Campaigning for a democratic alternative to the monarchy

On Facebook

If you're on Facebook there are a lot of things you can do to help promote the campaign.

Become a 'fan' of Republic's Facebook page

Go to our Facebook page and 'become a fan'. All your Facebook friends will see you've done this and that means a lot more people hearing about us!

Post Republic's website to your profile

Using the 'share' button on our site, you can post a link to on your Facebook profile. This way you'll tell all your friends about Republic. You can even add a comment for your friends to read, like "Please support this great campaign!"

Post Republic's Facebook page to your profile

Using the 'share' button you can also post our Facebook page on your profile.

Send a link to your friends

Using the same 'share' button on our Facebook page you can send the page details to your friends as a Facebook message. Tell them what we're about and why they should support us.

Write on the wall and post posts

Don't just read the posts on our Facebook page, join the debate! Start new posts, comment on current debates or add comments to the wall. Everytime you comment on any page your friends will be told via their wall. So the more supporters comment and debate on the page the more people will discover Republic.

Lend us your status updates

If you've just joined Republic or made a donation, tell your friends using your status update. If we've launched a new project or there's something in the news, add it to your status update - and include a link!

Add our blog to your profile

Using an RSS feed you can add the latest posts from the Republic Blog to your profile.

Send us your ideas

Do you have any ideas about how you can support Republic via Facebook? Get in touch and let us know!

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