For some inexplicable reason, news programs are locked in a quest to maim, incapacitate, or just flat out kill their reporters. Why? Is it office politics? Professional jealousy? Is it a twisted motivational tool? I have no idea. I just know that reporters should not be forced to wander around in blizzards.

Look, news shows: we get it. I already know what snow looks like. You don't have to illustrate your report on slippery roads by forcing your poor junior reporters to wander around on black ice. It's unnecessary.

But it is funny. After the break, check out a hilarious video compilation of reporters getting completely pwned by snow, ice, sleds, and everything else winter has to throw at them.

News Reporter News Fails

And now, a breakdown of all the individual clips:

Okay, let's get the obvious out of the way first: don't walk on ice. Please. Reporters, the absurdity of you reporting on the slipperiness of roads/sidewalks and then falling flat on your ass and futilely flopping around on the ground, breaking your wrist and generally looking like a beached dolphin, is just too much for me to bear. I mean, honestly, it just keeps on happening and you should have learned better by now. Are you functioning adults with short and long term memory? If yes, then you should be able to prevent this from happening in the future.

Look, even the cameramen are doing it.

Are you serious with this, cameraman? Also, guys, stop going out in blizzards. Did you too have dreams once? I hope so. I hope they were not this:

Or this:

Finally -- and, I can't believe I have to say this -- while reporting on a sled race, do NOT stand in front of the sleds.


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