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Painting Forum and Community -- Join the About.com Painting Community and Forum
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An Invitation to Join the About.com Painting Forum and Community

By Marion Boddy-Evans, About.com

The About.com Painting Forum never closes. It's open 24 hours, 7 days a week, and with members who are early birds and others who are night owls, the discussions continue all hours. Why not join us there, or participate in one of the other painting community projects, such as the monthly projects?

1. Join the Painting Forum

Painting forumImage © Marion Boddy-Evans
The painting forum includes people are all ages and levels of experience, from absolute beginners to professional. Newcomers are always welcome. Our motto is: "Each of us may not know that much, but together we become masters."

Join the discussions to share your thoughts and experiences, to read the tips and questions from fellow painting enthusiasts, or just meet new people with interests similar to your own. If you've any painting-related question or problem, this is the ideal place to find an answer!

To read a discussion thread, you can simply enter the forum as a guest, but to post a reply or start a new thread you need to enter the forum as a member.

2. Painting Critiques in the Forum

Painting Forum Critiques
There's a folder in the forum specifically for posting photos of painting and asking for feedback. There's also one for works in progress (WIP), for help with a painting you haven't yet finished.

Remember, if you give constructive criticism on other people's paintings, they'll be more likely to reciprocate. It doesn't have to be a lengthy critique full of art-speak, just say why you like what you do (or don't) in the painting, or suggest what you might have done differently and why.

3. Share a Painting Tip

Image © Marion Boddy-Evans
Have you got a great painting tip to share? Each week a new tip is selected from those submitted to be the Painting Tip of the Week, and becomes part of the permanent collection of painting tips.

4. Share Ideas for Paintings

Image © Marion Boddy-Evans
Have you got a great idea for a painting to share? Submit it and it may become part of the Painting Ideas Machine.

5. Monthly Painting Projects

Limited Colors Project. Image © Marion Boddy-Evans
The aim of the monthly painting projects is to encourage you to try something new, be it a subject or technique (or both). A different project is set each month; the deadlines can be found in the project's instructions (usually the end of the month a particular project runs). When you complete a project, you're invited to email a photo so it can be added the project's gallery or post it on the Painting Forum.

6. First Painting Sold Gallery

© Donna Elio
This gallery is a celebratory showcase of the the first painting various artists have sold. It is intended also to provide examples of what sells and to be inspirational. When you sell your first painting, email a photo to have it added here.

7. Photo Gallery: Inside Artists' Studios

Image © Marion Boddy-Evans
Take a look inside the studios and painting spaces of other painters in this photo gallery. See just where they store their paints and canvases, how organized they are (or not), and what the light's like. (I suspect most people tidy up their studios before taking a photo; I know I did!)

8. Decorative Painting Photo Album

Saw Blade Painting by FrancinePhoto © Connie G. Thomas
Share a photo of your completed decorative painting projects in this special photo album showcasing the fabulous creativity of readers. It doesn't matter what type of object or project is, if it's painted and you're pleased with it, showcase it here so more people can enjoy it.

9. Subscribe to the About.com Painting Newsletter

Painting Newsletter
Stay up-to-date with what's new on About.com Painting by subscribing to my free newsletter, which will arrive in your email in-tray on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

If you want to change the email address you use for your newsletter subscription, you can do it online here. If you decide you want to unsubscribe for whatever reason, there's a link at the bottom of every newsletter for easily doing so, or you can do it here.

10. Subscribe to the About.com Painting Daily Headlines Feed

Painting RSS Feed
About.com offers an RSS feed with headlines, descriptions and links back to About.com Painting. This enables you to easily check out the latest headlines on whichever headlines reader you use, be it My Yahoo, Bloglines, Google, or AOL.

11. Make About.com Painting Your Home Page

The very first page you see when you open your web browser is called your home page. You can make this any page you want, but what could be more enjoyable than having one about painting? Exactly how you do it depends on the web browser you're using, but a quick search in your browser's help section will tell you how.

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