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Conan O'Brien puts his future in your hands

Once again, Conan O'Brien has put the future of his career in his fans' hands.

Not a smart move if you ask me. Isn't his ratings what finally did him and Jay Leno in, even if Conan has more public support than Superman and Batman combined if they were doing battle with Lex Luthor, The Joker and Jeff Zucker?

The soon-to-be former Tonight Show host has gotten a ton of other offers from a personal invitation from Kurt Sutter to play an IRA gun runner on next season's Sons of Anarchy to a starring role in a Pink Visual porno called Conan the Bangbarian. Now ol' "Conebone69" himself has asking his viewers to vote for his fate in an online poll at the show's official website.

As of Tuesday afternoon and of no surprise to anyone with a working central nervous system, the porno offer is in the lead with 34 percent.

Conan O'Brien offered spot on next season's Sons of Anarchy

Now that Conan O'Brien may be out of a job, he's bound to land on his feet faster than a feral cat that's been fired out of a cannon. In fact, he's already got another job lined up.

Kurt Sutter, creator and executive producer of FX's Sons of Anarchy, has offered ol' Coco a role on the upcoming season of Sons of Anarchy.

Sutter said he could weave Conan into the IRA subplot that will bleed into the new season and that he really needs "a bad-ass O'Brien on my team. Guns, blood, fist fights -- you could really work some [expletive deleted] out."

Man, if you thought Henry Rollins was tough, just imagine a raging Conan O'Brien on the loose. Sure A.J. Weston, Rollins' character, was a muscleheaded sociopathic anti-semite with a Godsmack complex, but he also signed a contract with the likes of Jeff Zucker, a man who makes the evil Ethan Zobelle look like Shari Lewis.

All Danny wants for Festivus

I love Christmas. It is the best holiday. If all of the holidays grew asses, Christmas could kick every other holiday's ass by ripping off their ass and beating them to death with said ass.

It's perfect on every conceivable level. It aims to achieve total peace and tranquility of the human spirit and singularity of the soul through the selfless act of giving. Of course, in order for that to work, someone has to be on the receiving end and I'm more than willing to have my every dream fulfilled in the name of calming the cosmic waves.

So here's my wish list to Santa or Jesus or Buddha or whomever holds the universe in balance for things to suck less until the next holiday.

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Best and Worst TV of 2009: Jason's List

Daniel Wright2009 was a good year for television. It offered the resurgence of the comedy on network television, and the continuing growth of original programming on cable. In all honesty, I don't think I could just do a list of what was great and what was horrible on television because I would need pages and pages.

Instead, I'm going to focus on the things that really stood out this year. Sorry, Mad Men fans, but even though this was a great third season and an amazing finale, I expect it at this point. It's the only way I could come up with to keep my list manageable.

Also, as a point of protest I did not include Jon, Kate or the balloon boy hoax. These events got more attention than they deserved already this year, and I feel bad I even mentioned them.

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The Twelve Days of Festivus: Six shows you should be watchin'

Modern FamilyOn the sixth day of Festivus, TV gave to me ... six shows you should be watching.

Every fall TV season brings out a new crop of fresh shows and despite the fact that some of them are ridiculously good, they slip through the cracks and not many people watch them. Not all of these are new and not all of them are suffering in the ratings, but some could still use your eyeballs. So take this list as a gentle nudge to start tuning in if you haven't already, because all six of these shows really are appointment television right now.

Modern Family (ABC; Wednesdays 8:30) -- Easily the best new comedy of the Fall '09 season, Modern Family has very quickly risen up most critics' lists and even nabbed a Golden Globe nomination earlier this week. The show features a spectacular ensemble cast that tackles just about any family related issue from dating to divorce by putting one of the most unique spins on the genre in recent memory. With the show on hiatus until January, now would be a great time to catch up on the first half of the season and if you don't, Fizbo the ass kicking clown, will, you know, kick your ass.

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All Jonathan wants for Festivus

David Simon on the set of 'Treme.'
Festivus is upon us once again here at TV Squad and regardless of whether or not I've been naughty or nice, all my wishes had better come true because I've already sat through all ten crappy episodes of FlashForward -- I deserve all this.

  • First off, as you can probably tell by the picture above, I've got high hopes for David Simon's upcoming HBO drama Treme. Set in a post-Katrina New Orleans, I am in no way asking for this show to be The Wire meets the bayou, but I do want it to be good. Judging by the cast (Wire alums Wendell Pierce and Clarke Peters, Steve Zahn, and Khandi Alexander to name a few), I'd say Simon already has another hit on his hands.

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FX confirms Sons of Anarchy season three renewal

Charlie Hunnam and Maggie SiffRight on the tail of Kurt Sutter assuring fans that there would be a third season of Sons of Anarchy, FX has confirmed it -- the motorcycle drama will return in September 2010.

Another bright spot for the show? The series' second season finale, "Na Triobloidi," smashed the show's previous ratings record to make it the most watched Sons episode to date.

4.33 million total viewers tuned in and from that total, 2.99 million were in the coveted Adults 18-49 demographic. Men 18-49 chalked up 1.92 million viewers. With those numbers, the show secured the crown for the top scripted drama series during the season's 13-week run in the Tuesday 10 p.m. timeslot in average delivery of the Men 18-49 demo.

One other point worth noting -- Sutter signed a two-year deal to continue as executive producer and showrunner. So, unless something goes terribly wrong, there's a good chance Sons of Anarchy will have a fourth season in its future as well.

