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The Twelve Days of Festivus: Six shows you should be watchin'

Modern FamilyOn the sixth day of Festivus, TV gave to me ... six shows you should be watching.

Every fall TV season brings out a new crop of fresh shows and despite the fact that some of them are ridiculously good, they slip through the cracks and not many people watch them. Not all of these are new and not all of them are suffering in the ratings, but some could still use your eyeballs. So take this list as a gentle nudge to start tuning in if you haven't already, because all six of these shows really are appointment television right now.

Modern Family (ABC; Wednesdays 8:30) -- Easily the best new comedy of the Fall '09 season, Modern Family has very quickly risen up most critics' lists and even nabbed a Golden Globe nomination earlier this week. The show features a spectacular ensemble cast that tackles just about any family related issue from dating to divorce by putting one of the most unique spins on the genre in recent memory. With the show on hiatus until January, now would be a great time to catch up on the first half of the season and if you don't, Fizbo the ass kicking clown, will, you know, kick your ass.

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What Jane is thankful for

Eric Northman, True BloodHappy Thanksgiving! It's that time of year when we reflect on all the good things in our lives, and of course, my thoughts turn to TV. Let's take a look at a few things on the tube that make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Sexy vampires. Oh my, we got lots of them this year. The Twilight Saga: New Moon's got nothin' on TV vampires. Eric Northman and Bill Compton from True Blood are definitely at the top of my list. Pictured is that hunk o' steamy vamp himself, Eric, a.k.a. Alexander Skarsgard in real life. But we also got those lovely Salvatore brothers on The Vampire Diaries. Elena certainly has some high-class problems, doesn't she? Steadfast Stefan or bad-vamp Damon? They both have their particular gifts.

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True Blood to resurrect its vampire sheriff?

true blood godricVampire sheriff Godric was one of my favorite characters from True Blood's second season. As played by Allan Hyde, Godric was a wise, sensitive and progressive bloodsucker who felt compelled to atone for his sins and for the sins of his people. Last time we saw the peaceful vamp, he was bursting into flame on top of a Dallas high-rise.

"That's too bad," I thought at the time. "I really liked that guy."

Did anyone else feel the same way? If so, head after the jump for some spoilery news that's sure to make you smile.

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Spike TV's Scream special celebrates our nation's vampires

Spike TV's Scream Halloween special will celebrate vampires like the Twilight crew.Vampires aren't scary anymore. They haven't been for a while.

Anne Rice saw to that while she was making her fortune turning vampires into the kind of delicate camp caricatures you see hosting cooking shows on Bravo. It's continued through Twilight and every Twilight clone coming down the pipe. Still, Twilight can build it's own Federal Reserve Bank now, and no one gives a cuss what I think.

Now, I've officially typed the word "Twilight" way more than I wanted to today, and I need to get to the point. So, vampires will be the cause celebre of Spike TV's 4th Annual "Scream.," Tuesday, October 27 at 10 PM ET/PT.

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Do True Blood's Steve and Sarah Newlin seem like Joel and Victoria Osteen?

Joel and Victoria Osteen, Steve and Sarah Newlin of True Blood
True Blood
is on hiatus until next year, so I'll do whatever it takes to feed my fixation -- even if it means bringing down a popular pastor and televangelist. I came across this picture of Joel and Victoria Osteen (above, left) -- he's an author, TV host, and pastor at Lakewood Church. I'm sure they're doing wonderful things in the world and helping lots of people.

But really, just look at them. They're Steve and Sarah Newlin from True Blood (above, right). There's no mistaking it, and I have to wonder if Alan Ball had the Osteens in mind when he wrote the parts for the Newlins, played by Michael McMillian and Anna Camp.

Somehow, I feel certain that Joel and Victoria Osteen aren't harboring a grudge against vampires (though I'm sure they work against evil in the world) or holding poor souls captive in their church basement, like the Newlins did at the Light of Day Institute.

Still, it's hard not to see the similarities, isn't it? Both couples are based in Texas, too.

TV Squad Ten: My favorite HBO shows

True Blood - Anna Paquin and Stephen MoyerHBO has slowly become my favorite network over the past few years. I don't know if it's because the mainstream networks have turned to lots of reality programming or what, but HBO just seems to get better and better. Just about every show on the premium channel is feature film quality (if not better), and I've got some favorites listed below.

I know I'm missing a few biggies, like Rome, Deadwood, Flight of the Conchords, and Extras, but it's only because I either haven't watched these shows or have only watched a few episodes -- not enough to make an informed opinion. I'm sure they'll make my Jane After Dark column at some point in the future. So I hope you'll tell me your favorites in the comments below.

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The Music of Mad Men, True Blood and Sons of Anarchy

Mad Men, season twoSome shows are really creative with their use of music, and one that stands out for me is Mad Men. In last night's episode (read Bob's review here), the song that played over the end credits was "Sixteen Tons," and they couldn't have picked a better song. After signing that contract, Don Draper did indeed owe his soul not only "to the company store," but also to Betty and to a life he doesn't seem all that happy about leading.

Another show with great use of music is Sons of Anarchy. In his review of "Tears," Danny noted, "Letting Katey Sagal sing a solemn cover of the Rolling Stones' "Ruby Tuesday" was really a great move on whomever made that call." I couldn't agree more. The song just washed all of the sadness and weight of her rape over us in a big way.

