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Lucy Lawless Heading to 'Caprica' for Final Five Arc?

lucy lawless bsg capricaWith 'Caprica' struggling to find an audience, it seems natural for the show to hail the mother ship, 'Battlestar Galactica', for a little help.

According to TV Guide, 'Caprica' will soon begin an arc that reveals the backstory of 'BSG's "Final Five" Cylons.

It's unclear if the actors who originally portrayed The Five will return for the 'BSG' prequel, but we might get a visit from another familiar Cylon face. Word is that 'Caprica' producers have already asked Lucy Lawless to reprise the role of D'Anna, one of 'BSG's most troublesome toasters.

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Stan Lee's New Comic Already Being Developed for TV

It must be awesome to be Stan Lee. Women adore him. Men want to be him. And superheroes bow to his every beck and call. It's a good thing he's using his powers for good instead of evil because if it were the other way around, we would all be screwed.

The comic book legend is working on yet another comic book property. This time, however, A Squared Entertainment and Archie Comics have already started optioning the title for television before the ink and paint on the pages have even had a chance to dry.

His new creation, 'Super Seven,' is about a group of aliens who crash land on Earth and are befriended by Lee who takes them under their wing and helps them regain their work as superheroes.

Review: 'Ghost Whisperer' - 'Dead to Me'

Ghost Whisperer
(S05E14) "Who died and made you the expert?" - Avery to Melinda

This last new episode of 'Ghost Whisperer' before the Olympics hiatus (even though CBS is not airing the Olympics) not only offered us funny girl Margaret Cho as Ned's Occult Anthropology professor, who didn't believe in what she was teaching, but also pushed the dark side of the show's mythology thanks to an object Melinda and company don't like at all: a Ouija board.

Even with the introduction of the mysterious Ouija board, the episode didn't offer much new info about how the good and dark sides work, but it was interesting to see Cho's character, Professor Avery Grant, cope with the fact that was she was teaching actually had some truth to it. However, the most intriguing scene was the final one when the Ouija board confirmed something Melinda didn't want to be true...

Continue reading Review: 'Ghost Whisperer' - 'Dead to Me'

Review: 'Caprica' - 'Reins of a Waterfall'

Esai Morales, 'Caprica'(S01E03) Now begins the reign of mistrust. With the characters generally established, as well as their relationships to one another, it's time for the show to start sowing the seeds of conflict, and they get right down to it. The first thing they do is establish the Adams Adamas as even more brutish than I anticipated. The hats, coats and the whole 1950s gangster look should have been a tip-off, it appears.

Add to that the difficulties the Graystone's are dealing with now that Amanda has blurted out to all the twelve colonies that their daughter Zoe was a terrorist, and responsible for the train bombing that killed her, her boyfriend Ben and Joseph Adama's wife and daughter, among many other people. The unfair thing to Zoe is that while we know better, how can anything different be proven?

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Review: Ghost Whisperer - Living Nightmare

Ghost Whisperer
(S05E13) "Am I awake? Is this place real? Are you real?" - Robert to Jim

Talk about being disoriented right from the start! Minutes in the episode, viewers and characters are thrown in a chaotic storyline thanks to a injured patient who isn't making any sense. Of course, things got more chaotic seconds before the opening credits, when Bruno Campos suddenly appeared as the main ghost of the week and threw more nonsense at Melinda and co.

I don't know about you, but I felt dizzy watching this week's episode! I even had to pause a few times and try to reassess the situation since clues where coming from left and right, and things weren't making much sense. Plus, the ending was thrown at us so fast that I had to rewind to ensure I understood the reasons behind the weird happenings!

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Review: Caprica - Rebirth

Zoe Graystone from SyFy's Caprica(S010O2) In one scene in the second episode of Caprica, Amanda Graystone holds a book that belonged to her daughter, called The Physics of Religion and Spirituality. The fact that she's holding it at a memorial for the victims of a terrorist attack, while mourning her daughter, Zoe, is more than a little ironic.

We'll start with the fact that the book was given to Amanda by the mother of Zoe's boyfriend Ben, who strapped explosives to his chest and blew up the train in the name of one true god, killing Zoe and many others. When Amanda finds a religious symbol amongst the book and some photos, she is convinced that Zoe was part of the plot to bomb the train (she wasn't, although she shared some of the religious views that led to it).

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Ron Moore's Virtuality heading to DVD in May

virtuality dvdBattlestar Galactica creator Ron Moore's doomed Fox sci-fi pilot Virtuality is finally getting a DVD release. The pilot, billed as a TV movie when it premiered last year, is heading to DVD on May 4.

Fox showed little faith in the intriguing drama that followed a crew of astronauts haunted by a malfunctioning VR system and a bit of space madness. After ordering several changes to the show in order to make it more "mainstream," the network scrapped plans for a full series and dumped the premiere on a random Friday night last June with little promotion.

Needless to say, nobody watched.

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Direct from Lucasfilm: Mandalorians, Favreau rock Clone Wars

The Jedi must once again face the Mandalorians in this Friday's Clone Wars episodes.Lovers of Star Wars: The Clone Wars look forward to any new episode of their favorite show. But, when you add a certain mask and armor mix into any Star Wars story, the fans woof like wookies.

That collective hooting and hollering has never been any louder now that the Mandalorians are finally getting Star Wars canon screen time in tonight's kick-off of a three-story arc, "The Mandalore Plot." Dave Filoni, Clone Wars supervising director, hears those empassioned tones and knows the responsibility he's facing.

"Ever since the first time we saw Boba Fett in 1980, the fans have known he had Mandalorian armor," Filoni said during an interview at Lucasfilm's HQ in San Francisco's Presidio. "Fans have been waiting a long time to see the Mandalorians in action."

