ol days

I remember when Novatech were nothing more than a small upstairs office in a small block on an industrial estate in good ole Pompey. Come along a bit since then, now they're being written about on The Inq!

posted by : Bazza, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
No IE or WMP

To be honest, I wish there was an IE-less and a WMP-less version here in the states.

posted by : Frank, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment

it makes no difference. open up "my computer" type in a web address, and download all you want. this works even if you "uninstall" IE. the browser is hardwired into the os. IE just has a few extra bells and whistles. to say they aren't giving you a browser is disingenuous and patently false.

posted by : nate, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
I wish

To be honest, I wish there was an IE-less and a WMP-less version here in the states.

posted by : meto, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
Well done Microsoft.

Right, firstly the EU did tell MS to remove the browser, why? Opera is why god knows how many under the table deals were made on this one but now they have got their own way and STILL its not enough.

What they actually want is MS to provide the option to install one of several browsers, well it would need to be every browser on the planet because if one gets left out then law suits will probably follow from those not included. Now here is the problem with this, and ill make it real simple for those with anti-Microsoft feelings.

MS is in no way responsible for anything 3rd party programers make, they can not and should not be held to account if it doesnt work, or worse still, some browser royaly screws the OS its self, the issue is most people on this world would see such an issue as an MS issue. Not a problem because some nit wit eating pizza in a dark room cant program right, who do you think will get the tech support call?

SO Well done microsoft, i will of course be buying my copy states side, which will also have the advantage of shafting the EU in tax revenue.

posted by : Darren T, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment

I have Mozilla on a flash drive to load on any machine i want whats the problem with loading IE on a flash and installing it on any machine

posted by : Rottin1, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
One Upgrade on One Partition Once ONLY....

You don't get to install whole lotta upgrades on your Machine. Once & thats IT. if you lose partition & you will, thats it. DONE. Fini. NO MOre. Have to BUY 7 Software after ONE Install, ?then buy it again & again & again &....Remeber upgrade won't allow 'puter aNY Upgrade....So Go Figure.Its NO BRAINER on Yesterdays Platform. Heck theres
NO Guarentee of Drivers, Software Nor Even Feassibility. Just Click"Help Microsft Take Your Money".Ka Bam, Partition Over.
Program Rules Are Here:



posted by : wHERES gUTS?, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
Servs the EU right

As usual the E U tries to squeeze anyrhing they can get out of successful American companies. I do not blame MS. In fact there are now Americam companies that just do not plan on marketing their products into the upcomming islamic social states of Europe.

posted by : Ca Bobbyn, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment

Shame on you Microsoft you should atleast offer Internet Explorer 7 and Netscape Navigator

posted by : Michael, 26 June 2009 Complain about this comment
So? What's Your Point

Cars and trucks seldom come with floor mats. Duuuhhhh, you have to get your own. I wish I could get Windows with no browser and no Windows Media Player. Damn, a "clean" version like that would be welcomed. That way I could have Firefox and VLC media player and not have to contend with the MS crapware.

But apparently there are some people just too frakking stooopid to know how to get either.

Yeah I know...how do you surf initially with no browser. Very minor inconvenience.

posted by : Doug Glass, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment
@Doug Glass

No its like buying a car with no petrol in it, or without a battery. Yes they are simply just down the road, but its a bit of a pain isnt it, you would be peed off just as anyone else would be, then once you get to the petrol station you can buy your super unleaded or stick with the regular unleaded YOUR choice, you just dont use the otherone.

posted by : Darren T, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment

That article you refere to is for OEM editions

which in my mind is fine, you buy OEM at a reduced rate because it is supposed to ship only with a computer or computer parts.

If you change the parts then its no longer what you originaly paid for, if you think your going to be buying upgraded components the to what the rest of us do and buy the retail versions where you will not be restricted.

This restriction was also within Vista.

posted by : Darren T, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment
Ca Bobbyn

Not sure why do you hate the EU. Maybe you are some kind of religious red neck, but anyway. I don't get that "Servs the EU right" thing. Having windows without a browser is actually a blessing... but anyway. Everyone interprets things in their own way...

posted by : Santi, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment
Windows 7 F-EU edition

Gee, more work for the OEMs having to make custom installations of Win7 for EU users so they won't have have to install a browser from CD. The EC is 8 years too late and too lame. Enjoy your Windows 7 F-EU edition.

posted by : BB, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment

MS should have done this ages ago. Its the first step in curing their megalomanic delusion that because we pay them to use their operating system, they can do what they like with our PC.

Shoe is on other foot mate, dogs and tails, wagging etc you know what I mean! He-she-it what pays the piper, calls the tune.

Its not just legal wangling, its common sense and decency. They have been crossing that boundary for years and now they can bloomin'well get back in their box, do it nicely and be happy about it!

Cute and cuddly boys, cute and cuddly...

posted by : JFDI, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment

You haven't actually tried that in Windows 7, have you?

If you remove IE, open My Computer and type in a web address then you either get an error or your default browser launches.

posted by : Beeblebronx, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment
People still use IE? huh losers.

Safari, Firefox, Konquerer, Chrome, who really needs IE anyway, its junk. Most of the people I know use alternate browsers, and the ones who don't have IQ's equivalent to Forrest Gump on ethanol.

posted by : Chainsaw, 27 June 2009 Complain about this comment
How to download Firefox?

No IE! How on earth are we expected to download Firefox if the OS has no IE? I wonder what percentage of new PC users download Firefox (or Chrome) as one of their first few uses for IE.

Perhaps the EU should fine MS again for not allowing users to download Firefox now that their OS has no browser.

posted by : Texpat, 28 June 2009 Complain about this comment
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