Continue reading The Music of Mad Men, True Blood and Sons of Anarchy

True Blood: The Sitcom

One of the big things on the web now is taking dramatic TV shows and giving them a laugh track. You can probably do this with a lot of dramas (depending on what you find funny), but this is one below is centered on the eating establishment in True Blood and, as New York says, makes the show seem like Alice.

Early to rise...early to bed...

True Blood: Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (season finale)

True Blood, Michelle Forbes, Beyond Here Lies Nothin'

(S02E12) "You may be the strongest, oldest vampire in my queendom, but if I wanted, I could own your fangs as earrings." - The Vampire Queen to Eric

We've come to the end of season two of True Blood, and I'm glad to see the Maryann storyline end (this is no spoiler; Alan Ball talked about it in my interview with him; and yes, Michelle Forbes is a fantastic actress). On the other hand, I'm sad to see True Blood ending and will wait impatiently for season three to start.

But this finale brought an end to a few storylines and set things up nicely for new ones in season three. After the jump, the episode review and your comments. Don't click through if you haven't watched the episode yet!

Continue reading True Blood: Beyond Here Lies Nothin' (season finale)

Alan Ball of True Blood: The TV Squad Interview

Alan Ball, Rutina Wesley, Michelle Forbes, Deborah Ann WollOne of the most talked about shows of the summer is True Blood, HBO's supernatural series about vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, and all those eerie things we find both fascinating and horrifying.

With the season two finale right around the corner -- "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'" airs Sunday at 9 PM ET on HBO -- it's a great time to catch up with series creator Alan Ball (pictured, with Michelle Forbes, Rutina Wesley, and Deborah Ann Woll at the TCA awards in August). Read on for his thoughts on the future of Maryann, a Sookie/Bill pairing, and even a few spoilers on season three.

If you want to look at the full transcript of the wide-ranging interview, click here. The edited version starts after the jump. Oh, and read AOL TV's coverage of the show, as well.

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True Blood now playing in TwitterFic Theater

True Blood TwitterPic TheaterWith True Blood continuing to gain steam throughout season two (ok, a few folks weren't that crazy about this week's "Frenzy," but I continue to love the show), it's only natural that fans would take over the characters and create their own reality. And because everything happens on Twitter these days, that's where True Blood TwitterFic Theater is taking place.

Find out how Eric really feels about Sookie, what goes on in Sam's head, and how Tara is coping with Maryann's spells. Not only that; TwitterFic Theater goes beyond mere characters. Some fans are even happy to be inanimate objects in the show, like Hoyt's cell phone and Bill's robe.

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True Blood: Frenzy

True Blood - Frenzy
(S02E11) "I am gonna kick that bitch's evil ass out of my gran's house, and then you are gonna shoot her." Sookie to Lafayette, about Maryann

Well, they didn't make us wait, and picked up with True Blood right where we left off last week, with Bill walking in on the vampire queen, played deliciously by Evan Rachel Wood. And ... is the vampire queen a lesbian? There were certainly some sexual overtones with her sucking blood out of the girl's leg, and then later saying, "I haven't enjoyed sex with men since the Eisenhower administration." Then again, she did ask Bill if he wanted to have sex, and he politely declined. He also declined her suggestion that he feed on the girl.

"What gives you the right to say no to the femoral blood of a good woman?" she asks. "You know what your problem is, William? You're a snob. Tiny, tiny souls. Or penises. Or both."

Continue reading True Blood: Frenzy

True Blood: Get a sneak peek at the Frenzy to come

true blood frenzy lafayetteTrue Blood pulled in record ratings for last week's insane episode, "New World in My View." The ep ended with most of Bon Temps still zombified by Maryann, Sam naked and on the run, and Bill about to meet with the Vampire Queen of Louisiana, played by Evan Rachel Wood.

Over at the Stackhouse place, Sookie, Lettie May and Lafayette were left caring for a bruised Tara, who's determined to rescue her man, Eggs. That's where the following preview clip for Sunday's ep, "Frenzy" picks up. Click through to watch.

Continue reading True Blood: Get a sneak peek at the Frenzy to come

Eric Northman as Mr. January in the Fangtasia calendar

True Blood Wiki - Eric Northman, Mr. January, Fangtasia Calendar
I just got off the phone with Alan Ball, and have I got some good stuff for all you True Blood fans! Look for that interview on TV Squad in the next day or so. I'm trying to wrap my head around all the fun stuff Alan told me about season three.

Until then, I offer you this eye candy: Eric Northman as Mr. January on the Fangtasia calendar. I couldn't find an actual Fangtasia calendar on the official True Blood site, so let me know if you know where to get this. I believe this is fan art by "Bloody Mistress" from the True Blood Wiki. If you want to look at Eric while listening to the True Blood theme song, check it out on Cast TV.

Continue reading Eric Northman as Mr. January in the Fangtasia calendar

True Blood: New World in My View

True Blood: New World in My View

(S02E10) "Jesus and I agreed to see other people, but that doesn't mean we don't still talk from time to time." - Lafayette to Tara's mom, praying over a spellbound Tara

I'm as hooked on Eric as the next girl, but I must admit, I felt a little protective of Bill during that opening scene. Sookie comforting Eric and kissing his blood-tear-stained face over the loss of Godric was sweet, but emotional. If and when that day comes, I'm not sure who I'll be rooting for: Eric or Bill. It would definitely be a tough choice for Sookie.

Continue reading True Blood: New World in My View

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