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Add a little Humor to your life, with a Joke or two.

Tell Us a Joke or Cooking Story (Funny/Horror)

Bar Games  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. long face
  2. Eats:Shoots and Leaves
  3. The bar mess-up

Cooking Story  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. Rice Krispie Treats
  2. Black Forest Cherry Cake aka 200 lb. biscuit
  3. Cookies
  4. Rock Hard Rice
  5. Waffles
  6. Green Jello
  7. Mac and Cheese
  8. Quick! Get the Fire Extinguisher
  9. How do you like your shoe leather
  10. The Pork Chops
  11. crock pot beef
  12. A meat loaf that loafed
  13. Gelfilte Fish Story
  14. Beginner Cook
  15. Newly Married Cooking Story
  16. Popcorn Balls
  17. First attempt at Fried Rice
  18. The Chili Cookoff
  19. Morning Coffee
  20. Cup of Friendship Becomes Kitchen Quandary
  21. Coffee Machine Instructions
  22. Buying a Christmas Turkey
  23. Peanuts
  24. Things a Friend will say!
  25. The Most Dangerous Food!

Dieting  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. The Christmas Diet?
  2. The "Beer-Me" Diet
  3. Five Steps to a Healthy Diet
  4. Dieting Under Stress
  5. How to Lose Weight Fast
  6. The Miracle Toddler Diet
  7. Stress Diet
  8. Holiday Diet Tips

Drinking  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. The Drinker's Alphabet
  2. Signs You Have A Drinking Problem
  3. Liquor Warning Labels
  4. Ode to Alcohol
  5. The Top 14 Rejected Slogans for Beer
  6. Drinker's Fault Finding Guide
  7. What is a Frog's Favorite Drink?
  8. Jar of Olives
  9. Crying in His Beer
  10. Tequila
  11. What NOT to Say in a Bar
  12. A string
  13. Bar, I said bar

Food  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. Cheese
  2. Where's Pop
  3. Hellycopter
  4. "(hicup-hicup)"
  5. chicken and gum
  6. Duck, Duck, Duck???
  7. the homework
  8. Eating a chicken
  9. People are like Potatoes
  10. The Coffee Test
  11. Hot Dog
  12. Baskin Robbins
  13. Serving Pie
  14. Cyanide Watermelons
  15. The Rules of Chocolate
  16. Definition of Outdoor BBQ
  17. What do you call a stolen yam?
  18. What was green and a great trick shooter?
  19. What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
  20. What what can you make from baked beans and onions?
  21. What is a Honeymoon Salad?
  22. What do you call a kitty cat that ate a lemon?
  23. knock knock
  24. Eating right
  25. A practical joke involving jello
  26. Improving fry cooking time
  27. You should learn to be more polite
  28. Food fight in a store
  29. You know you are drinking too much coffee when . . .
  30. Why did the man stare at the can of orange juice?
  31. What did the hungry computer eat?
  32. What do cats call mice on skateboards?
  33. Other Ways to Use the Thanksgiving Turkey
  34. Spoilage Table
  35. Vegetarians are Evil People
  36. Baked Beans
  37. Pizza Slices
  38. Half a Cake
  39. The Rules of Eating Chocolate
  40. The Jean-Paul Sartre Cookbook
  41. Food of the 21st Century
  42. Bread is Dangerous

