(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
TV Ratings: Overnight Nielsen Ratings for Friday, February 5, 2010; Kitchen Nightmare ratings, Smallville ratings, House ratings, Law & Order ratings, Dateline NBC ratings, Supernanny ratings, Shark Tank ratings, 20/20 ratings, Ghost Whisperer ratings, Medium ratings, The Jay Leno Show ratings, Numb3rs ratings - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings | TVbytheNumbers.com
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20100209031552/http://tvbythenumbers.com:80/2010/02/06/tv-ratings-cbs-wins-another-friday-two-new-hours-of-smallville-are-better-than-one-for-cw/41233

TV Ratings: CBS Wins Friday Again; Two New Hours of Smallville Are Better than One for CW

Posted on 06 February 2010 by Robert Seidman

Rating/Share: Adults 18-49 2.1/7 1.6/5 1.5/5 1.3/4 1.2/4
Total Viewers (million) 9.01 6.23 3.99 5.53 2.77

As is typical, CBS won Friday night.  Both Ghost Whisperer and Medium pulling a 2.2 rating with adults 18-49.  The two hour Smallville “Absolute Justice” special averaged a 1.2 rating with adults 18-49.  The first hour of “Absolute Justice” averaged a 1.1 with adults 18-49 and 2.6 million viewers, with the second hour averaging a 1.3 adults 18-49 rating and nearly 3 million viewers (2.94).  It was Smallville’s best numbers of the season with viewers and adults 18-49, and its best Friday since the last Friday Night Smackdown! aired on the CW in September 2008.

In the post-Dollhouse era, FOX rose to third place for the night getting a particularly (relatively) healthy 1.8 adults 18-49 rating from Kitchen Nightmares.  A House repeat proved stronger than a Law & Order repeat, at least with adults 18-49.

Shark Tank trailed Kitchen Nightmares with adults 18-49, but the 4.66 million average viewers for its season finale were its biggest ever Friday night audience.

The Jay Leno Show spent its final Friday telecast in its usual fashion – a distant third.

Here is the half hour Smallville detail via Marc Berman:

8:00 p.m. – Viewers: 2.64 million (#5), A18-49: 1.1/ 4 (#4)
8:30 p.m. – Viewers: 2.56 million (#5), A18-49: 1.1/ 3 (#4t)
9:00 p.m. – Viewers: 2.86 million (#5), A18-49: 1.2/ 4 (#5)
9:30 p.m. – Viewers: 3.02 million (#5), A18-49: 13/ 4 (#5)

Via the CW:

“A 2-hr SMALLVILLE provided The CW with our best Friday night since Sept 2008 in all key categories, including adults 18-49 (1.2/4), men 18-49 (1.5/5), adults 18-34 (1.1/4), men 18-34 (1.3/5) and total viewers (2.8mil).

In terms of Smallville episodes, this is the highest rated Smallville of the season in total viewers, adults 18-49 (tie) and men 18-49.

Competitively, Smallville ranked #1 from 8-10pm in men 18-49.”


Time Net Show 18-49 Rating/Shr Viewers (Millons)
8:00 CBS Ghost Whisperer 2.2/6 8.77
ABC Supernanny 1.5/5 5.39
FOX House (R) 1.3/4 3.85
NBC Law & Order (R) 1.1/3 5.64
CW Smallville 1.1/4 2.60
9:00 CBS Medium 2.2/6 9.10
FOX Kitchen Nightmares 1.8/5 4.13
NBC Dateline 1.5/5 6.49
ABC Shark Tank 1.4/4 4.66
CW Smallville 1.3/4 2.94
10:00 CBS Numb3rs 2.0/6 9.18
ABC 20/20 1.8/6 8.66
NBC The Jay Leno Show 1.2/4 4.46


Ratings data via Marc Berman’s PI forums.

You can see TV ratings from other recent Overnight ratings reports here.

Nielsen TV Ratings: ©2009 The Nielsen Company. All Rights Reserved.

