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What Happened On AirTran Airways Flight 297 : Homeland Security News
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20091224000706/http://www.nationalterroralert.com:80/updates/2009/12/03/what-happened-on-airtran-airways-flight-297/

What Happened On AirTran Airways Flight 297

December 3, 2009 by national  
Filed under Featured


Update: AirTran Flight 297: Man Who Wrote E-mail Not On Plane Say’s Airline Read Post

Last month, AirTran Airways Flight 297 with over 70 passengers on board was taxiing down the runway when a passenger reportedly refused to turn off his cell phone. After repeated attempts to have the passenger end the phone conversation, the captain returned to the gate, resulting in a 2 1/2 hour delay of the flight.

When the news story appeared online, comments included the text of an email from a man claiming to have been a passenger on the flight gave a very different account of what took place. We’ve attempted to contact individuals mentioned in the articles below, however none have responded to our requests, as of  this writing.

A number of accounts describing what took place have appeared on various blogs and websites. We’ve included a few of them here.  As I have stated, we’ve been unable as of yet to independently confirm details.

UPDATE 12/014/09 12:18am: Debbie Schlussel has updated her blog to confirm she received a call this evening from Tedd Petruna confirming he wrote the email featured in the comments section of the article below.

The News Story

AirTran Airways says a flight from Atlanta to Houston with more than 70 passengers on board was delayed when a passenger refused to end a cell phone call.

AirTran spokesman Christopher White told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that Flight 297, a Boeing 717, was taxiing on the runway in Atlanta Tuesday afternoon when a crew member asked a passenger to turn off his phone.

White says that after several failed attempts by the crew member to end the conversation, the captain returned the plane to the gate.

White says the passenger complied when he was asked to get off the plane. He says no charges were filed, and that the plane departed for Houston 2 ½ hours later.


Comment featured on the site in response to the article (can be seen here )

This was MUCH more than a man with a cell phone! See this story of the TRUTH! One week ago, I went to Ohio on business and to see my father. On Tuesday, November the 17th, I returned home. If you read the papers the 18th you may have seen a blurb where a AirTran flight was cancelled from Atlanta to Houston due to a man who refused to get off of his cell phone before takeoff. It was on Fox. This was NOT what happened. I was in 1st class coming home. 11 Muslim men got on the plane in full attire. 2 sat in 1st class and the rest peppered themselves throughout the plane all the way to the back. As the plane taxied to the runway the stewardesses gave the safety spiel we are all so familiar with. At that time, one of the men got on his cell and called one of his companions in the back and proceeded to talk on the phone in Arabic very loudly and very aggressively. This took the 1st stewardess out of the picture for she repeatedly told the man that cell phones were not permit

To which one of the men said “shut up infidel dog!” She went to take the camcorder and he began to scream in her face in Arabic. At that exact moment, all 11 of them got up and started to walk the cabin. This is where I had had enough! I got up and started to the back where I heard a voice behind me from another Texan twice my size say “I got your back.” I grabbed the man who had been on the phone by the arm and said “you WILL go sit down or you Will be thrown from this plane!” As I “led” him around me to take his seat, the fellow Texan grabbed him by the back of his neck and his waist and headed out with him. I then grabbed the 2nd man and said, “You WILL do the same!” He protested but adrenaline was flowing now and he was going to go. As I escorted him forward the plane doors open and 3 TSA agents and 4 police officers entered. Me and my new Texan friend were told to cease and desist for they had this under control. I was happy to oblige actually.

There was some commotion in the back, but within moments, all 11 were escorted off the plane. They then unloaded their luggage. We talked about the occurrence and were in disbelief that it had happen, when suddenly, the door open again and on walked all 11!! Stone faced, eyes front and robotic (the only way I can describe it). The stewardess from the back had been in tears and when she saw this, she was having NONE of it! Being that I was up front, I heard and saw the whole ordeal. She told the TSA agent there was NO WAY she was staying on the plane with these men. The agent told her they had searched them and were going to go through their luggage with a fine tooth comb and that they were allowed to proceed to Houston. The captain and co-captain came out and told the agent “we and our crew will not fly this plane!” After a word or two, the entire crew, luggage in tow, left the plane. 5 minutes later, the cabin door opened again and a whole new crew walked on.

