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Islamic University in madina - الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة
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Plate of Honor
Study in the University
Colleges and Faculties
Supporting Deanships
University Centers
Administration and Departments Of The Deanship

 Administration of the Deanship:
Director of Administration:
Mr. Abdul Rauf Ahmad Abid.

- The Department is organizing and arranging the Covenant of the Deanship as well as transferring and controlling it, and also supervision on entering the Deanship out of season covenant. And granting the releases to the staffs relocate to the outside of the Deanship.
- To Follow-up in order to provide the Deanship"s Administration Requests.
- To follow- up the Maintenance of the Deanship"s Block.
- To Follow-up records of the presence and quits of the Deanship"s staff.
- To Follow-up the Administration accountabilities.

Administration of travel and Residence:
Director of the Department of Travel and Residence:
Professor: Sulaiman Mustafa Al Mugamisi.

- The Administration conserves and keeps the Documents of the students - their passports -
-Issuing the Resident I.D. Cards for new entry students. 
-Issuing or renewing the Resident I.D. Cards for enrolled students.
- To Grant the travel and movement permits, as well as issuance and cancellation of visas.
- To Follow-up the lingering students who did not travel after their Graduation or dismissed.
- To address the Administration of immigration and security areas in all matters relating to students.

Administration Of the Activity:
Director of the Department:
Mr. Fareed Abdullah Abu Al-Tahir.

- The Department processes the activities needs, prior to the beginning of the school year.
- Prepares the Proposal of the activity in detail and work to implement it.
- Following -up its works in coordination with the educational Departments.

Administration Of Guidance and Direction:
Director of the Department of Guidance and Direction
Mr. Yusuf Bin Muhammad Al-Ahmadi.

- The Administration receives the Students" cases and different kinds of their violations of student and dealing with it.
- Calling for students to discuss their problems and their transgressions, be it legally or regulatory, and completing its related process.
 - Suggesting the appropriate penalties and converting it to the Area of jurisdiction in order to take necessary action over it.
Relegating/ forwarding this kind of matters to the Committee of Students" Cases to look in to it.   
Administration of Students" Fund:
Director of the  Students" Fund Administration:
Mr. Ismail Bin Salim Al Balushi.

- The Administration follows up all matters relating to investments.
- Provide the assistance to students under the supervision of the President of the Head of Administrative Council of the students" Fund.
- Receiving  the incomes, voluntary contributions- in cash and in kind against the fund-, Business shops" rental, miscellaneous investments, advances recovered from the students, contributions deducted from the monthly remuneration, and their contributions to the indoor sports and skills development courses.

Department of Computer and copying:
Head of the Department and Liaison Officer of the Deanship:
Mr. Umar Badrudeen BalQassim.

The Department performs the Technical Supervision on the Deanship"s network and maintenance of hardware and software in coordination with the Center for Information and Computer.
Preparation, printing and distribution of the records of the Students" names of its different kinds, according to their nationality or alphabetically or according to their respective Faculties or institutes. 
Copies the Deanship"s outgoing letters.
copies the Administrations and Departments" Reports in the Deanship. 

Department of Accommodation:
Head of the Department:
Mr. Fahad Bin Obaid Al-Utaibee.

- The Department at the beginning of each Year A accommodates the new enrolled Students and records their Accommodation data in the Computer.
- Taking over the Accommodation from graduated or dismissed students and some students who wish to reside outside the University.
- Printing the records of the residential units and sending it to the Section of Supervision.
 - Accommodating the new Saudi students in the Hostels allocated to them in coordination with the students" Fund.
- Receiving the requests for Married Students who wish to be accommodated in the Hostels located them.
 - preparing the Special accommodation to the guests of the University.
Providing new students with the furniture and other students need to.

Department of Supervision:
Head of Supervision Department:
Mr. Abdul Hamid Marzuk Al-Tamimi.

The Department performs 24-hours supervision on all accommodating units within and outside the University, as the Department also performs a sudden inspection tours over the rooms of accommodating units to take note of some of the observations against some actions which are contrary to the Sharia and order, and latter sent it to the Deanship for Studying and verification. After that they called of the students suspected of irregularities.

Department of Deliverance:
Head of the Department:
Mr. Nashi Ayid Al Mugadhawi.

The Departments delivers the monthly allowances to the Students and performs the follow-up to it. Also prepares the necessary process and sending it to Finance Department to granting the allowances overdue to the Students.

Department of Administrative Communications:
Head of the Department:
Mr. Faisal Marzuq Al Ruhaili.

The Department follows-up the Deanship"s internal and external letters, first to first that is by numbering all transactions and follows up the transactions through this numbering.

Department of Registers and files:
Head of the Department:
Mr. Abdul Rahman Gunaiman Al-Muzaini.

The Department opens File for each student immediately after he was admitted in to the University and preserves – first to first - all matters relating to students be it documents, cases and information.
The Department also issues the Student I.D cards, as the Department has a special place for photographing provided with the modern equipment for doing so.

Department of Students" Relations:
Head of Student Relations:
Mr. Muhammad Bin Musfir Al Zahrani.

- The Department presents the Administrative assistances to the Student such as visiting Students in Hospitals or Prisons and others.
- As the Department gives Identification Letters to the Students in order to present it to the Administrations, Hospitals, private and public Foundations according to certain criteria they have.

Center Of Skills Development:
Head of the Center:
Mr. Fuaad Ghalib Sultan.
The Center Conducts Some Educational Courses For Students of the work of an educational center for students, free of charge or at nominal wage, that is in the field of: in the education of Computer Science, typing, carpentry, and many others.

Nutrition Department:
Head of the Department:
Mr. Abdullah Bin Yusuf Qamqamji.

Nutrition Department strives to supply meals at the Students" Restaurant in the University for each Full-time Student at the university in return for nominal sharing with regards to pre- University stage Students. Where the under graduate Students undertake the sum of 50 percent of the meals" coast, where the University paid the remaining 50%.  The Restaurant provides at least three meals square or as the wish. Noting that; the meals ticket is sale throughout the days of every month.
Nutrition Department, takes into account the needs of students concerning the food and this is done via the Food Supplier.
The Nutrition Department also supervises the preparation, processing, cooking and distributing meals to students, As the Department provides meals for students Participating in the excursion.