Fast Affiliate Ratings: These first national ratings, including demographics, are available at approximately 11 AM (ET) the day after telecast, and are released to subscribing customers daily. These data, from the National People Meter sample, are strictly time-period information, based on the normal broadcast network feed, and include all programming on the affiliated stations, sometimes including network programming, sometimes not. The figures may include stations that did not air the entire network feed, as well as local news breaks or cutaways for local coverage or other programming. Fast Affiliate ratings are not as useful for live programs and are likely to differ significantly from the final results, because the data reflect normal broadcast feed patterns. For example, with a World Series game, Fast Affiliate Ratings would include whatever aired from 8-11PM on affiliates in the Pacific Time Zone, following the live football game, but not game coverage that begins at 5PM PT. The same would be true of Presidential debates as well as live award shows and breaking news reports.

Rating: Estimated percentage of the universe of TV households (or other specified group) tuned to a program in the average minute. Ratings are expressed as a percent.

Share (of Audience): The percent of households (or persons) using television who are tuned to a specific program, station or network in a specific area at a specific time. (See also, Rating, which represents tuning or viewing as a percent of the entire population being measured.)

Time Shifted Viewing – Program ratings for national sources are produced in three streams of data – Live, Live+Same Day (Live+SD) and Live+7 Day. Time shifted figures account for incremental viewing that takes place with DVRs which are currently in approximately 24.4% of all U.S. TV households. Live+Same Day (Live+SD) include viewing during the same broadcast day as the original telecast, with a cut-off of 3:00AM local time when meters transmit daily viewing to Nielsen for processing. Live+7 Day ratings include incremental viewing that takes place during the 7 days following a telecast.

For more information see Numbers 101 and Numbers 102.

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128 Responses to “TV Ratings: CBS Wins Friday Again; Two New Hours of Smallville Are Better than One for CW”

  1. Gabriela says:

    Yeah Smallville kicking butts!!

  2. forg says:

    And the Smallville fans go wild, congratulations!

  3. Jose says:

    Yeah Medium still kicking ass last night a great episode

  4. britty says:

    yeah smallville!!!!!!!

  5. SiR says:

    I was hoping Smallville would do better than that, oh well…I did enjoy the “event” for the most part…the ending kinda seemed familiar though

  6. John the Mon says:

    this makes it the sixth night in a row that NBC finished in 4th or 5th. (since Saturday when it took 3rd)

  7. waterflame says:

    Oh yeah, GW mst be high! It had 2.2 when the ratings were around 8.6 – 9 million. God, I hope it;s above 9 million!!!!!1

  8. Dario says:

    waterflame @ Ghost Whisperer (Viewers: 8.77 million; A18-49: 2.2 rating/7 share), vs Medium (Viewers: 9.10 million; A18-49: 2.2/ 6)

    (Marc Berman)

  9. Dario says:

    I’m also dissapointed…they promoted it since november and it got same ratings as last week…:/ Let’s hope that CW will renew it for 10th season…

    Fall 2010 :

    8PM Smallville
    9PM Supernatural

    That would be awesome!

  10. Master B says:


  11. Smallville #1 Fan says:

    NBC Law & Order (R) 1.1/3 5.64
    CW Smallville 1.1/4 2.60

    Shouldn’t Smallville be placed number 4 since it’s rating was equal, and it’s share was even higher??


  12. forg says:

    Great numbers for Kitchen Nightmares. Good to see all CBS shows hit above 2.0

  13. chrisjozo says:

    Good for Smallville. Sci-fi/Fantasy themed shows like Supernatural, Smallville and Vampire Diaries should be the way to success for the CW not remakes like 90210 or Melrose Place

  14. Samantha says:

    Good on ya Smallville! I’m not a huge fan but I caught it on the net this morning, it was ok! I really think Smallville and Supernatural should be paired together next season, they’d both do better for it!

  15. Dario says:

    Smallville #1 Fan @ this is how it goes :

    1. Demo (18-49)
    2. Viewers
    3. Share

    So if you have the best demo you’ll be first. If you have equal demo, and more viewers vs other show, you are above it. And if you have same demo, same viewers than share decides it….it’s so simple…

  16. Acey says:

    Numb3rs was good last night. Shame it’s getting canned.

  17. Clark says:

    Holy moly. go SMALLVILLE!

  18. Tyson says:

    Help strong in the demos!

