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Best cheapest restaurants in NYC?

Sure, you can grab a hot dog or slice of pizza in New York for cheap, but a balanced meal for $10 or less? In Manhattan? That's the idea behind the new site CheapEatery.com. But does the food pass the test? Our panel of judges--former staffers of the recently closed, Gourmet magazine, let you know.
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The Economizer


In these troubled economic times, everyone is looking for a way to save a few bucks. That's where the Economizer comes in. With tips on subjects from losing weight to ceiling fans, the Economizer is the place to go when you need advice on cutting costs.
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The Yes Men Fix the World

If we can't count on the government to keep us safe from the the Madoffs, coal ash spills that swallow up entire houses, arsenic in our tap water, or E. coli in our hamburger meat, then it's nice to have American D.I.Y.-ness to hold big business accountable. Meet The Yes Men, two wacky guys who pose as regular corporate executives and say in public the things they wish corporations would.
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"Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" Carpenter Paul DiMeo

Paul DiMeo is the staff carpenter on ABC's long-running tearjerker real estate hit Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and he knows a little something about building cool stuff in a crunch.
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'History Detective' Elyse Luray on Value in Your Attic

stack of money
Elyse Luray, a professional appraiser and host of PBS's History Detectives, determines if seemingly worthless objects hold treasure, either financially or in terms of the story they have to tell. What can she tell you about your old junk?
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Survey: We're Still Optimistic About Recovery

The report, called the Digital Insight Second Annual Online Financial Management Survey, surveyed 1,000 adults and 500 small business owners across the nation. Among the most interesting findings:
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Black Friday 2009 Security Alert: Safety Drills Are Already Starting

The day after Thanksgiving is both the best shopping day of the year or the worst. Combine a store offering its lowest prices all year with a crowd of anxious, cash-strapped consumers who've been standing in line for many pre-dawn hours, and you're asking for trouble.
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Find the Best of the Cheap with Cheapism

clearance sign
AFP / Getty Images
Finding a cheap product is easy; finding a cheap product that isn't crap on the other hand can take quite a bit of research. It's not uncommon to spend several hours looking for real opinions and reviews of good cheap products but thanks to Cheapism that's a thing of the past.
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Kohl's Opens New Stores, California Gets Big Deals

It's not very often these days I get notices about one new store openings, let alone 37. But that's exactly what Kohl's announced this week, taking its annual new store count up to 56.
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