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Here's Something to Give Your 'Lost'-Loving Significant "Other" on Valentine's Day

Lost cardWhat do you get the 'Lost' fan for Valentine's Day? DHARMA chocolates? A copy of 'The Third Policeman?' Advil to take at 10PM every Tuesday night when the latest episode is over?

How about a 'Lost'-themed card? These are pretty darn clever. The Ben one on the right is my favorite. I love the expression on his face, and you can imagine him saying those words.

The card after the jump is my other favorite, though since it's addressed to Kate it seems like only a handful of 'Lost' fans would be able to use it.

Continue reading Here's Something to Give Your 'Lost'-Loving Significant "Other" on Valentine's Day

Cuse and Lindelof Give Some Clues About the 'Lost' Timeline(s)

LostIf you're not listening to the weekly 'Lost' podcast, you're missing out on a lot of great stuff. I didn't start listening to it until recently, and I've discovered that not only are the podcasts entertaining, they're giving a lot of clues as to what's happening on the island (and these are official clues, not rumors or theories that you might find on other sites - though producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are more than a little coy in the podcasts).

What jumped out to me in the podcast posted after the season premiere last week has to do with the timeline(s).

Continue reading Cuse and Lindelof Give Some Clues About the 'Lost' Timeline(s)

Tim Kring Explains What Goes on Behind the Scenes of 'Heroes'

HeroesBashing 'Heroes' has become a sport, much like bashing 'Saturday Night Live' became a sport several years ago. "It's not as good as it was" and "it sucks" are the phrases you hear most often when former fans (or fans that are still watching the show but always on the edge of leaving) talk about it.

Tim Kring tells The Onion that he knows what fans are saying about the show, but he also wants fans to know that there are things going on behind the scenes that they might not be aware of. For example, the writers strike hurt the show. Two, it's actually a more consistent show when more writers write an episode than having just one writer on an episode. Three, the writers don't even think of the show as being in "seasons," it's really all one continuous plot.

Continue reading Tim Kring Explains What Goes on Behind the Scenes of 'Heroes'

NBC Takes Down All of Conan's 'Tonight Show' Content

ConanIt looks like NBC is doing a little house cleaning at their web site. Not only is all of Conan O'Brien's 'Tonight Show' content gone, but the 'Tonight Show' section is gone completely.

If you take a look at NBC.com and go to the drop down menu where all of the shows are listed, there isn't even a 'Tonight Show' listed anymore. There is a listing for 'The Jay Leno Show' if you want to check that out, though I'm not sure why you'd want to.

Maybe they're retooling the 'Tonight Show' site for when Jay makes his return in a few weeks, but it would be a shame if, when the site comes back up, all of Conan's stuff is still gone. I mean, isn't he a part of the show's history, even if that part only last for seven months? It's fine to replace Conan's face on an NBC mural, it's another thing to wipe him from the network's history altogether.

[via TV Tattle]

Facebook Group Wants Betty White to Host 'SNL'

Betty WhiteNow here's a Facebook group I can get behind. Close to 10,000 people have joined the Betty White To Host 'SNL' (please?) group at the networking site. There's been no talks with NBC about White hosting the show, this is just something that fans cooked up and want to happen.

This is one of those things where you say to yourself, "hey, why not?" White is a TV icon, and even though she's 88 years old she's still spry, and I bet she could handle an hour or so of sketches. Besides, if the show can have people like Charles Barkley, Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, and Ellen Page host, why not White? She's been around for several decades, is one of those TV stars who is known to both people in their 50s (if they even watch 'SNL') and also people in their 20s ('The Golden Girls' is actually quite popular on college campuses). She was even on '30 Rock' this season.

Lorne Michaels, your move.

ABC News Content Now Available on Hulu

Do you live outside of the United States? Are you tired of not being able to access the never-ending pit of television goodies that is Hulu? If so, get ready to continue hating them just a little bit longer.

ABC News has announced they are streaming all of their news programs from 'Good Morning America' to 'World News with Diane Sawyer' on the popular free TV and movie site.

This means you can instantly access the latest news and views on everything around you and the world as long as you live in the US. Sorry rest of the world and known universe. Guess you can't enjoy this sit down with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen like the rest of us red blooded Americans!

Here's your WTF moment of the day (featuring Tom Selleck and sandwiches)

Selleck Waterfall Sandwich
I'm really not sure what to say about this site. It's called Selleck Waterfall Sandwich, and it's devoted to...well, actor Tom Selleck, waterfalls, and sandwiches.

