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Top Gear Getting Into Video Games

Ever wanted to strap a Scion to two thermal rocket boosters and launch the bastard into the stratosphere or fill a car to the brim with water and drive it into general traffic just to see the reaction of the others drivers on the road? Do you still like having a clean driving record and car insurance that doesn't require the blood of your first born child?

BBC has got the solution for gearheads like you and me: an official 'Top Gear' video game! The broadcasting giant is taking the world's greatest car show and bringing it to a a Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS or iPhone near you, news that doubly good to me because I'm a huge 'Top Gear' fan and I called for it to be turned into a video game right here at TV Squad! Who says dreams don't come true now, Mom?

Family Feud and The Simpsons on the iPhone

With the invention of the App Store, it should be no surprise that game versions of various television properties would appear on the iPhone and iPod Touch. I have managed to get my hands on two of them (Family Feud and The Simpsons) and offer a brief review of each.

Family Feud - This game is a wonderful recreation of the environment of the game show it's based on, right down to the camera pans. The big difference is that one has to type any of the top-however-many answers rather than speak them, so it's best if the player have excellent spelling skills. Currently the game is on sale for $2.99 in the App Store.

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Hollywood Reporter says Apple can't kill cable

The world might be all moonbeams and rainbows about the prospects of a TV-less show world thanks to Apple's possible deal with Disney and CBS, but The Hollywood Reporter has swooped in to crush everyone's dreams.

A commentary from THR's Andrew Wallenstein states rather bluntly in the headline that "Apple can't kill cable."

His argument is varied and well-thought-out in several areas, from a lack of adequate company backing to fill Apple's show roster to basic economic principals that I could have understood if my college economics professor didn't make brains bleed with the power of his voice.

Then again, never-say-never. For instance, a certain entertainment newspaper once said in 1955 that rock 'n roll music would be "gone by June." Do you know which newspaper that was? Well, it was ... um, Variety, but that's beside the point.

Apple talking to CBS, Disney for its TV project

Any attempt to break new barriers in television accessibility is nothing without content and Apple's latest attempt to corner TV has two big names in its front pocket.

CBS and Disney are in talks with Apple to join their latest iTunes TV project, a monthly subscription that would give viewers access to a whole range of TV shows.

Of course, none of these deals are set in stone and everything can fall apart at a moment's notice, but imagine the effects this project would have on television. Are you excited about it or does it scare you down to the very core of your being?

Cash Cab becomes iPhone game app

Cash CabAre you the kind of person who watches Cash Cab (and you do because admit it, you can't not watch it when it's on) and thinks you could do ten times better than the dunderheads that Ben Bailey just picked up?

Do you know the answer to every question before they fly out of the host's mouth faster than a New York cabbie hurling a curse word out of his window during bumper-to-bumper gridlock?

Then prove it. Put your iPhone where your mouth is because Discovery and Capcom have released a new Cash Cab game app for the device.

TV genre series live on in iTunes thanks to Comixology

MIddleman and other TV properties live on via iTunes.Apple's iPhone and iPod are emerging as the preferred delivery device for online comic books. They're portable, hand-held and feature vivid screens capable of delivering any necessary colors. You can use the touch screen to flip the pages back and forth.

An online comics website, Comixology, is a central point for scores of online comics available via iTunes' App Store, including several titles based on popular genre shows of the recent and not-so-recent past.

You'll find that 80's anime after school favorite, Voltron living here. Marvel's animation-influenced X-Men flourishes in multiple versions. The Middleman, a now-canceled creative comic-book inspired children's live action show, continues in iPhone form. In fact, The Middleman stories on Comixology were written to continue the TV show's storyline.

Continue reading TV genre series live on in iTunes thanks to Comixology

The Colbert Report's The Word - iPhone app review

The Colbert Report's The WordThe Colbert Report's The Word is one of those iPhone applications that takes advantage of that sort of portable player. The Word is one of those segments that doesn't translate well to a book, unlike Letterman's Top Ten Lists. Video clips better convey the emotion of the segment.

Basically, the application is all the clips of Colbert's most famous segment, and I mean all of them. The app requires a WiFi or data connection to work (because you don't want all those clips taking up memory) but they're constantly updated. I'm not sure if this will be forever or until they get bored with it and figure out another way to make money.

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Dexter the Game -- video game review

Dexter the Game
Fans of TV's Dexter have been clamoring for the release of the video game version for quite awhile, ever since news of the game's development first hits the stands. But just like the show's title character would say, patience and preparation pays off when you're trying to execute the perfect kill.