  19. waterflame says:

    Ugh…………….. I hate it… it’s the worst performing CBS show in total viewers this Friday… God, who watches that dumb show Medium or even Numb3rs… I hate this year’s ratings.

  20. Tyson says:

    Held* strong in the demos!

  21. John A says:

    ratings for friday will never be the same without dollhouse. FOx did well with a 1.8 for kitchen nightmares

  22. rob says:

    Smallville did very good for CW. it did hit 3 million at 9:30. good to see CBS shows above 2.0 which i figured with the snowstorm and people may have stayed home.

  23. JaySin420 says:

    So Smallville’s ratings basically didn’t budge from what they normally do on fri night? I guess the good news is that more people tuned in to hour 2? Or is it good that they held their usual ratings for 2 episodes?

    I’m not being sarcastic or trying to rain on SV’s parade, I love the show more than anyone, I just figured it would be much higher and I’m confused cause the headline seems really positive lol.

  24. Joe Sef says:

    I still don’t understand why CBS is probably canceling numbers. It gets a 2 in the demo, over 8 million viewers on average. For a Friday, that’s pretty good. I guess the show might be getting expensive, but still.

  25. JaySin, I probably agree with you (still half asleep so not sure!).

    I saw one headline somewhere that said “CW Soars With Smallville special” and that’s true, it did “soar” for the night but that’s because it had two new hours instead of one. Both hours of Smallville performed about as well as Smallville typically performs with the second hour being ~15% better than average with adults 18-49.

    And of course everyone will focus on the (slightly) better than average viewer numbers, but as you know, we’re not into that! :-)

  26. Nerwen Aldarion says:

    Smallville did very well, however it could have been better but that was not it’s fault. There were many power outages along the Atlantic seaboard and in some places only the CW was the channel that wasn’t coming in. Seriously, people were calling in to complain, the cable agencies were actually saying, “If this is about that Smallville movie well we are sorry for the inconvenience…”

  27. UKD says:

    An up night for FOX no? Unless I am mistaken this wasn’t the premier of Kitchen Nightmares? It aired on Friday last week and had a post IDOL showing this week? Also the FOX website has Kitchen Nightmares as a repeat next Friday, that seems an odd strategy for sweeps?

  28. tvfan says:

    kitchen nightmares is in its 3rd episode last Friday was its premiere

  29. UKD, up night for FOX noted in post. And no, it wasn’t the Friday premiere of Nightmares, I just forgot to delete “premiere” from the table template.

  30. UKD says:

    Do you think Kitchen Nightmares perked up due to an improved (or more compatible) lead in, or due to the IDOL effect?

  31. Added to the post, but via the CW:

    “A 2-hr SMALLVILLE provided The CW with our best Friday night since Sept 2008 in all key categories, including adults 18-49 (1.2/4), men 18-49 (1.5/5), adults 18-34 (1.1/4), men 18-34 (1.3/5) and total viewers (2.8mil).

    In terms of Smallville episodes, this is the highest rated Smallville of the season in total viewers, adults 18-49 (tie) and men 18-49.

    Competitively, Smallville ranked #1 from 8-10pm in men 18-49.”

  32. Smallville #1 Fan says:



  33. JaySin420 says:

    Thanks Robert and you’re right, I just saw-

    Absolute Justice- Absolutely great for CW.

    Lol I’m more confused now than when I started, luckily I’m snowed in and have nothing else to do all day.

  34. John says:

    I really hope GW can build in March. I love that show.

  35. Tyson says:

    The CW recognizes MEN?! We are important after-all! This alone causes for celebration!

  36. Kona says:

    It should be noted that in places that were hit by the Snowpocalypse, programming was pre-empted on FOX, ABC, and CBS (L&O was still on NBC, and I’m not sure about CW, but it was probably fine). On CBS, their lineup was played starting at 12:30 AM on the D.C. affiliates.

  37. Ray says:

    Yay for Medium!
    That show kicked ASS last night!

