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'We Are the World' Remake For Haiti Premieres on NBC Tonight

we_are_the_world_25_haiti_logoWhen the original 'We Are the World' was created 25 years ago, the music video of the final performance was put together in record time. Over a month of work went into the production. For the remake of the song, which brought together the likes of Pink, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand, the Black Eyed Peas, Tony Bennett, Jeff Bridges, Bono, Justin Beiber... and more, the video, which was filmed in 3-D, was completed in about a week. Tonight, 'We Are the World 25' will have its world premiere at 7:30 p.m. (ET) on NBC during the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

This isn't just an entertainment we'll be seeing, although it's going to be something to watch how 80 stars were crammed together into a cohesive, musical chorus as spectacular as the original 'We Are the World' 25 years ago. No, this is also a call for donations because there is still a lot of work to be done in Haiti.

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The Coolest Thing You'll See Today: Beaker Channels Kansas

Remember way back when the Muppets did their version of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" and how it set the Internet on fire? Well, their newest attempt couldn't set a pile of gasoline soaked soaks ablaze.

This time, Beaker attempts to "meep" his way through the Kansas ballad, "Dust in the Wind," but the Internet doesn't seem too pleased with it, which is like saying that Toyota made a little bit of a "boo-boo" with the manufacturing of their cars.

[via Neatorama]

'We Are the World' Remade for Haitian Relief

we_are_the_world_25th_anniversaryOver 80 stars from the music and entertainment world gathered in Los Angeles on Monday to remake the classic benefit recording 'We Are the World,' and this time the victims of the Haitian earthquake will receive aid as a result of this song's sale and download.

What makes this remake so exciting is that here it is 25 years later and an entire new group of musicians took part, including Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Pink, the Black Eyed Peas, Lil Wayne, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Harry Connick, Toni Braxton, Snoop Dogg, Jason Mraz, Josh Groban, Tony Bennett, LL Cool J, Jonas Brothers... whew! The news might be that Lady Gaga couldn't make it.

Continue reading 'We Are the World' Remade for Haitian Relief

What You Missed Last Night: Colbert Got His iPad!

Last week I told you about Stephen Colbert making a plea on his show for Apple's new iPad (which he called the Tablet because it hadn't been released yet). Well, it looks like he got his iPad a lot sooner than the rest of us are going to get them. He whipped it out last night at 'The Grammys' and even taunted some of the stars who haven't gotten one yet.

Donations open early for Clooney's Hope for Haiti

The public can begin donating to Hope for Haiti Friday morning.You can start donating money to George Clooney'a "Hope for Haiti" telethon hours before it goes live.

The global benefit show airs live tonight at 8 p.m. ET from Los Angeles, New York and London. But, the charity will begin accepting donations today at noon ET, 9:00 a.m. PT. You can send your donation via phone at 1-877-99-HAITI or by texting "GIVE" to 50555. And, you can mail donations to Hope For Haiti Now Fund, Entertainment Industry Foundation, 1201 West 5th Street, Suite T-700, Los Angeles, CA 90017.

Meanwhile, they've updated the guest list for the big show. As of this hour, it includes Wyclef Jean, Bruce Springsteen, Jennifer Hudson, Mary J. Blige, Shakira, and Sting in New York City; Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Dave Matthews, John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift and a group performance by Keith Urban, Kid Rock, and Sheryl Crow in Los Angeles; and Coldplay, a group performance by Bono, The Edge, Jay-Z and Rihanna in London.

Continue reading Donations open early for Clooney's Hope for Haiti

Viewers can attend Sundance Festival via their TVs

The Sundance Film Festival is available on your TV on demand.If you're not cool enough (or smug enough) to head to Utah for the Sundance Film Festival this month, you can now watch key moments of the event via your TV on demand through the new video on demand service, Sundance Selects.

You can put on your overpriced, ugly ski boots and over-sized sunglasses while you pet your matchbox-sized dog -- pretending you're the up and coming star of a pretentious art house flick without leaving your living room. Sundance Selects is all set to send films from the 2010 Sundance Film Festival to a national audience for the first time.

You'll also get a first hand look at some of the live events that take place during the fest, as the on demand service "gives film lovers coast-to-coast the opportunity to experience a major film festival as it happens."

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Jay Leno and the missed opportunity

jay_leno_the_tonight_showIt's been quite an amazing time at NBC the past ten days. The Jay Leno exit from prime time. The proposed 11:35-12:05-1:05 juggle. Conan's manifesto to the people of the earth. NBC executives lashing out and labeling Conan a failure and chicken-hearted. Jeff Zucker threatening Conan and his intellectual properties. And then the subsiding tide that will have The Tonight Show regressing, possibly becoming less an American television institution and more an American artifact of a time gone by.

Lost amid all this wrangling and back and forth is one fact that is undeniable. When NBC came up with the idea of all-Leno, all the time at 10 p.m. prime time, the network was giving him a precious gift. Jay Leno had been given Aladdin's lamp. NBC handed him an hour -- five hours -- of prime time television with an open invitation to create a new show. Imagine if that offer were made to another performer.

Continue reading Jay Leno and the missed opportunity

BBC's The Choir turns reporters into singers

Gareth Malone stars in BBC America's The Choir.The star of the upcoming BBC America reality series, The Choir pulled a fast one on the assembled reporters gathered for the network's press conference during the TCA proceedings this weekend.

