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Filed under: Internet, Apple

New Apple Switcher-Cam ad will take over online media

The newest Get A Mac, ad from Apple will take over the front page of a number of sites this month. Created by TBW\Media Arts Lab, the ad takes over the page as PC chases switchers through various switcher-cam displays.

Thanks to Ivan for sending it in, and Ads of the World for hosting it.

Filed under: Switchers, Video, Apple

Three new "Get a Mac" ads premiere, aimed at Win 7

Domestic TV watchers who tuned into the NBC Thursday comedy lineup or the Yankees-Angels playoff game on Fox were treated to three new Get a Mac ads in heavy rotation tonight, all focused on the launch of the latest Windows version. You can watch all three ads (Broken Promises, Teeter Tottering & PC News) over on Apple's site.

While these ads are pretty funny (Broken Promises, in particular, features some excellent work by the wardrobe department), it's not clear if the message of upgrade challenges from XP to Win7 is going to resonate. Apple's marketing team may describe Windows 7 as 'antiquated tech,' but the big M clearly is expecting plenty of PC users to buy brand new machines to run Win7 rather than upgrading their old gear. Will they consider a Mac as part of the mix? We can certainly hope so -- but by all indications, Windows 7 is no Vista, and it's quite a bit harder to sell against an operating system that doesn't actively shoot itself in the foot. Heck, it's possible that there may even be a few Mac diehards in the opening day lines to buy Win7.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

Filed under: Humor, Apple

Apple shows new Get a Mac ad tonight: "PC Innovation Lab"

One of our readers was watching TV tonight and spotted this ad during a commercial break. Lo' and behold, It was up on Apple's website about 2.5 hours later. It basically suggests ridiculous "innovations" that PC thinks will help bring people back to the world of Windows. Mac goes on to suggest that innovations are supposed to make things easier. I find this ad extremely satisfying... it's almost a jab at all of the companies who try to imitate Mac but really just brings good humor to a clever Get a Mac ad.

Thanks Ethan!

Filed under: Apple

Apple airs two new Get a Mac ads: "Surprise" and "Top of the Line"

With all of the other Apple news surrounding Snow Leopard yesterday, Apple starting airing two new "Get a Mac" ads last night on TV and has also posted them on the company website.

The first ad, "Surprise," shows a woman talking to Mac; she wants to purchase a "great computer", but Mac seems to be recommending something unexpected.

The other ad, "Top of the Line," shows another another woman wanting a "great computer" -- and PC introduces her to a fine high-end PC played by Seinfeld alum Patrick Warburton.

Thanks Ethan for sending this in!

Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple

New Get a Mac ads: PC Choice Chat, Elimination, Customer Care

During tonight's American Idol performances, people not only got to see their top-three performers in action, but also got a chance to view a three new Get a Mac ads. In the first one, Customer Care, PC tells his story of technical support to an Apple Genius while Mac looks on. There are two other ads: Elimination, and PC Choice Chat. All are funny and worth a watch.

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Apple Corporate, Apple Financial

New Get a Mac ads after "Laptop Hunters"

Tonight Apple released four new Get a Mac ads that feature the same, and ever so lovable, PC and Mac characters. In the first new ad, "Time Traveler," PC travels into the future to see if PCs still crash. In the ad called "Stacks," PC is shuffling through thousands of photos to find the one he is looking for; Mac then tells him about the facial recognition in iPhoto '09.

In "Legal Copy," PC starts telling how "easy to use" he is, but as he talks, his disclaimer copy appears at the bottom of the sceen. The final new ad, "Biohazard Suit," PC explains his biohazard suit as he tells Mac about all of the recent viruses going around for Windows.

While these ads are funny, you can't help but wonder if this is Apple's response to the recent "Laptop Hunters" Microsoft ads, although with the production schedules involved it's likely that the new Apple ads were already in the can or at least well underway when Lauren and her pals hit the screen. You can watch all of these new ads by going to the Get a Mac page on the Apple site, and we'll be talking about them on the talkcast in just a few minutes.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Apple Corporate, Apple

New "Get a Mac" ad: Bake Sale

Continuing with their recent bashing of Vista, Apple has released yet another "Get a Mac" ad. In Bake Sale [direct video link], PC is selling bake goods to raise money in order to "fix Vista." Mac asks why, and PC goes on to explain that the marketing team decided to run an "expensive ad campaign instead of fixing Vista." Mac then offers to help out by buying a cupcake ... a 10 million dollar cupcake.

If there was any doubt about these ads being a response to the Microsoft ads, this one should definitely settle it. In our last post, we took a poll to see if anyone was tired of these Get a Mac ads -- currently 58.2% of the people that voted say they still like them.

You can watch this new ad by visiting the Apple website, or by using the link to the video file.

Thanks for the tip, Kevin!

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Apple Corporate, Apple

New Get a Mac Ads: Bean Counter and V Word

With all of the political mudslinging going around this time of year, Apple has decided to add a different type of mudslinging to the barrage of TV commercials. Tonight, they released two new "Get a Mac" ads: Bean Counter, and V Word.

In Bean Counter [direct video link], PC is sitting at a desk, counting money out into two stacks. The largest stack is for advertising and the smaller stack is for bug fixes for Vista. When Mac questions him, he says that he's having to take drastic action because of the frustration of Vista users. In the end, PC gives up budgeting and puts all of his money into advertising. This commercial is no doubt in response to Microsoft's recent advertising strategies. In V Word [direct video link], PC makes every attempt to "beep out" the word "Vista" in the ad.

Sure, these commercials are well thought out and somewhat funny; but is Apple's mudslinging getting a little old? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to take part in our poll. You can watch the new commercials by visiting the Apple website.