  38. Smallville #1 Fan says:

    ““A 2-hr SMALLVILLE provided The CW with our best Friday night since Sept 2008 in all key categories, including adults 18-49 (1.2/4), men 18-49 (1.5/5), adults 18-34 (1.1/4), men 18-34 (1.3/5) and total viewers (2.8mil).
    In terms of Smallville episodes, this is the highest rated Smallville of the season in total viewers, adults 18-49 (tie) and men 18-49.
    Competitively, Smallville ranked #1 from 8-10pm in men 18-49.””

    HAHA.. YEAH!!


  39. val says:

    Yeh for CBS. I love both GW and Medium and glad to see both shows doing decent on a Friday. I know CBS is only for old people like me(29).

  40. j says:

    Well, relative to their networks, Smallville is the most impressive performer of the night.

    Vampire Diaries was also one of the top 2 or 3 performers of its night.

  41. Jaymii says:

    The CW love their gender split, don’t they? Anyway, not bad for Smallville, another .1 or .2 might have been nice but I think its tenth season is pretty in the bag. I felt the episode was pretty damn epic. There’s not many shows on the tellybox (read: any) where you have costumed Heroes fighting some sort of superpowered evil villain.

  42. ern. says:

    even i was thinking about watching Smallville last night.

    i didn’t…………………but at least i was thinking about it lol.

  43. John says:

    I haven’t watched Smallville in years..

  44. Bruce W. says:

    Good job Smallville! Dr. Fate was was the standout character from Absolute Justice. He was really cool.

  45. q says:

    I agree, Dr. Fate was a really great character. I even liked his costume!

  46. mgbhighlander says:

    I love Smallville, but these demographic numbers are ridiculous. If you are lucky enough to live longer than 49 years, please stop watching television. You don’t count anymore.

  47. Robert says:

    Wow Smallville did really well for the movie! I am very glad. Let’s hope the ratings will stay or get better by season’s end

  48. david says:

    Yeaa I’m in the DC area and we have like 3 feet of snow and Last night I for one watched Smallville’s Absolute Justice.. but the channels on FOX,ABC,& CBS didn’t air their programming until late..like 12:30am. I noticed that Ghost Whisperer was on at like 1AM so the ratings might be a bit down for those shows.

    But go Smallville!!

  49. Jose says:

    Medium the best show on Fridays and the ratings prove it. last night execellent episode …season 7 here we GO !!!!

  50. Anna says:

    I hope to see Michael Shanks again.

  51. Empire says:

    Glad to see CBS’ numbers back up from last week. considering CBS is the only network that tries on Friday it is a good thing to see. Hopefully Numb3rs 18-49 rating can go up a phenomenal show last night, so hopefully CBS realizes that the series is good enough to last one more season.

  52. Jared says:

    I was too busy having a late night snowball fight too watch TV.
    Gotta love college.

  53. Silverage1 says:

    The 2nd hr of Smallville was awesome. I didn’t see enough promo’s for the event.

  54. moraliste says:

    Watched ten minutes of GW; probably the most time ever. Has JLH always had moles ( freckles ) on her nose? Geeze, what does that look like in HD? It seems for a growing number of 18-35 and 18-49 women re the comment way above, immersing yourself in a fantasy world is the way to go vis a vis the occult, and not trying to make psychicsw look like honest people, or whatever. I get that ghost ” reality” shows are hot, but fictional ghosts are meant to be played for whimsy or at best metaphors for traumatic experiences. Trying to convince people ghosts of little children really exist and are forced to scrounge around hoping to roll the right f’d up psychic and coerce the ” truth ” out of them for the benefit of grieving relatives… that’s depressing. Saw 3 is more humane than that.

  55. Smallville # 1 Fan says:

    Smallville is the best show that friday! ^^

    I really liked Clark, Martian Manhunter, and Dr. Fate!!

    I’m so glad we finally got to see Martian Manhunter with his powers back + in his true green martian form!

  56. Larryville Slim says:

    What a fun, different episode of Numb3rs last night. Great to see Colby, Larry and Amita ALL back in action. Enjoying it while I can, perhaps…

  57. Pete says:

    The writing for Ghost Whisperer has gotten really bad this year. I’m really surprised they are still able to attract almost 9 million viewers each week.

  58. Alec says:

    Love how CBS is planning on cancelling Numb3rs but it scored highest viewers out of all other CBS dramas that night…

  59. Ryan says:

    But they were #3 on the 18-49 demo out of all the CBS dramas.

