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Jan 6 2010 11:25 AM ET

'Mad Men' theme's RJD2: 'The era of really cool TV themes has passed'

Categories: Mad Men, Music, Television

The Mad Men theme song, a short-edit version of hip-hop producer RJD2’s instrumental track “A Beautiful Mine,” has become so evocative of that show, and subsequently the era it depicts, that it’s actually jarring to hear Aceyalone rap 21st century lyrics on the non-instrumental version. RJD2 chatted with the Washington Post about how his song became an iconic TV staple and shared his likes and dislikes when it comes to other notable TV tunes. (Thumbs up: Knight Rider. Thumbs down: The Sopranos). “I feel like the era of really cool TV themes has passed us by,” laments RJD2 (born Ramble John Krohn), who lists Airwolf and Scooby-Doo as two of his childhood faves. He might be right, though I’m a little disappointed the actual lyrics for the Mad Men theme aren’t “Mad Men, Mad Men, sixties, cigarettes, thin ties, short hair…”

Does the Mad Men theme make you want to free-fall into oblivion like an animated Don Draper? Are there any other current TV theme songs that you refuse to fast-forward through?

Jan 6 2010 08:00 AM ET

'The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special' tops our Must List this week. What's on yours?

In 2007, my friend and I took almost two hours worth of public transportation so we could go to a 7-11 in Maryland that had been transformed into a Kwik-E-Mart as part of a promotion for The Simpsons Movie. I bought $40 worth of Krusty-Os, Buzz Cola and Squishee cups (I refused to put actual drink into my glasses, for fear the sugar-laden beverage would compromise the quality of my cup).

I thought I was dedicated and have always considered my sister – who can recite any episode seasons 1-10 from memory – an even bigger fan. But deep down, I know we’re only the tip of The Simpsons superfan iceberg. I’m sure there are people out there who dream of yellow, four-fingered people, say ”okily-dokily” in 100 percent seriousness because it is second nature, and who believe no other cat name exists other than Snowball.

But this next week isn’t about how big of a fan you are (or once were), it’s about celebrating what The Simpsons is: The kinda inappropriate cartoon comedy that paved the way for totally inappropriate cartoon comedies. At the center of this time of reflection (and my Must List pick for the week): The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special: In 3-D! On Ice! (airing Sunday on FOX). Super Size Me’s Morgan Spurlock directed the documentary. I call BS for it not being in 3-D or on ice, but it will nonetheless be a fun watch.

What about you, PopWatchers? Are you as excited as me about The Simpsons special? Or is something else on your Must List this week? Sound off below (and make it good)!

For your viewing pleasure, I leave you with a Simpsons promo spot featuring House’s Lisa Edelstein (Love her!).

Jan 6 2010 06:00 AM ET

'Ugly Betty' PSA: This show's worth a second chance in its new Wednesday timeslot -- starting tonight!

After Ugly Betty languished on Friday nights from October through December—and dropped a couple million viewers along the way—ABC recently decided to give its one-time hit a better chance of surviving to its fifth season and moved it to the comedy-filled Wednesday nights. And, hark, fans! That night has finally arrived! Tonight, the fabulous gang from Mode makes its debut on Wednesday for the first time. And it’s the first time the show has appeared on a desirable night since last May. Hallelujah!

Now, I’m not judging you, believe me, but I’m more than certain lots of you out there have skipped out on Betty this season—or maybe even last season, too. (Or—gasp!—even season 2.) Well, there’s no time like the present to get back into the fray! Why? Because Betty is, without question, better than ever. The creative juices are flowing at the show’s writing headquarters and—this is a good thing!—the series seems to have recaptured that rather elusive juice that made it so delightful during back in season 1.

So, what I’m saying is: Get back on board, people! To help get you up to speed, I’m presenting the five essential things you must know about the show currently. Read up and then dive back at 10 p.m. on ABC tonight:

• Betty ain’t so ugly anymore. Didja hear? (Or, rather, just see America Fererra’s smiling face above.) Betty got a makeover—lost the bangs, got sleeker glasses, and her clothes are a tad less crazy. And—here’s the big shocker!—she’s losing the braces soon, too. Plus, in case you didn’t watch through last season, she got promoted to Associate Features Editor at Mode, so she’s no longer a lowly assistant. How’s that for injecting life into a storyline? (Also: Her new hot looks may have something to do with the fact that producers are mulling whether to hook her up with former boss, Daniel.) (Read full post)

Jan 5 2010 10:07 PM ET

Poll: Which sci-fi flick would be first on your Oscar ballot?