Thanks for the tip, Tony!

Do you still like the Get a Mac ads?

Filed under: Analysis / Opinion, Cult of Mac

Analysis: Microsoft offers "I'm a PC" retort that falls flat

After canning Seinfeld, Microsoft is now starting stage two (planned all along, they say) of their campaign with a new series of I'm a PC ads by the Crispin, Porter + Bogusky ad agency. As is clear from the John Hodgman look-alike at the start of the ads, they're supposed to be a direct response to Apple's Get a Mac campaign that's been running since 2006.

It almost goes without saying that it's rather sad for one of the richest companies in the world to stoop to this level of reaction. But I think one of things that's interesting here is the difference between the central motifs of the respective ad campaigns. What Get a Mac suggests is that your Mac is your kinda cool, but laid-back and easy-going friend that'll help you get things done. In other words, your Mac is your friend, not who you yourself are.

On the other hand, the I'm a PC ads say exactly that: you (the user) are a PC. Who the heck would want to be that? What they're trying to maintain is that PC users are unfairly being stereotyped as besuited, boring, glasses-wearing losers. But with the repeated exclamation "I'm a PC," the ads actually suggest a kind of Borg-like insistence that I as a user have to be assimilated into my computer.

In short, Microsoft and its ad agency still don't get it. We Mac-heads don't see ourselves as all being Justin Long (or, heaven forbid, wanting to be Justin Long). I can proudly say I'm not a Mac, and I'm not really planning to become one either. Or to put it another way: I use a Mac in no small part because I don't want to be a computer (Mac or PC).

What's your take?

(The three ads can be seen on YouTube: Pride, Not Alone, and Stereotype.)

Filed under: Apple Corporate, Retail

New "Get a Mac" web ad

You'd think the "Get a Mac" series of ads would be played out by now. But you'd be wrong.

They're still funny, snide and -- if sales figures are any indication -- effective. This week, Apple launched another clever web ad featuring Mac and PC. This time, PC has written an Op-Ed piece describing why people ought to stop switching to the Mac. It's cute, and the visual of PC pulling the text of the article out from "behind" the webpage is pretty cool.

While we're on the topic, what's your opinion? Are the "Get a Mac" ads yesterday's news or still good stuff?

[Via MacDailyNews]

Filed under: Humor, OS, Odds and ends

Microsoft: We're not "cool enough" for Mac OS X

If you thought the new Get a Mac ads were spot-on or funny, then you will definitely get a kick out of this. On Microsoft's Photosynth website, they admit something that we've known for years: They're not cool enough to run on Macs.

"Unfortunately, we're not cool enough to run on your OS yet. We really wish we had a version of Photosynth that worked cross platform, but for now it only runs on Windows. Trust us, as soon as we have a Mac version ready, it will be up and available on our site," reads the website.

Photosynth is a technology Microsoft has designed to create 3-D "worlds" with your photos. This technology is definitely cool, and we actually would like to see it come to the Mac, but the way they worded the install page just makes us laugh. Meanwhile, VMware Fusion's Pete Kazanjy told us that the warning about Photosynth not working in a virtual machine isn't quite right; he got it running just fine in Fusion 2 Beta 2, and has the video to prove it.

Thanks for the tip, Nate!

Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple

New get a Mac ad: Off the Air

Tonight, Apple released a new "Get a Mac" ad. "Off the Air" shows PC, Mac, and a Mac Genius. Mac tries to win people over on the fact that the Geniuses will transfer your files from your old PC to your new Mac.

A mad PC then announces that his "frustrated" customers don't need to hear about that and that "fear of switching is the foundation of customer loyalty for PCs." PC proceeds to shut off the commercial by pulling a curtain down.

This commercial isn't as funny, in my opinion, as the last set that came out earlier this week. You can watch all of the Get a Mac ads by visiting the Get a Mac website.

Filed under: Apple Corporate, Apple

New Get a Mac ads: Pizza Box, Throne, Calming Teas

Tonight, Apple posted three new "Get a Mac" ads: Pizza Box, Throne and Calming Teas. In the Pizza Box ad, PC tries to lure college students into buying a PC by advertising as free pizza. PC notes that Mac is the number one selling computer on college campuses.

In Throne, PC notes that he is "still the king" of the OS world and then goes on to banish Mac. In Calming Teas, PC markets a new tea that calms Vista users instead of fixing the many problems with Windows. These Get a Mac ads seem to be geared towards back to school buyers and are amusing to watch (especially the Pizza Box ad).

Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

Filed under: Apple

Apple posts long version of "Sad Song" ad

Because Apple thought that you just couldn't get enough of that "Vista blues" song that was in the latest Get a Mac ad, they posted an extended version of it that runs 1 minute, 34 seconds. PC just keeps singing, despite Mac's look of amazement that PC could sing that long. At the end, PC finishes the song by singing "... there's nothing left to do, except control. alt. delete."

You can watch this and other Get a Mac ads by visiting the Apple Get a Mac site.

Thanks to Steve and Ton for the tip!

Filed under: Cult of Mac, Apple

New Get a Mac ad: Sad Song

Apple just released a new "Get a Mac" ad entitled "Sad Song." In this commercial, PC is singing a country inspired song about how Vista saddens him. This commercial was released and played during the American Idol show tonight on the FOX network. You may remember that Apple also released 2 new Get a Mac ads last night. You can watch this and other Get a Mac ads on the Apple website.

Tip of the Day

F11 moves all your windows off the screen so you can quickly glance at your desktop. F10 shows you every open window in an application. F9 shows every open window for every application that isn't hidden or in the dock.

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