  60. R Kid says:


    Great Numbers!

    This praise alone should seal their fate for a 10th season!

  61. Cos says:

    Congrats for Smallville!

  62. FireMan says:

    man Smallville’s had higher ratings than Supernatural. good for them!

  63. Smallville # 1 Fan says:

    Haha Supernatural just does bad in general. last year they were lucky that Smallville was helping them pull up their ratings, but now without the big brother that was Smallville, Supernatural is dropping like hell! Haha

    Smallville is doing mighty-fine on friday nights..

  64. bob says:

    wow,i just realized, Kitchen Nightmares skews pretty young. no wonder FOX keeps it around

  65. oneeye says:

    Yay for smallville, hope caprica had a few viewers too

  66. Jasmine says:

    lmao Smallville will go back to 2.4-2.5 by next week. Dawn end this shit already. Vampire Diaries has taken over. With all the news this movie got it can’t even get 3 million in viewers.

  67. Smallville # 1 Fan says:

    LOL! The Vampire Diaries is pure bull sh_t. That show has such a hard time pulling in 4 million viewers.. what’s it been..? 6 episodes 4 million +? Smallville’s season 8 had 10 straight episodes with 4 million +.

    Stupid The Vampire Diaries should die, especially since it’s nothing but a stupid Twilight copy.

  68. Jasmine says:

    lmao Smaville jumped the ship 4 seasons ago! Can Clark finally fly now? Smallville wishes it can hold the viewership and Demos Vampire Diaries is getting.

  69. DuMont says:

    Smallville #1 Fan says:
    February 6, 2010 at 10:20 am
    ““A 2-hr SMALLVILLE provided The CW with our best Friday night since Sept 2008 in all key categories, including adults 18-49 (1.2/4), men 18-49 (1.5/5), adults 18-34 (1.1/4), men 18-34 (1.3/5) and total viewers (2.8mil).
    In terms of Smallville episodes, this is the highest rated Smallville of the season in total viewers, adults 18-49 (tie) and men 18-49.
    Competitively, Smallville ranked #1 from 8-10pm in men 18-49.””

    HAHA.. YEAH!!



    It will take another week or so before we know, but MyNetworkTV’s ‘WWE Friday Night Smackdown’ may have eclipsed ‘Smallville’ in M18-49 as it also ranks very high in the male demographics.

    The CW has cause to be pleased with ‘Smallville’s numbers, which together with the Thursday occulters, are proving to be the salvation of the network.

  70. Smallville # 1 Fan says:

    LOL TVD gets good women demos! But it gets NO WHERE as good demos as Smallville does with men demos!


  71. Jasmine says:

    Lol at you thinking CW is for men! CW is Tv to talk about for Women which is more important for Dawn.

  72. Smallville # 1 Fan says:

    “Lol at you thinking CW is for men! CW is Tv to talk about for Women which is more important for Dawn.”

    Ok but if it weren’t for Smallville being a major powerhouse for WB and a few other shows.. the WB and UPN probably wouldn’t have joined!

    And your little twilight show wouldn’t exist!

  73. jk1992 says:

    Smallville just keeps getting better ! Hope it’ll keep this up :D

  74. Jasmine says:

    lol because Smallville is so original and there’s nothing like it… right do your history superman tales are older than vampire tales. Also Vampire Diaries was written 12 years ago before fucking twilight came around. NEXT!

  75. Mark D. says:

    Kick some ass Medium!

  76. Xander says:

    I love “Medium”!
    Thank you, CBS for that super serial!
    I am live in Belarus and even there a lot of fans of “Medium”!