Dexter the Game would feel like just another run-of-the-mill TV to video game translation if it hit the Xbox Live Arcade or the Playstation Network. But this slice and dice retelling of the Showtime show's first season is special because it's on the iPhone and iPod Touch.

That's right, the touch screen manna from Steve Jobs' heaven now lets you cut up evildoers with a bone saw with the flick of your finger. Now you can fulfill the needs of your own "Dark Passenger" without having to max out your Home Depot card on visqueen and power tools or thin the pet population of your neighbors' backyards.

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Dexter game hits Apple's App Store

A creepy screenshot from the new Dexter iPhone game
One of the most anticipated iPhone apps since the "iFart" has finally found its way to the App Store.

The official Dexter video game from Marc Ecko Entertainment and Icarus Studios finally made it to Apple's App Store yesterday after more than a year in anxious development. The game is also set to be released on the PC, as well, but a release date hasn't been officially set yet.

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Is Apple looking to take a bite out of TV next?

Apple logoApple has left some fairly noticeable heel marks on the free throw lines of the computer, digital music and the cell phone industry.

So what technology business does Steve Jobs have next on his "To Dominate" list? Why TV, of course. What did you think I was going to say? Toasters? Did you not read the name of this blog?

A financial analyst with the Piper Jaffray investment banking firm speculated that the company is eying at taking a stab at TV technology by releasing its own high definition television by 2011.

Continue reading Is Apple looking to take a bite out of TV next?

A universal remote that can control everything, maybe even the universe

An old Zenith remote controlEvery TV addict has that moment when they throw themselves on the couch and muster enough courage to overcome their body fat, gravity and the risk of doing a full sit-up to reach for the remote.

But then comes that feeling of sheer dread when your hand, reaching as far as your arm will allow, grabs nothing but air. Your eyes dart around the room, first scanning the immediate area that doesn't require you to get up from the contoured indent left by your ever-expanding ass. Finally, you find it ... clear across the room. You have discovered the remote control's one and only modern flaw.

Don't fret. Scientists across the globe have been putting their swine flu vaccine and obesity epidemic research projects aside and working on improving TV remote technology. That idea for a miracle virus cure never materialized but, thankfully, they've perfected the remote control.

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Dexter video game won't be controversial at all

A video game for Dexter is being released soon (iPhone and iPod touch only, for now anyway). Here's the promo. A video game about a serial killer? No, this won't be controversial at all.

Ghost Whisperer gets the video game treatment

Ghost WhispererMid-June, fellow Squadder Danny wrote a list of ten TV shows that deserve to have their own video games. CBS's Ghost Whisperer didn't make Danny's cut. However, the show's premise would provide a good setting for a game. Imagine yourself in Melinda Gordon's shoes trying to help ghosts cross over by finding out who they are, why they won't cross over, and how to make them walk through the light.

CBS and Legacy Interactive thought that it was about time to offer GW fans the chance to step into Melinda's shoes.

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IBM building computer designed to take over Jeopardy!, then possibly the world

The femputer from Fox's Oh my God. Maybe the Unabomber was right, about how technology could weaken humanity and destroy us all. Not about sending bombs in the mail. That was and always will be a big no-no.

IBM is developing a new computer system that can compete on TV's Jeopardy! by digesting the show's questions, buzzing in and answering in the famous question format.

The system is being developed in the same vein as "Deep Blue," the computer that defeated chess champion Gary Kasparov. The Jeopardy! system nicknamed "Watson" is part of IBM's ongoing attempt to overtake humanity by whooping humanity's ass at their own games. An IBM spokesman estimated humanity's spirit will finally be broken when they perfect a computer system that can beat the world's greatest Chutes and Ladders player.

Continue reading IBM building computer designed to take over Jeopardy!, then possibly the world

Hell's Kitchen - video game review

If you're a wobbly-kneed, amateur chef with a tendency to wet your pants anytime someone's voice goes a few decibels higher in your direction, a good version of the Hell's Kitchen video game should make you wish you put on your rubber pants before you started playing.

Unfortunately, the real version isn't even worth shelling out for the price of a pair of extra-large Depends.

The game lacks in just about every area imaginable, from gameplay to ambiance, most notably and disappointingly from the angry chef himself, whose mean stare can make puppies cry and anger spittle can burn a hole in your face like hot alien acid.

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