Again…..this is where I had had enough!!! I got up and asked “What the hell is going on!?!?” I was told to take my seat. They were sorry for the delay and I would be home shortly. I said “I’m getting off this plane”. The stewardess sternly told me that she could not allow me to get off. (now I’m mad!) I said “I am a grown man who bought this ticket, who’s time is mine with a family at home and I am going through that door, or I’m going through that door with you under my arm!! But I am going through that door!!” And I heard a voice behind me say “so am I”. Then everyone behind us started to get up and say the same. Within 2 minutes, I was walking off that plane where I was met with more agents who asked me to write a statement. I had 5 hours to kill at this point so why the hell not. Due to the amount of people who got off that flight, it was cancelled. I was supposed to be in Houston at 6pm. I got here at 12:30am.

Look up the date. Flight 297 Atlanta to Houston. If this wasn’t a dry run, I don’t know what one is. The terrorists wanted to see how TSA would handle it, how the crew would handle it, and how the passengers would handle it. I’m telling this to you because I want you to know…. The threat is real. I saw it with my own eyes…. -Tedd Petruna

A second account appeared on The New England Review and is attributed to a Chaplin. Again, we have been unable to confirm it’s authenticity.

Air Tran Flight 297 Incident – Chaplain Dr. Keith A. Robinson

Air Tran Airways Flight 297 was scheduled to leave Atlanta at 4:43PM in route to Houston Hobby Airport. Because of my position as Corps Commander of the Houston Regional Community Chaplain Corps, I frequently wear my Chaplain jacket as I travel. Like some sort of heavenly magnet, the Chaplain jacket invites discussion with a wide variety of people who are struggling with issues in need of a comforting ear. My connecting flight was late and the door to the jet way closed prior to my boarding. So, even though I was rescheduled on a much later flight far from C‐16 I settled down with a newspaper and only 1/4th of my remaining cell phone battery.

While waiting at the distant gate, I noticed on the scheduling monitors that Flight 297 had returned to gate C‐16 and was scheduled to leave at 5:45PM. I hurried back to gate C‐16 in hopes of boarding my original flight after it strangely returned to the gate.

Upon arriving at the gate I noticed that there was a look of solemn concern on the faces of the gate attendants. I asked if I could get on flight 297 when they returned to the gate. Their faces indicated a distinct level of stress that let everyone in the seating area knew that there was a problem on board. When I approached them a few moments later I said, “I am a Chaplain. Is there some way that I can be of help?” They said, “No.” Obviously, an event had occurred that they would not talk about.

Over the next thirty minutes officials from Air Tran started arriving at the gate, flashing their badges and going down to the plane.

Read Full PDF

…and then there is this account that is quite different than the others from yet another passenger…

FAA to investigate cell phone use on Atlanta flight
The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating what led to the two-and-a-half hour delay of a Tuesday flight from Atlanta to Houston, an agency spokeswoman said Wednesday morning.

An AirTran spokesman said a man traveling with a group Tuesday afternoon refused to turn his cell phone off before takeoff. But the woman sitting behind the man said it wasn’t a phone at all, and feels the entire incident was the result of poor communication.

“He was not talking on a cell phone, it was a camera,” said Nancy Deveikis of Marietta. “He was looking at pictures.”

A flight attendant asked the man twice to turn off the device, Deveikis said. But it was clear the man did not speak English, she said. Although the man was traveling with others, the rest of the group was seated throughout the plane.

When the man did not respond to the flight attendant, she took the camera from him, Deveikis said. Deveikis, who presented ajc.com with her boarding pass for the flight, said she watched the exchange from directly behind the man in seat 28A and the female flight attendant.

“She grabbed it from his hand and basically said I’ll be holding this until you get off the plane,”Deveikis said.

Read Full Article

From an aviation blog, this post lists additional details not mentioned in the other accounts.

Airline Travel…What You Really Need To Know!!!

An AirTran passenger, who was traveling with 12 others, was using his cell phone before takeoff, an airline spokesman said.

It’s unclear whether he was talking on the phone, snapping photos or texting, AirTran spokesman Christopher White said. But to airline officials and flight attendants, it didn’t matter. The plane had pulled away from the gate, and the phone was on, White said. “Passengers are required to follow instructions of the flight attendants,” regional FAA spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said.