  77. DuMont says:

    CBS Takes Hold of February Sweep

    After the first two nights of the February Sweep, CBS has opened up a lead in the A18-49 and P2+ viewer measures, a lead that is likely to hold for most of the Sweep after the ‘Super Bowl’ numbers are factored in from tomorrow night.

    demo net- demo demo % nts won nts won
    Rank work 2010 2009 chg 2010 2009
    1 CBS 2.55 3.15 -19% 1 1
    2 ABC 2.35 1.70 38% 1
    3 FOX 2.25 3.65 -38% 1
    4 NBC 1.80 2.20 -18%
    5 UNI# 1.80 1.65 9%
    6 CW 1.35 0.80 69%
    7 MNT& na 0.75
    T total 12.10 13.90 -13% 2 2

    viewers net- viewers viewers viewers nts won nts won
    rank work 2010 2009 chg 2010 2009
    1 CBS 10.773 12.665 -15% 2 1
    2 ABC 7.599 6.135 24%
    3 FOX 6.919 9.535 -27% 1
    4 NBC 5.370 5.665 -5%
    5 UNI# 2.159 3.830 -44%
    6 CW 2.976 1.910 56%
    7 MNT& na 2.350
    T total 35.79 42.09 -15% 2 2

    # – Univision numbers for first night only.
    & – MyNetworkTV numbers reported on a week-delay basis.

  78. jay says:

    Somebody said the CW is for straight men?

  79. Sparky says:

    Really liked the JSA – get a script for a spin-off already. If next season is going to be the last Smallville it makes sense to start a spin-off now rather than later…

  80. Sam says:

    oh yeah

  81. William says:

    I am happy for the Smallville cast and crew. Many thought it would go to Friday nights to die. Not so fast…. Did I hear a Lex Luthor reference during the second hour? Is Michael Rosenbaum returning??

    I will hold my guns for a crossover idea of Doctor Who and Smallville. I think it would work.

  82. justme24 says:

    Smallville is still on the air!!! Damn, that’s 3 million people who have nothing better to do on a Friday night than watch this show. Kinda sad!

  83. Trad says:

    Smallville rocks! I watched it!

  84. Trad says:

    “Smallville is still on the air!!! Damn, that’s 3 million people who have nothing better to do on a Friday night than watch this show. Kinda sad!”
    This show is awesome!

  85. Stud says:

    “I am happy for the Smallville cast and crew. Many thought it would go to Friday nights to die. Not so fast…. Did I hear a Lex Luthor reference during the second hour? Is Michael Rosenbaum returning??”
    Yeah! Dr. Fate talked about Lex Luthor being Clark’s nemesis in the future!!

  86. Ben Thompson says:

    Are you crazy why would they get rid of their second highest rated show, you really need to look at things properly. VD does good for the CW but so does Smallville

  87. Stud says:

    Jasmine is just jealous the leads of The Vampire Diaries don’t have laser vision, super breath: the ability to extinguish fires in less then 2 seconds flat, the ability to jump super high, the ability to move faster then the human eyes can move, the ability to withstand a nuclear bomb, the ability to hold huge amounts of weights, x-ray vision, Telescopic and Microscopic Vision, the power to hear objects 10 miles away, and the ability to speed read.

  88. Don says:

    I think Smallville should get a tenth season and allow them to give SV the finish they want.

    But if they get the tenth PLAN closure guys.

  89. Sammy Boy says:

    Smallville is getting a tenth season! Awesome!

    I’m so glad, the show deserves it! I’m glad that Smallville is joining the ranks of the double digit seasons shows! Smallville is an incredible show that I love!

  90. Craig says:

    I love Smallville I’ve watched it from the beginning I’m from Kansas I almost stopped watching it when Jimmy was killed off. Just when I think can’t go anywhere it does. I like there bringing in the other super heroes, like to see Wonder Woman, haven’t seen her in years. But no one will take Linda Cater place.

  91. Sammy Boy says:

    They are not bringing in Wonder Women. They are simply doing a nod towards Wonder Women.. Lois Lane is wearing a costume… which she calls an “Amazonian Princess” costume.

  92. TigersWood says:

    Hats off to ABC’s brilliant executive Chaning Dungy:

    More bad news for the ratings-challenged FlashForward: Variety reports that showrunner/co-creator David Goyer is leaving the ABC series.

    Goyer was the second showrunner to serve on the series (after Mark Guggenheim).

    FlashForward’s audience dropped from 12.5 million to 7.07 million in just three months.

    ABC has had an equally tough time launching its other high-concept show, V – which lost 35% of its audience (14.3 million to 9.3 million) over just four airings last fall.