Categories: Avatar, Sci-Fi

Star Trek. District 9. Avatar. This was a far-out great year for serious and popular sci-fi flicks. The Producers Guild of America has recognized that fact by including those three aforementioned films–all box office smashes; all critically aclaimed–among its 10 nominees for Best Picture. If you’re a sci-fi fan like me, you’re probably also rooting for all three to get Oscar nominations, too. Our Oscar guru Dave Karger definitely thinks Avatar is certain to get a nod, though check out his analysis on how Avatar ’s chances of winning might be affected if Trek and District 9 get nominated, too. Me, I’m just kinda glad I don’t have to fill out the ballot.

According to screenwriter John August’s illuminating peek into the new Oscar voting process, ballot casters not only have to choose 10 films, but they also have to rank those films, too, from best to… well, 10th best. He also notes that the rankings really do matter, so putting one film ahead of another means something, at least theoretically. Now, I’m pretty sure all three of those films would be among my 10 favorite movies of the year. They would certainly be in my top 15. But it would be tough for me to rank those three sci-fi flicks in relationship to each other. I was amazed by the technical achievement and visual pow of Avatar. I loved the grit and ingeunity of District 9. And Star Trek was just a well-rounded fun fest for me–and of the three, it’s the one I’m most interested in seeing more of (re: sequels). If I had to vote today, I’d say: 1. Trek; 2. District 9; 3. Avatar. But who knows? I’m watching District 9 again tonight, and planning to see Avatar again this weekend, so I might change my mind.

What about you, sci-fi fans? How would you rank these three films on your Oscar ballot?

Jan 5 2010 07:29 PM ET

EA sticking with Tiger Woods

EA Sports announced yesterday that it’s moving forward with its Tiger Woods-branded Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online game. The company’s president wrote in a blog post that “Our relationship with Tiger has always been rooted in golf… regardless of what’s happening in his personal life, and regardless of his decision to take a personal leave from the sport, Tiger Woods is still one of the greatest athletes in history.”

He also mentions that the online version of the game has been in closed beta for eight months, which sounds like the bigger reason the company is sticking with the product: Who would want to throw away all that time and money?

But as other sponsors are fleeing, one wonders if Woods’ image problems are enough to torpedo his endorsed products. I don’t think video games require quite as squeaky an image as other deals may, and I guess I’m in the minority here for not being particularly scandalized by Woods’ “transgressions” in the first place.

I’ll still play Tiger Woods games, PopWatchers. Will you?

Jan 5 2010 07:11 PM ET

Sharon Stone's 'Law & Order: SVU' guest arc: Maybe only a little crazy

It’s no secret that Law & Order: SVU loves guest stars with Oscar cred. In fact, when the show celebrated its 200th episode in 2008, we chatted with exec producers about 24 guests who’d either won an Academy Award or been nominated for one. So it’s not surprising that Sharon Stone (a nominee for Casino) has signed on for a four-episode arc as a former cop-turned prosecutor. But is it as crazy as it initially sounds?

Considering my first thought when I saw Stone onstage last month paying tribute to Robert De Niro at the Kennedy Center Honors was Oh, they needed another woman, you’d think I’d say yes. Haven’t all of Stone’s recent memorable performances been in that annual Cinema Against AIDS charity auction at the Cannes Film Festival? But SVU likes to give actors a chance to play roles they’re not normally offered; and, occasionally, actors do like to do something well-written that millions of people are actually going to see. Maybe with decent dialogue, we could be reminded how fierce Stone can be. She has the presence to be a formidable opponent to Mariska Hargitay and Chris Meloni, should that be what the role entails (fingers crossed). You can’t imagine her playing someone who wouldn’t win, which would keep things interesting.

Is Sharon Stone a “get” that you’ll tune in for?

Photo credit: Pixplanete/PR Photos

Jan 5 2010 05:27 PM ET

'The Good Wife' poll: Appointment viewing for all?