"This is George Lucas' universe and he's very active in the show. So, it was George who suggested we bring the Mandalorians into the series."

Gallery: Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Mandalore Plot

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Review: Caprica - Pilot (series premiere)

(Daniel Graystone from CapricaS01E01) In the first few minutes of Caprica, SyFy's new Battlestar Galactica prequel, you might think the Cylons were perfectly justified to try to annihilate Caprica and the rest of the human race. The show opens on a hedonistic party where people are murdered for fun to throbbing dance music and onstage human sacrifice is cheered by a sweaty crowd.

But, as Battlestar Galactica fans might suspect, Caprica is more complicated than that. (See the full episode here).

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Diablo Cody thinks a Jennifer's Body series would be "amazing"

Diablo Cody at the 2010 Winter TCAsAbout a month ago, our friends at CliqueClack listed five reasons why Diablo Cody's thriller Jennifer's Body should be made into a television series.

They seemed to list some compelling reasons, especially the fact that it would play well with fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. So when Cody was at the TCAs to promote the upcoming season of her Showtime hit United States of Tara, I decided to ask her about the prospect as she got off-stage.

"I had never heard that," she replied. "That would be amazing."

When I asked her if the show would appeal to Buffy fans, she asked, "Did the original Buffy movie do well in the theaters?" When we said it didn't, she shot back in self-deprecating fashion: "This could be the perfect metaphor, then."

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Pet Psychic Encounters goes to the dogs

You too can have a Pet Psychic Encounter with Corky.I saw a stand-up comic a few years back that noticed the weakness in the whole "pet psychic" premise. Whenever the animal clairvoyant -- someone who is supposedly able to read pets' minds -- enters a home to "sense the thoughts" of a house pet, they always ask the same question first:

"What's your pet's name?"

What? Couldn't Fido or Mr. Fluffy-Kins give you a psychic business card?

With the prime time arrival of Pet Psychic Encounters on Saturday nights over at Animal Planet, we have yet another show that exists comfortably in the realm of the unprovable. You can't disprove that series host Sonya Fitzpatrick is a pet psychic because an Alsatian is very unlikely to hop up and scream, "No, I did not say I prefer dry food to leftover meatloaf! I object, sir!" You can't prove a negative. The same rule holds up for the endless march of ghost shows on "reality" TV.

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Review: Better Off Ted - Lust in Translation

better off ted lust in translation
(S02E10) Ted mixed business with pleasure again by hooking up with Greta, a sexy German exec whose broken English made her sound like a sexual deviant ("You and I do it I hope, the coming together?"). But after Greta's lunch proposal came out sounding like a much more private request ("Eat me?"), she started using Phil and Lem's translation device to communicate with Ted... in bed. Thankfully, the boys had fixed the machine's giant robot voice, but Ted was put off by its replacement, Phil's voice.

The funniest thing about this gag was Linda's reaction to hearing Phil's voice talking sexy to Ted. Not only did it make her lose the "Linda Bagel" championship, but she also seemed genuinely disturbed and crushed by what she was hearing. Veronica took advantage of the situation to steal Queen Linda the Dainty Foot's crown.

I love watching Veronica cozy up with the office drones to let loose every now and then. It was fun to see her ignore her work to practice her "Linda Bagel" pitch in this episode.

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Fox to develop U.S. version of Torchwood

TorchwoodWe can classify this under "train wrecks waiting to happen." Fox has picked up the rights to produce an American version of the BBC sci-fi spin-off of Doctor Who, Torchwood.

Series creator Russell T. Davies is writing the pilot (and several other former executives of the original are behind the show), so there will likely be many similarities and possibly even nods to Doctor Who continuity. Critics who haven't seen the original will likely pigeonhole the show as The X-Files with more ostentatious sci-fi elements.

The question is, how will the show be handled? Will it be a complete reboot? Will it be an American branch of the institution? Most importantly, will John Barrowman star as Captain Jack Harkness (hey, he's already got the American accent)?

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Could Joss Whedon be in FX's future? - TCA Report

FX president John Landgraf at the Winter 2010 TCAsFX is one of the few cable networks that does an executive session here at the press tour, and for good reason: they've having a heck of a good last couple of years, on both the comedy and drama fronts. And they seem to be very high on their new shows in development, including Justified, Louie, and a new show from Shawn Ryan called Terriers.

But network president John Landgraf mentioned that he's having lunch in the next few weeks with someone whose presence on the network could be potentially very interesting.

"I think I'm supposed to have lunch with Joss Whedon in two or three weeks," he told us, adding, "I have enormous respect for him."

Of course, a lunch doesn't mean that a Whedon-produced show is in the works. But the prospect of a Whedon show on FX in the next year or two is intriguing, given the network's envelope-pushing style.

What do you folks think an FX show by Joss Whedon would look like?

Review: Ghost Whisperer - Blessings in Disguise

Ghost Whisperer(S05E12) "It's weirder than you think." - Melinda to Ned

Once again this week, Ned gets involved with a girl who is haunted. You can't hold it against him since he can't see/hear ghosts to know if he is getting into a muddy situation or not, and the writers do have to find ways to keep Ned involved in most episodes since he is a regular character.

To my delight, and I'm sure a few other viewers, Steven Culp guest stars in the episode! I have been a fan since he first appeared on JAG as Special Agent Clayton Webb and have been missing him as Rex Van Der Kamp on Desperate Housewives since his character was killed off.

Was Melinda able to get both Ned and Steven Culp's character out of their muddy haunting? My two cents coming up!

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