    ***Channing has an eye for “hits”. Let’s not forget:

    1- “Eastwick”
    2- “The Deep End”
    3- “The Forgotten”

    PS- Chaning…you may want to consider “teaching” full time…tee he!

  93. Shimbo says:

    I know I am going to sound stupid, but why does the age range from 18-49 only count? How about younger and older people who enjoy these shows?
    Also, how does Nielsen’s Rating know it performed well with that demographic? Lets say 4 people are living in a house and 2 are below 18 and 2 are in that age range, how does the rating system know those 2 people (in the 18-49) demographic watched the show and not the 2 younger people?

  94. Bill Gorman says:

    Shimbo, if you’re a member of a Nielsen family with a people meter (~20,000 US households) each member of the family has a button on the people meter to push when they start watching TV and Nielsen then tracks what’s watched on that TV and puts it together with the indicated family member(s).

    The reason that only adults 18-49 “count” for broadcast primetime shows is that’s how advertising is priced. More adults 18-49 mean higher advertising prices. Viewers older than 49 watch in such great numbers they are effectively free for advertisers to reach. Viewers under 18 are targeted by many cable networks as well as broadcast shows in other time periods (like Saturday morning), but for primetime all the money is made from adults 18-49.

  95. Sammy Boy says:

    Bill.. does Dish network take part of the nielson family?

  96. Bill Gorman says:

    Sammy Boy, I’m sure that Nielsen includes all the major TV service providers in its sample, and I know they include over the air only families. Could there be small cable companies without a Nielsen family? Quite possibly, I don’t know.

    My understanding is that those 20,000 US households mirror the US TV population as best Nielsen can, so that DirectTV’s ~18 million subscribers would translate into something around 900 3100 Nielsen families.

  97. 900? More like ~3100


  98. Sammy Boy says:

    That is a horrible system!!

  99. joan says:

    I read an article on variety said that Nielsen is finally going to start counting online viewing. But the only bad thing is advertisers want the same amount of commercials, of course that’s not setting well with online viewers. Dammm advertisers always have to ruining everything. They don’t like DVR and TIVO can cut out or zoom through commercials, they really piss me off. Smallville is really a good show now wasn’t it the most DVR’d show?

  100. Joan, you might have read that article here. I’ve written about it a few times. Nielsen online measurement is still a ways off though, probably more than a year before it will count for ad sales.

    Smallville has never been the most DVR’d show, but it has often been among the shows with the highest percentage of viewing coming from DVRs.

  101. Dee says:

    I just read that the top job at Lifetime is open again. Someone should urge Lady Dawn to dump her CW gig and go for it. That would make things better for everyone. It is now utterly clear that the network’s brighter future is in genre adventure shows and not in the bimbo soap operas she is so fond of.

  102. Acey says:

    @Alec Total viewers has never mattered to CBS. They will not hesitate to cancel a show that is winning its timeslot.

  103. vsaint says:

    What? You have to push a button to record your watching?
    Shouldn’t it be like a cable/dvr box that turns on with your tv & records all data.
    It is 2010 after all.

  104. vsaint, if you live alone that approach would work. Otherwise, in any decade, you’re going to need a way to identify individual members of the household.

  105. steve says:

    woohoo a 2.0 for Numb3rs my guess would be GW & Medium come back and if miami medical tanks numb3rs gets an order of 13 as a mid season replacement.

  106. Dean says:

    I usually like Smallville, but I just wanted to kick Hawkman in his little birdie balls every time he opened his mouth. Painfully bad acting.

  107. Shimbo says:

    Thank you Bill!
    How does one become a member of the Nielsen family? I just thought different stations know how many TV’s are set to one station at any given time. I did not know you had to push a button before the show starts. Lets say you push it 5 minutes into the show?
    I have been keeping up with this site for the past 2 years to see how shows are doing, but never really inquired any of the questions I asked above!

  108. Joe says:

    So wait. There are only 20,000 neilsen members in the whole country? Thats what the ratings are based on?

  109. Joe, no. There are only around 20,000 Nielsen homes (about 60,000 people) in the national panel equipped with people meters. Pretty much all of the ratings you see on this site are from that national panel. There are other panels, and people not equipped with people meters who use diaries, but mostly that is for local markets. Again, all of the ratings we post are from the national People Meter panel.

