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[1] A lady-in-waiting (also called waiting maid) is a female personal assistant at a noble court, attending to a queen, a princess or other noblewoman. A lady-in-waiting is often a noblewoman of lower rank (i.e., a lesser noble) than the one she attends to, and is not considered a servant. Their duties varied from court to court. The term “Ladies in waiting” was first initialed in the 1700’s when the Queens “found” that they needed a cortege; train of assistance. They were noticed as the Queen’s personal entourage.


[edit] Renaissance England

In Tudor England, ladies-in-waiting were divided into four separate systems - great ladies, ladies of the privy chamber, Maids of Honour and chamberers. The ladies of the privy chamber were the ones who were closest to the queen and thought to be the highest level of unpaid ladies-in-waiting. Most of the other women were considered Maids of Honour. The Maids of honour were the single, unmarried ladies-in-waiting. Female relatives were often appointed because they could be trusted confidantes to the queen; Lady Margaret Lee was a Lady of the Privy Chamber to Anne Boleyn, just as Lady Elizabeth Seymour-Cromwell was to Queen Jane Seymour. The duties of ladies-in-waiting at the Tudor court were to act as royal companions, and to accompany the Queen wherever she went. There were many jobs that required the ladies-in-waiting such as: being proficient in the “modern” dances, languages, instruments, reading, writing letters for the queen, sewing/embroidery, etc. Tudor queens often had a large degree of say in who became their ladies-in-waiting. Usually ladies-in-waiting came from families that were highly thought of in good society, noble families, or trustworthy friends of the family. During masque balls and dances the ladies-in-waiting would sometimes perform theatrical shows. Once in the court they would have nothing but fun and be vivacious because they were highly thought of in society.

[edit] France

This attitude was very different from ladies-in-waiting to French queens under the later Bourbon dynasty. There, ladies-in-waiting often acted as glorified but distant companions to the Spanish and Polish wives of Louis XIV and Louis XV. Under France's last Bourbon queen, Marie-Antoinette, several of her favorite ladies-in-waiting — notably Yolande, duchesse de Polignac — acquired huge influence and wealth for themselves. In later years, the ladies-in-waiting became discreet companions to the royal ladies of Europe, a practice which continues today[citation needed].

[edit] The United Kingdom today

In the Royal Household of the United Kingdom the term Lady-in-Waiting is used to describe a woman attending a female member of the Royal Family other than the Queen Regnant or Queen Consort. An attendant upon one of the latter is styled Lady of the Bedchamber or Woman of the Bedchamber, and the senior Lady in Waiting is the Mistress of the Robes. The Women are in regular attendance, but the Mistress of the Robes and the Ladies of the Bedchamber are normally only required for ceremonial occasions. There were formerly other offices, including Maids of Honour.

[edit] Ladies-in-waiting and the Kings

Although the Queen and the ladies-in-waiting were often very close dear friends, she found them having sexual relations with their husband, the King. These matters were not to be taken lightly for there are many women who would go to bed with the king, but only few were acceptable. Only Senior Women were thought highly enough to lay with the King. If a woman were impregnated by the king they were eligible to stay in the living quarters and be waited on, on the condition that they devote themselves to his needs rather the needs of the Queen as they once did. (ie. Mary Boleyn and King Henry VIII)

[edit] Other

The term is colloquially used in film and stage, to describe an actress whose role consists of very little action or involvement.

[edit] Notable ladies-in-waiting

  • Lady Sei Shōnagon
    • Attendant to the Japanese Empress Fujiwara no Teishi from about 993-1000 C.E.
    • Author of the notable early Japanese prose collection, Pillow Book.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Insert footnote text here

[edit] See also