Kurt Sutter unofficially confirms third season of Sons of Anarchy

Kurt Sutter, creator and EP of FX's 'Sons of Anarchy'
As if there were any doubt.

In an interview with the Newark Star-Ledger's TV critic Alan Sepinwall, Sons of Anarchy creator and executive producer Kurt Sutter has unofficially confirmed that the show will indeed be back for a third season. It's just a matter of FX finalizing some contracts and getting all its "financial ducks in a row." Sutter said he had been assured the show would be back though.

Good thing, too, since last night's season two finale, "Na Trioblidi," had one helluva cliffhanger. Beyond that, Sutter's interview with Sepinwall also served as a nice post-mortem of the season and he offered plenty of info on where season three is likely headed. Spoilers after the jump, so read on at your own risk.

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Review: Sons of Anarchy - Na Triobloidi (season finale)

"Any idea where we're headed?" /"No." - Chief Unser to Gemma

If you're looking for someone to yak to at the office tomorrow about the second season closer of Sons of Anarchy but don't want to open your meathole to someone who has no idea what you're talking about, there's one sure-fire way to tell without having to say a word: check their fingernails. They will be bitten right down to the bone.

The 90-minute episode was a real tension builder from beginning to end and it not only managed to solve some of the protagonists' problems in very creative and interesting ways, but it also created new ones that just made me hungrier for season three. It couldn't come soon enough if I had a time machine.

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Was Zobelle's kiss just a kiss?

There was another observation from the last episode of Sons of Anarchy that I noticed, or maybe I just didn't want to acknowledge that I noticed it.

Just before Clay, Jax and company finally move in on Ethan Zobelle's cigar store for what will presumably be their final kill, Ethan and his daughter share an uncomfortably long kiss.

Granted these two think they are going to have their brains splattered against the walls by their scorned enemies and are in fear of their ever-loving lives, but the kiss they shared seemed to suggest that something else might be going on between then. So...

Did the kiss between Zobelle and his daughter mean anything?

What Danny is thankful for

Danny Gallagher, TV SquadWho doesn't love Thanksgiving? I'll be enjoying mine with all the usual staples: turkey, cranberries, cornbread stuffing, some weird brown thing my father attempted to make and my Mom's mind-numbingly good meliton dressing. I'm literally chomping at the bit to take that first of 227 bites of homemade turkey. I've gone through three remotes in the last hour.

But I have to come up with something to do after all the food has been ravenously devoured by that wolf pack I call my family. And rather than list 100 reasons for regretting life (because 99 of them would be "Why did I eat that?"), here some things I have to be thankful for instead.

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Review: Sons of Anarchy - Culling

(S02E12) "Either you or me goes home in a bag." - Jax to A.J.

The showdown we've been waiting all season to see finally happened tonight and even though it didn't end the way the antagonists deserved (i.e. heads removed where the shoulder meets the neck, placed on a stick and paraded around town on a substandard Japanese import), it still had my head spinning.

The show opens with SAMCRO preparing for their big, inevitable smackdown with the League by keeping all of their loved ones under lock and key at the clubhouse. But instead of just jumping into the fray head first with baseball bats twisted in barb-wire and all, they do what they should have done from the beginning: they plotted and planned. They turned the tables on the League and by doing so, turned the League on each other.

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Review: Sons of Anarchy - Service

Mark Boone Junior and Ron Perlman
(S02E11) "If Gemma had gotten raped on John's watch, he'd have written a whole different book." - Jax

Forgiveness can be a funny thing. Assuming you're on the receiving end of something awful, It's not always easy to determine if you'd even be willing to forgive. That's the beauty of forgiveness though -- the act that led you to it might have been sincere, but that doesn't mean your capacity to forgive has to be. Unlike quietly accepting a situation, forgiving a situation has the power to pacify the parties at fault.

As we learned with Opie last night on Sons of Anarchy, his capacity to forgive is huge, but that doesn't mean he ain't lying through his teeth when it comes to his true intentions.

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Review: Sons of Anarchy - Balm

Sons of Anarchy: Balm
(S02E10) I'm filling in for Danny, who experienced a DVR malfunction, so be gentle with me, as I've been a bit here and there with Sons of Anarchy this season. Last winter, I raced through season one for Jane After Dark, and fell in love with the gritty characters and edgy storyline. But to tell you the truth, I had trouble watching it after Gemma's rape this season. It was really disturbing, and I wasn't sure I wanted all of that in my head all the time.

But the fact is that Sons of Anarchy is a great show and -- like many other FX shows -- unlike most of what you see on TV these days. So I'm happy to have this chance to get caught up a little bit with season two.

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Review: Sons of Anarchy - Fa Guan

Sons of Anarchy
(S02E09) - "I know the greater devil when I see it." - Deputy Chief Hale to Clay

The great thing about a show like Sons of Anarchy is you never exactly know when you're watching its true boiling point. You might think the situation you're watching is the apex of the conflict, particularly the beef between Clay and Jax, but it always finds an interesting and surprising way of making it worse and makes you forget that it still has more episodes to go.

That's the true sign of a good series. It sucks you in and erases any and all concept of time. Unlike other TV shows that you can just have in the background to break the silence of your lonely place, SOA demands your attention and gets it every time, at least for this season. You can't just leave it on and not not watch it (screw good grammar, if you can think of a better and more entertaining way to say it, be my guest). Anything that can stop and slow time, whether it's a TV show, a flying DeLorean or a hot tub deserves special merit in my book.

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