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Bioshock 2 and God of War III kick off most anticipated Video Games of 2010

Posted on Monday, Jan 4, 2010 By Michael D'Alonzo
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Halo, Bioshock 2, Star Wars and...?

Halo, Bioshock 2, Star Wars and...?

It’s time to take a look at the video games we’re looking forward to playing in 2010. 2009 was a killer year for gaming, but, as always, the best is still to come. A litany of sequels, as well as some heavily-anticipated titles that have been years in the making round out this list that will have you saving your pennies and circling your calendars all year long.  "Halo: Reach," "Dead Rising 2" and "Star Wars: The Old Republic" made our list, but what else?

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    • adam said
    • this list sucks. I have nothing againt PS3 fans, in fact I'd love to be one myself except I don't have a PS3, but this list is really garbage and is obviously written by someone who doesn't know good games (regardless of which system they are released on).
    • Jan 26, 10 at 01:45AM EST
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    • adam said
    • Red Dead Redemption looks to be fantastic though; I guess that's enough to make this list at least somewhat worthy. WE NEED MORE WESTERNS!!!
    • Jan 26, 10 at 01:47AM EST
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    • myst515 said
    • I am shocked that Perfect Dark for XBLA is on this list. I believe this game will be one of the most played game on Xbox live.
    • Jan 25, 10 at 10:43PM EST
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    • toresimonsen said
    • Madden 10 while homeless: http://digg.com/playstation/Gaming_updates_Homeless_gamers_Tore_loves_Eliza
    • Jan 16, 10 at 04:29PM EST
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    • Tom said
    • leaving Final Fantasy XIII off the list is a travesty
    • Jan 4, 10 at 05:46PM EST
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    • dan said
    • Tom - A travesty? On the same level as Russell losing the vote on "Survivor"? Bert Blyleven not being in the Hall of Fame? Are we talking OJ-verdict level? Are we talking war-in-Iraq-based-on-false-intelligence level? Warren Commission cover-up level? I'm just trying to get a sense of how BIG a travesty it is... -Daniel
    • Jan 4, 10 at 05:56PM EST
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    • stormshadow4life said
    • Dan's a dick. Oh, and now Mass Effect 2???????
    • Jan 4, 10 at 07:43PM EST
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    • stormshadow4life said
    • *no, not now
    • Jan 4, 10 at 07:44PM EST
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    • DavidWally said
    • LOL I think Dan is getting annoyed with a lot of the exaggeration fans spew out on this site. Rightfully so IMO, so continue on Dan, although I do agree, FF and ME2, would have made more sense to me than a couple of other choices on this list. If this is an "opinion" list, than to each his own I guess, but, yeah, a couple of stinkers not worth being excited over.
    • Jan 5, 10 at 10:08AM EST

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