AirTran reported the incident to the FAA, Bergen said.The federal Transportation Security Administration will not handle the incident, saying it is a customer-service issue between the passenger and the airline, a TSA spokesman said Houston-bound Flight 297 was scheduled to leave Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport at 4:40 p.m. Tuesday.

The Boeing 717 was taxiing on the runway when a crew member asked a passenger to turn off his phone, White said. “Flight attendants were telling him, ‘Turn off the phone, turn off the phone,’” White said. But the man didn’t speak English, which complicated the matter, officials said.

Once the pilot learned of the issue, he turned the plane around and headed back to the gate. The man was asked to leave, White said. “We can’t taxi with the cell phone on, and we certainly can’t take off,” White said. “Language barrier or not, you start to butt up against interfering with a flight crew.”

Another person in the group – someone who could speak English – got off as well to act as an interpreter, White said. So, why didn’t he leave his seat to help in the first place? “He told flight attendants that he could have helped during the taxi time, but he didn’t want to get up,” as passengers are to be seated at that time, White said.

The remaining 11 passengers in that group followed them off the plane as well, White said. “It’s a fine line that we have to play,” White said. “Is there any safety or security reason to bring the plane back? Yes, there was a safety reason.” AirTran gave the 72 other passengers on the plane the option to stay on that flight or switch to another one without paying any fees, White said. Of the remaining passengers on the plane, 12 decided to take another flight.

The 11 others in the 13-passenger group got back on the plane, which took off for Houston, White said. TSA officials spoke to the man with the cell phone as well as the other person who was acting as an interpreter, and they took a later flight to Houston, White said. White declined to identify the passenger. No charges were filed. And, for AirTran, the case is closed.


So what happened on Flight 297? I’m not sure. It’s either an incredible news event the media has completely overlooked, or an amazing tale based upon an actual occurrence. You’ll have to decide for yourself. It’s also possible that the stories may not conflict at all as each individual is providing their account from a different vantage point.

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29 Responses to “What Happened On AirTran Airways Flight 297”
  1. John Jackson says:

    And we still have not heard a thing about this

  2. French says:

    Once again being PC overrules good common sense, safety, security, etc to appease a group of people who refuse to behave in a civilized manner. As long as we have spineless officials from the White House on down, it will only get worse. Boy, we sure could use a Mr. Regan today.

  3. Richard Corso says:

    I’m so glad that you guy’s in the US are starting to stand your ground on these issues,

    Here in the UK we have seen our fare share of terrorist activities and as investigations have shown many of the terrorist carry out rehearsals and double check the response timings, what security checks are made etc etc.

    Security is an inconvenience however if it means I get home to see my family I will put up with whatever security is required – stay safe and well and be doubly vigilant you cannot drop your guard for one second.

    As someone said The goodmen have to be lucky and on their guard ALL of the time the evilmen only have to be lucky once.

  4. Brian Oke says:

    These men should have been charged with a crime. Every time I fly, it is announced that it is illegal to interfere with a flight crew. They knew they were causing a scene and being out of control and should pay for it.

  5. S Gordon says:

    We had a similar, although not quite as dramatic, incident happen on a flight a few years back on a Delta flight between Atlanta, GA and Jackson, MS. It was the most uncomfortable flight I have ever had.

    I did not file a complaint at that time, since I had been brainwashed by the media into political correctness. But I feel in my heart that it was a “dry run.” Even if you feel that there may be air marshals on the flight, you should speak up and file a complaint.

  6. dn says:

    Y’all will never know the truth, unfortunately. This is prime for “spinning out of control”
    here’s another 9+2+7 =18 9+11= 18.


  7. james says:

    Tedd Petruna sounds like a excited 3rd grader telling stories. I wonder if we will ever know the truth.

  8. Texan says:

    I have been a flight attendant for 30 years now. This shows a failure of the whole system of in-fight safety.
    I can communicate the rules with the deaf, blind, non-english speaking passengers, and the simple minded, as well as the drunk or demented.
    They understood the rules. No communication problem here.
    These 11 should have been arrested and charged with interfearing with a flight crew. Simple.
    Those who took a stand and did not waver are heros. Those who let these 11 continue on and those who got on the plane with them a second time are fools.
    As Corso said, “they only have to be lucky once”.
    Take a stand, assist the flight attendants, speak up, demand to be heard!
    When your gut tells you there is danger…it is because THERE IS DANGER. Don’t talk yourself out of it…or stick your head in the sand.