  110. Joe says:

    So 20,000 Nielsen homes, 60,000 people in total from those 20,000 homes. That’s where all these numbers come from? So for example if 5,000 of the homes are watching a particular show and there are two poeple in each of those homes watching (10,000 people…. not that you couldn’t do that math… but for some of the others on this site…LOL) what would the rating be for that show on this site… a 25 share and how many million viewers?

  111. Joe, Nielsen projects their sample out to their universe estimates. Those estimates are very detailed, but the # of TV households is 114.9 million and the number of P2+ (people age 2 and up) is just over 292 million. The 20,000/60,000 are estimates on my part. It could be 19,500/54,864 for all I know, but based on Nielsen’s own universe estimates there are on average 2.54 viewers per TV household. So at 20,000 homes that would be closer to 50,000 than 60,000 (50,833). So one household would project out to about 5,745 households, and same for viewers. Every show has a different average viewers per household, but it’s usually closer to 1.25/HH than 2.

    On average 10,000 Nielsen viewers watching would generate a huge number (over 57 million) but it’s not really that simple because different age groups have different populations so some viewers of some ages would project out to more viewers than others.

  112. Smallville # 1 Fan says:

    I don’t understand how this system can work..

  113. Joe says:

    Thanks for the clarification Robert.


    Based on the above calculations. If we can find 174 Nielsen households (an impossible task as I have never met a Nielsen participant) that currently do not watch Smallville and force them by any means necessary to watch Smallville, we can increase Smallville’s viewership by roughly 1,000,000 viewers!!!!! I’m in, so if we can get another 173 of you to track down one nielsen family and make them watch Friday at 8pm, we can secure almost 4 million in viewership. Robert, you in? LOL

    Again, thanks for the clarification.

  114. Kitty from Ohio says:

    I kept having brownouts for the last 15 mins. of Smallville. Bought the Amazon tho. Glad the ratings are fine!

  115. Smallville #1 Fan says:

    Thanks for the clarification Robert.

    Based on the above calculations. If we can find 174 Nielsen households (an impossible task as I have never met a Nielsen participant) that currently do not watch Smallville and force them by any means necessary to watch Smallville, we can increase Smallville’s viewership by roughly 1,000,000 viewers!!!!! I’m in, so if we can get another 173 of you to track down one nielsen family and make them watch Friday at 8pm, we can secure almost 4 million in viewership. Robert, you in? LOL

    Again, thanks for the clarification.”

    Haha Joe you are a genius! I’M IN! Why don’t we aim for around 10,000 households instead? 50 million viewers watching Smallville.. LOL!! It would be a two hour movie episode EVERY WEEK!! Haha

  116. Tumbleweeds says:

    Let’s not get carried away with the 20,000 sets. Let’s remember how polls are done. For example Rasmussen in 2004 called only 5,000 residents country wide for the presidential election and his poll had it 50.2%-48.5% Bush, the election was 50.7%-48.3% Bush. These people can predict with great accuracy with very little actual participation.

  117. Shimbo says:

    Does it even matter if people watch a specific show at a specific time? Or does Neilesen’s number not factor that in at all?

  118. Acey says:

    LOL Joe. Seeking out Nielsen households. That’s dedication.

  119. Patrick says:

    Feb. 5 was a really funny, inventive and overall great episode of Medium! Very satisfying to see that so many folks watched it.

  120. tooltip86 says:

    i love smallvile

  121. X-R.G. says:

    Wow…good for Smallville…but I still thought it would have done a little better…well I guess it’s still an improvement… :/

  122. Joshua says:

    Now if Smallville will just stay down that same path they WILL see more followers. Good job with the movie.

  123. kwhy8strm says:

    Unfortunately, my wife and I must be the only ones watching Shark Tank, we do tivo Medium however.

  124. Smallville #1 Fan says:

    Haha the word Smallville was said 119 times on this comments section…

  125. Smallville #1 Fan says:

    Oh yes! I wanted to thank Robert Seidman for posting a picture of Smallville as the front cover and also for including Smallville in the title section!

    Thank’s a lot.. ! It makes me happy to see Smallville recognized!

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