Categories: Television

A funny thing happened when the writers in EW’s TV department each sent around our Top 10 shows of 2009, aside from the usual chastising: CBS’ The Good Wife (new episode tonight!) made many of the lists. It’s a phenomenon I’ve experienced outside the office as well. More than once, I’ve been at dinner with friends, one asks what we’re all watching these days, someone mentions The Good Wife, and suddenly the whole table is having a discussion that resembles what Lisa Schwarzbaum said in a recent issue of EW: ”I stay with The Good Wife because the truth — passed from woman to every TV-watching woman I know — is that this traditionally constructed 10 p.m. show is the most pertinent, articulate, observant, and realistically feminist network-TV drama on the air today. There’s no flash, no wisecracks, and no singing cheerleaders — just superb plotting, crisp writing about issues that matter, and harmonious ensemble performances led by Julianna Margulies, who is all steel and interesting stupor.”

But it’s not just women who get how good this show is, right? The fact that men at EW — including Ken Tucker, who ranked it No. 10 on his official countdown of the year’s best shows — are fans, gives me hope. But I still want to take it to a vote:

(Read full post)

Jan 5 2010 04:49 PM ET

'Bayonetta': Sega's wicked (awesome) witch begins the year with a bang

Categories: Games, Videogames

Bayonetta, an original third-person action-fueled romp crafted by some of the creative talent behind Devil May Cry, lands on consoles with all the impact of an over-sized battle ax to a thick demon skull. Starring a sexy-librarian-looking witch, who can let her hair down with literally Earth-rattling results, Bayonetta is fast, frenzied and, most of all, crazy-fun. (Read full post)

Jan 5 2010 04:22 PM ET

Is 'Avatar' your favorite James Cameron movie?

While Hollywood’s bean counters are all in a tizzy, scrambling to predict whether Avatar has a chance of smashing Titanic’s record as the biggest box-office hit of all time, we here at EW are preoccupied with more esoteric questions — questions that reach beyond the mere philistine accounting of dollars and cents! Namely, is Avatar James Cameron’s best film? We realize there’s a lot of love out there right now for the visionary director’s brand new 3-D sci-fi-apalooza. And I think we can all agree that it’s a helluva lot better than 1981’s Piranha 2: The Spawning. But is Avatar a better movie than Aliens or Terminator 2 or even The Abyss?

Take a few moments to re-familiarize yourself with Cameron’s resume below and then let us know how you’d rank ‘em! (For the record, here’s how I’d vote — from best to worst: T2, Aliens, Terminator, AvatarTitanic, True Lies, The Abyss.)

The Terminator (1984)

Aliens (1986) (Read full post)

Jan 5 2010 04:00 PM ET

Best Pez dispenser you ever owned?

I just read the New York Times‘ obituary of Curtis Allina, the candy company executive who died at 87 on Dec. 15 and was instrumental in putting the heads on Pez dispensers. Here are a few pieces of Pez trivia that I found slightly more tantalizing than lemon-flavored Pez: (1) The first Pez, in 1927 Austria, were mint-flavored and the name came from the German word Pfefferminz; (2) Pez has inspired a museum, a movie, and this one guy to cover an entire car in dispensers; (3) Flip-top Pez dispensers were modeled after cigarette lighters in hopes that the candy would provide an alternative to smoking. I wonder which Pez dispenser Don Draper would use (WPDWDDU?) if he suddenly had to quit. I’m thinking either Lisa Simpson Pez or Donatello from TMNT Pez. Then again, a simple, black Darth Vader dispenser is classic and would go with all outfits from all decades, except these.

What’s been your favorite Pez dispenser over the years? You’re probably cool and own a retired Peanuts Pez or a vintage 1970s Fireman Pez – no feet. Mine was pretty boring: the Daisy Duck one I carried around during high school. Goofy would have been a more appropriate character for me, but I liked that Daisy had a purple base instead of orange. I was so much gayer in high school. I especially liked dispensing Pez once every seven minutes during AP U.S. History because it felt like I was methodically dosing myself with magic pills to get me through the hour. I thought strawberry Pez went very nicely with a can of Mountain Dew. I also had Yoshi but ended up giving him away to a girl who was better at Super Mario Land than me. Out of respect.

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