  9. Craig says:

    This is a perfect illustration why airlines need to start enforcing rules with an iron fist regardless of an individuals ethnicity. I’ve even heard passengers argue between themselves over cell phone usage at those times.
    When I say “rules” I mean all electronics off when told; remaining in your seat when the sign is lighted, wearing of seatbelts, seat backs up, no bags at feet, etc. The number of infractions of those rules I could count on every flight I take are ridiculous. The TSA need to back up these airlines and I think every infraction should carry a reasonably hefty fine and no return to the individuals original flight. It might sound extreme but it sure would reduce the problems.

  10. Jim Driskill says:

    Political correctness is taking our country from us. Now we don’t know to believe or not what we read. I am inclined to believe something was wrong, and we are not hearing everything that went on. Maybe Fox News will get this story and we will hear the truth. Jim

  11. LAgirl says:

    That is scary, you just never know. A similar thing happened recently at the Pershing Square station in downtown LA. I was with one of my best friends waiting for the subway back to Union Station when a group of about 10 Middle Eastern men came onto the platform. I just thought they were going to a Mosque somewhere or another religious event. They all had backpacks and my friend thought they may be tourists. Well anyway, the subway came and the police did a routine sweep of the cars and we were waiting to board. I kept looking at the men and they were all splitting up from each other and going into different subway cars. I suddenly got very nervous and pulled my friend back out of the subway car. I didn’t explain but said we had to get out of there. I took a picture of the men as we rushed out of area. Nothing happened of course but I was very nervous thinking it could be a dry run or something. I contacted the LAPD and emailed them the picture I took of the men, I never heard anything back. I just found it funny that these men all walked down to the subway together, stood and talked to one another, and then split up into all different cars when it came time to board the subway.

  12. HB says:

    I think something strange happened on flight 297, and it is a shame that the US news media is so undependable that they won’t investigate this story. I also want to comment on the statement from the woman, Nancy D. from Marietta, who denied it was a cell phone the man was using. Nancy D. said the man had a camera and was looking at pictures. Many cell phones have cameras built into them. I wonder if it is possible the man was looking at pictures on a phone.

  13. Trevor says:

    Hmmm, 12 people leave the plane and take a later flight over a cell phone? Yeah right. I believe there was some sort of incident. I fly quite a bit and this was damned unusual.

  14. Brian Hoffmann says:


  15. christopher says:

    My ex has worked for Airtran for 8 years and she confirmed this firsthand

  16. christopher says:

    she was in direct communication with that particular flight during the incident

  17. christopher says:

    i spoke with her 5 min ago after seeing the vague report on tv news for the first time

  18. Paulus says:

    “Todd Petruna,” should have spelled it right the 1st time: Tedd Petruna; all the rest of my post stands.

  19. Former F/A says:

    Many times the Airlines will pay the media off in order to keep an incident under wraps. It could be that Air Tran paid big ($$) bucks to keep the reporters away and the media CEO’s are probably happy to take the money.

    As far as the Political Correctness – that might be the very thing that will crush us if we don’t stand our ground. Most of us or our families have come from another country but we’ve learned to assimilate to the way of living here in the U.S.A. The U.S. is slowly assimilating to the way of life of those who can not or do not want to assimilate to the American way.

    The average person (that’s you and me) will have to stand our ground at every turn. Keep your eyes, ears, nose & the little hairs on the back of your neck on alert. Keep your cameras (& cell phones) clicking. God Bless

  20. Jamesi says:

    This is alarming, as I am a flight attendant. I can tell anyone first hand that there are more ways to communicate than words alone, ie; hand gestures, so the mention of a language barrier is only a poor excuse for an unwillingness to comply.

    I can write a book about polical correctness, as well as dream up mumerous reasons why an airline and the media would try to hush this matter. Rather than do so, I’d rather put into the minds of fellow Americans this thought: COMPLIANCE IS A GROUP EFFORT. When we see someone out of line, we have a moral and ethical responsibility to correct them. Yes, I am one of the flight crew, but I alone cannot insure the safety of the flight. It is up to every person onboard to insist and assist with that cause.

    You can imagine that a man refusing to turn off a cell phone is enough to warrant a 2-hour delay and a crew change if you wish, but you will be that fool.