The reality show features choirmaster Gareth Malone (right) as he attempts to forge a top-notch choir in England's cash-strapped schools and underprivileged neighborhoods. The 13-episode series will run this coming spring on BBC America.

So, Malone showed up in Pasadena this weekend to promote the show to the assembled TCA throng. After the standard clips and Q&A were winding down, Malone ducked out of the quick and easy farewell and invited the reporters to come up on stage and form their own flash choir.

Continue reading BBC's The Choir turns reporters into singers

Susan Boyle flying to Chicago just for Oprah

susan_boyle_hairbrushWhen Oprah made her tearful, but happy, announcement about the ending of The Oprah Winfrey Show, she committed to making 2010 something special. That was clearly in her mind as Oprah has reportedly booked Susan Boyle, the Scottish singing star who catapulted to fame in 2009 after appearing on Britain's Got Talent, for a sit down interview and musical interlude on Wednesday, January 14.

That's right, the six million CD selling Boyle will actually be in Chicago's Harpo Studios. No satellite feed this time. Nope, Susan Boyle will be able to jump up and down on the couch just like Tom Cruise. Or maybe she can bring her kitty cat, Pebbles, on the set and introduce her to American audiences?

Continue reading Susan Boyle flying to Chicago just for Oprah

Would Conan be interested in a move to Fox?

conan_obrien_nbcWhat should Conan do? That is the question. While NBC hems and haws and makes themselves the laughing stock of the television business with this Jay Leno cha-cha-cha, the host of The Tonight Show has been treated like a second class citizen. Oh yeah, NBC has said they're sticking with Conan, but on their terms. The last iteration we heard about that was the idea of slotting Leno at 11:35, then Conan at 12:05, then Jimmy Fallon at 1:05. (Cha-cha-cha)

Well, now Conan O'Brien has reportedly been given an option to jump to Fox. If you believe TMZ.com, NBC has told Conan he has the option of leaving and joining another network. The Peacock, if you believe it, has dropped the contractual ties that would restrict O'Brien from going to the competition. Hmm... why would they do that unless they don't like what Conan's done with The Tonight Show and want to expedite his exit?

Continue reading Would Conan be interested in a move to Fox?

Happy Birthday Elvis!

Today would have been Elvis Presley's 75th birthday. Here's video of his first performance on The Ed Sullivan Show in 1956, singing one of my favorite Elvis songs, "Don't Be Cruel." Interestingly, Ed Sullivan didn't even host this episode, it was guest hosted by Charles Laughton.

Elvis isn't shown from the waist down here (except for when he walks out at the start), but that wasn't because of censorship. That didn't happen until this third and final appearance, in 1957. That's after the jump.

Continue reading Happy Birthday Elvis!

FCC complaints against Adam Lambert hit the web

Remember when American Idol competitor Adam Lambert's controversial performance at the American Music Awards landed him in water so hot that you could boil live lobsters in it? Me neither.

Apparently, a lot of viewers wish they were me because they bombarded the FCC with complaints and they have now found their way to a blog dedicated to them called "Why Not Glambert"?

The complaints obtained from a Freedom of Information Act request list the white-hot grievances in all of their non-spell-checked glory from the senior pastor who vowed to "lead my church in a boycot (sic) of ABC" to the parent who was "truely (sic) disguisted (sic)". I wonder if these same people who were so offended by Lambert's performance also don't own a dictionary because it too contains naughty and offensive words like "angina," "masticate" and "pianist."

[via TVTattle]

Mariah Carey stumbles at People's Choice Awards

Mariah Carey stumbles at People's Choice Awards 2010Dear Mariah Carey,

I know that you're a big diva, and that you like being a big diva and will do just anything to keep that persona going. But it just seems to me that if you're going to an awards show where you might possibly be walking onstage to accept an award, you should have a dress and shoes you can walk in.

Maybe you like having hubby Nick Cannon help you onstage, like he did at last night's People's Choice Awards. Maybe he likes it. Maybe it helps the whole diva thing -- "ooh, I can't even move without someone helping me." But it's not really doing much for your image. Come to think of it, neither is your drunk speech at the Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards a couple of nights ago.

Continue reading Mariah Carey stumbles at People's Choice Awards

Tonight's New Year's Eve special on ABC has a really long title

Ryan SeacrestEvery year we get to watch the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Eve. A lot of people grew up watching Dick Clark host the show from a very cold Times Square, but in recent years medical problems have forced Clark to co-host the show with American Idol's Ryan Seacrest. But do they call the show New Year's Rockin' Eve or ABC's New Year's Rockin' Eve or New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest or maybe Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve?

No. The title of the show is Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2010. Actually, the hour before the big ball drop throws another word in there: Dick Clark's Primetime New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest 2010. The hell?

Continue reading Tonight's New Year's Eve special on ABC has a really long title

Top TV Stories of 2009: Adam Lambert vs. Kris Allen

American Idol: Adam Lambert and Kris AllenEven die-hard viewers of American Idol might have a hard time remembering that Adam Lambert didn't win the competition earlier this year. Especially considering Lambert's high-profile persona lately, starting with his sex-filled American Music Awards performance.

But no, the winner of American Idol was, in fact, Kris Allen, who's seemingly the complete opposite of Lambert. There's no denying they're both great singers, but whereas Lambert is brash, theatrical and loves to knock those high notes out of the stadium, Allen is more low-key, folksy and laid back. The fellow contestants were also roommates at the Idol mansion.

Continue reading Top TV Stories of 2009: Adam Lambert vs. Kris Allen

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