General  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. Top 10 Ways to Get Drunk for Five Dollars or Less
  2. You Know You're Drinking Too Much Coffee When...
  3. 25 Reasons Why Alcohol Should be Served at Work
  4. Beer Complaint
  5. How to Tell if your Christmas Party is a Success
  6. Cooking Terms -- Redefined
  7. Cooking Terms -- Redefined 2
  8. Airline Food
  9. Who Discovered Milk?
  10. What Ice Cream Do You Have?
  11. Making Glue and Cake
  12. Jail Food
  13. The Bean Factory
  14. The Milkman
  15. Using Lemons?
  16. Culinary Question
  17. The Perfect Kitchen
  18. Noodles
  19. What Your Pizza Says About Yo
  20. When the frost is on the Punkin
  21. Glossary for Computer Lover's Recipes #1
  22. Glossary for Computer Lover's Recipes #2
  23. Glossary for Computer Lover's Recipes #3
  24. Why Engineers Don't Write Recipe Books
  25. What's in an astronaut's favorite sandwich?
  26. What did the female mushroom say about the male mushroom?
  27. Sign in restaurant window:
  28. Why should you never tell a secret on a farm?
  29. What did the big tomato say to the little tomato, when the little tomato started to slow down while running?
  30. What did the jelly say to the peanut butter?
  31. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
  32. Jokes from Kids
  33. The tongue has 9000 taste buds?
  34. How can you tell if an apple is organic?
  35. Junk Food Giggles
  36. A man's son is choking at a restaurant
  37. A waiter brings a customer his steak
  38. An older couple visited the doctor...
  39. The Bachelor's Guide to Food!
  40. Butter-fly
  41. The Thermos Bottle
  42. Kid Humor
  43. Sign in Restaurant
  44. Cookies
  45. A few interesting points
  46. The Perfect Breakfast
  47. women
  48. Mans best Friend
  49. What do you call a peanut in space?
  50. Why are elephants always poor?
  51. What do you get when Santa sits on a peanut?
  52. What sound does a peanut make when it sneezes?
  53. Why did the ice cream take karate lessons?
  54. What is an electrician's favorite ice cream flavor?
  55. Knock, Knock.: I scream. You scream.
  56. Who gets to do the Dirty Dishes?
  57. Bran Muffins
  58. Cannibal Cooking Tips
  59. Pillsbury Dough Boy Dead at 71
  60. knock knock
  61. Muffins
  62. Kiwi
  63. why did the cow cross the road
  64. Teeth
  65. Blonde Chef student
  66. Top 10 Signs You Watch Too Much Iron Chef
  67. Top 8 Worst Fortune Cookies Fortune
  68. Cook and Chef Jokes
  69. You Might Be a Bad Cook If...
  70. The Top 10 Signs the Antichrist is a Vegetarian
  71. Alphabet Seasonings : Game
  72. A Catholic on Friday.
  73. Cannibal Joke
  74. baked beans and onions Joke
  75. Diet Definition
  76. Why did the raisin go out with the prune?
  77. Deciding Dinner when Married Joke
  78. Tired Husband Joke
  79. 3 Food Groups Joke
  80. Wife's Cooking
  81. Why did the Orange juice cross the road?
  82. Why was.......
  83. Skeletons
  84. Five reasons to watch a mushroom do absolutly nothing for the insane and the insomniacs
  85. baker story
  86. Sea food diet
  87. Chili taster (R-rated)
  88. lost for words
  89. talking muffins
  90. Chesse me

Recipe  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. To cook a turkey
  2. To cook a turkey
  3. Elephant Stew
  4. Christmas Fruitcake Recipe
  5. How to Bake a Cake with a Baby in the House
  6. The Best Fruit Cake Ever
  7. Mom's Brownie Recipe
  8. Recipe for a Joyous Holiday Meal from the Alternative Gourmet
  9. Chocolate Layer Cake 1040
  10. Best Ever Rum Cake

Restaurant  (Tell Us a Joke)

  1. Waiter Jokes
  2. Foreign Menus
  3. Food Ideas Rejected By MacDonalds
  4. The Top 12 New Menu Items if Fast Food Chains Merged
  5. How to order a pizza by phone
  6. MacDonald's Soliloquy
  7. Top Ten Ways To Annoy Your Waiter
  8. Top 10 Things you Don't Want to Overhear in a Restaurant
  9. Dining Hall Fun
  10. The Frog in the Restaurant
  11. Greasy Spoon Burger Man
  12. Soul food plus a Mexican Restaurant
  13. Top 20 Things to Do in a Drive-Thru
  15. The Microsoft Restaurant
  16. Restaurant Humor (X-rated)
  17. Sugar and Cream
  18. You gotta love New Yorkers and KFC
  19. Top ten ways to annoy your waiter
  20. The Top 14 Pickup Lines Used by Chefs
  21. Top Ten Signs You May Be Eating In A Bad Restaurant
  22. Pickup Lines Used By Chefs
  23. Understanding Your Employees' Hangover Level
  24. Going into the bar