  21. VDalson says:

    dn needs to go back to first grade math.
    yeah, 9+2+7 = 18

    but 9+11= 20 smart one

  22. Heather says:

    As a previous flight attendant for AirTran and knowing what the procedures, as well as rules and regulations, this had to be a serious incident. First let me say that the crew will not normally walk off the plane. It is a no-no and it must have been threatening enough if the whole crew walked off. In my opinion, how the hell do these people that “don’t speak English” get all the way through the airport. They have to check their luggage, go through TSA, find their gate and seat, but yet when instructed to follow FARs they all the sudden can’t understand. Why did the person that could inturpret not ring his flight attendant call button or speak up? There are procedures that the attendants must do before even thinking about going back to the gate, and most times it takes some convincing to the front end to get this done. This had to be a serious matter and THANK YOU flight crew for standing up for yourselves, especially knowing what that company is probably putting you through over this matter. Does anyone else find it weird that other people are reporting that this is happening all over… hmmm… Lets all take it upon ourselves to be more aware. Thanks to those passengers on board who stood up for the entire plane, you are very couragious and very appreciated.

  23. Mark says:

    According to the flight manifestos, Petruna was not even on this flight. He missed his connection. Also, other passengers who have shown to have been on the actual flight describe the incident as involving a man that spoke spanish. Yes, one man not 12. The man was veiwing pictures on his cell phone and did not understand he had to turn the device off. The fact that this Petruna or Schossel don’t want to talk to news media and have shut of their FB, twitter, and Myspace account speaks much more to me than any supposed ‘dry run’. Also, the Chaplian’s description is only told in part. He took Flight 297 to Houston and had no problems with it. The Chaplian felt the incident was more a case of ‘ethnic bullying’ (his words not mine). I am far from naive and have as much mistrust for my government as anyone with a brain, but this really is just some idiot who missed his flight and posted some ‘bad make-believe press’ about AirTran to get back at them.

  24. DJC says:

    I am still trying to figure out what the hell “dn” stated with the numbers…9+11 = 20 …not 18?!!?!!?

  25. Mickey says:

    I live in Canada and I must say that a story like this frightens even me! I don’t scare easy, but someone told me once that Muslims will control the world in the coming years. Is this what is referred to as D-day? My God, help us all…

    I would have walked off the plane along with the other passengers. Peppering themselves throughout the plane would have been their first clue that something wasn’t right. That would have set my red flags a-flyin’!!!

    Again…. my God, help us all…

  26. Howard says:

    One of my hobbies is debuncking email chail letters that spread lies. It is unfortunate that so many people will believe anything they read on the computer. However after much research on the flight of 297 that every reputabel source agrees on is the crew and 12 passengers departed the flight and at the momemt I am left to assume because they considered the flight too risky to fly. If there was some other reason they departed the plane I would like to know. Other wise these were people who saw first hand what happened and at the risk of possibly loosing their jobs or arriving late to their destination choose to get off the plane. Yet you are going to tell me the air line company choose to take the opinion of a damn Customer Service Rep. who was not on board the plane over a flight crew and 12 passengers.

    The crew and departing passengers are to be commended for their bravery and principals. However other than those people someone with the airlines needs to lose their job for placing public relations ahead of public safey.

  27. Melvin E. Holliday says:

    Something is missing in these stories. There are too many conflicting facts. I know the difference between 1 or 11 people in robes. I know the difference between spanish and Arabic. My hat is off to the two Texans that helped. I am a bit of a coward myself and I am glad that there are people like that around. All-in-all it sounds very much to me like our system was being tested and someone should have been arrested to say the very least. You can’t even say the word bomb in a Airport withut getting apprehended so what these men did and got away with is un-imaginable.

  28. Ashley says:

    According to the story, two men had cell phones and two others were looking at porn. Perhaps the lady who claims it was a camera, not a phone, was referring to the other men who were looking at the porn. Idk.. Some one needs to speak up with the truth. I live just south of Atlanta. I hate to think such awful things are going on this close to home..

  29. Garry Bowman says:

    I have traveled many airline miles and have witnessed incidents of people being pulled off of planes. But this one (297) tops them all. Politically correct needs to go away and safety go to the head of the class. In one incedent years ago I did help a stewadess when a jerk tripped her. We need to be more involved and stand up to idiots with no common sense. It may mean the difference of getting home safely or not @ all.

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