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Recent travel tips added by the community

What people are clipping

  1. Nile Delta: 'We are going underwater. The sea will conquer our lands'

  2. Autumn in the Mediterranean

  3. Kennedy's redemption from the depths

  • You said...

  • What we have is a strong culture of football clubs with genuine history and many fans who are willing to wear their teams's colours with pride every week. They will head to their chosen theatre of dreams and support Scottish football, whatever state it's in, living the dream that this will be their year for some success.
  • You said...

  • Real names are far more than just identifiers of who a person is. They almost always tell whether a person is male or female, and often give a good idea of a person's racial or national heritage. Often they give clues (or lead others to make assumptions) about a person's age, class and education. All these things make more likely the possibility that a person will be judged on who they are rather than what they have to say.