It's not that the world hasn't needed a site devoted to those three things. I'm just surprised no one thought of it sooner.

[via David Carr]

NBC takes down last Tonight Show blog post

Tonight ShowTonight Show staffer (with Conan, anyway) Aaron Bleyaert kept a blog and a Twitter account for the show since Conan took over last year. Of course, Jay Leno is coming back so he's no longer going to be doing the blog and wrote his last blog post when Conan's run on the show ended recently. NBC, however, took the blog post down.

But Bleyaert still had the blog post so he put it on his personal site. He talks about how Conan's last show went, what the status was on the show and Conan's future (unknown at the time), talks about the team at NBC.com, how the show will be in repeats until the Olympics, and generally says goodbye until a new show starts up. I'm not really sure what NBC saw objectionable or questionable about it, unless it's like a reader says in the comments section of Aaron's blog that they might have been upset that he linked to his personal web site and personal Facebook and Twitter accounts.

MadTV had the iPad years ago

So Apple announced the iPad today. No surprise, especially since Mad TV announced it a few years ago. (Might be slightly NSFW.)

Lost + Petula Clark = awesome parody song

This is an extremely clever song for the last season of Lost, courtesy The Fine Brothers. It wonders if the writers of the show are actually going to answer all of the questions posed by the first five seasons. And it's all done to the tune of "Downtown" (original after the jump!)

Continue reading Lost + Petula Clark = awesome parody song

Even ALF is on Twitter

ALFA lot of people might think of ALF as "that stupid 80s sitcom with the puppet," but I think it was genuinely funny. The talk show that he had a few years ago? Not so much. But I'd love to see more ALF on television.

Until then, there's this: ALF is on Twitter! It looks like it's really him (and by "him" I mean someone who is officially authorized to tweet as ALF, aka "Gordon Shumway"). It's not verified by Twitter yet, but the name of the account is "Verified_ALF."

He hasn't said much yet, but what he does say seems to revolve around eating cats.

[via Comedy Central]

[You can watch episodes of ALF over at SlashControl.]

New contest offers winner a role on a canceled show

Have you seen the new TV commercial for Cheer that features a soap opera-ish plot (a woman wakes from a coma and has to choose between her boyfriend and the hunky doc) and music? That's not just a one shot thing. Procter and Gamble have actually created an online soap called Brighten Bay, and they're holding a contest. The winner gets a walk-on role on CBS' As The World Turns.

Hey, maybe if the contest is a hit they'll reconsider canceling the show. (Note: not likely.)

[via BrandFreak]

Hulu users are not big Jay Leno fans

jay leno hulu tags
I was on Hulu this morning looking for a clip from The Jay Leno Show for another post I'm doing, and I quickly found out that Hulu users are not on Team Jay. I let my cursor rest on one of the episodes (his January 19th one featuring Chelsea Handler), and some information about the show popped up, including user-generated tags. The above picture is a screenshot from Hulu, and if you can't read it, the tags say, "hack," "thief," "unfunny," "has been," and "backstabber."

If you scroll all the way down on the Jay Leno Show page on Hulu, in addition to a pretty nasty comment thread about how he stole The Tonight Show from Conan, you'll see a place where you can tag videos. Currently Leno has 51 tags, and the ones I mentioned above aren't even the worst ones. They're ranked by order of use, and "hack" is number 1, having been used 66 times. However, "nicest guy in tv" has been used four times, so that's something, right?

Conan puts Tonight Show on Craigslist

Tonight Show set As a TV fan and someone who writes about TV, I hope this late night war never ends. Well, that's not exactly true, but I'm really enjoying all of the late night shows right now. There's so much great material!

Like this from last night's Tonight Show. Conan put the entire show up for sale on Craigslist (yup, it's a real ad). It has plenty of room, it's designed for 11:35 but can be easily moved, and the winning bidder has to honor Barry Manilow's guest appearance next Thursday.

Now let's see if Leno puts The Jay Leno Show on eBay.

Update: Looks like Craigslist has removed it. Damn it! Gawker has the info.

Keep Jay's head away from Conan's contract!

Leno/Conan game
This is a good way to waste an hour at work today.

TMZ has a new game at their site, The TMZ Contract Game with Conan O'Brien. It's actually a pretty simple game. You're Conan O'Brien, and you have to keep trying to grab the NBC contract before Jay Leno's head hits you (if you get hit, the game's over). Be careful. It's not just one Leno head that is gunning for you, they keep growing in number the more contracts you manage to get.

My top score so far is 1134.

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