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Fox Plans Season Finales, So Set Your DVRs

FoxGood news for everyone who likes to plan their schedules far in advance. Fox has released the season finale dates for some of their most popular shows. If you already know that you won't be around, you can set the DVR right now. Either that or cancel that Aruba trip for fear of missing the finale of 'The Cleveland Show'.

The network is giving a whopping 127 minutes for the finale of 'American Idol'. There is also a double-feature finale of '24' and and a one-hour finale for 'Family Guy'. Oddly, they are showing a repeat of 'House' during its season finale (most likely they're showing the new episode finale and a repeat back-to-back). It doesn't seem likely that any of the listed shows will be series finales.

The finales end in early June with 'Glee', which paves the way for repeats during the summer. So which season finale are you looking most forward to?

'Bones' Creator Hart Hanson Brought Onto New Fox Pilot

Hart Hanson of Bones and Pleading GuiltyAccording to the Hollywood Reporter, 'Bones' creator Hart Hanson is now attached to the pilot for 'Pleading Guilty,' a drama on Fox that already has an impressive roster of names. Hanson will serve as an executive producer on the show, which is based on the Scott Turow novel of the same name.

Turow's books have been adapted before -- the big screen adaptation of 'Presumed Innocent' starred Harrison Ford and Brian Dennehy, 'Reversible Errors' was adapted for TV with William H. Macy and Tom Selleck, as was 'The Burden of Proof' with Hector Elizondo and Brian Dennehy.

Continue reading 'Bones' Creator Hart Hanson Brought Onto New Fox Pilot

Right now on Cinematical

The folks at our sister site Cinematical are working hard to give you news and reviews of the best -- and worst -- the silver screen has to offer. Here are some of their musings on the latest blockbusters, indies, and everything in between:

Was Fox rooting for the Yankees to win the World Series?

Considering the incredible overnight ratings that Fox got for Game Six of the World Series, you might think I'm crazy to suggest that the network would be rooting for the New York Yankees last night to beat the Philadelphia Phillies, but I have evidence. All through the game, Fox was promoting Fringe and Bones, urging viewers to tune in tomorrow night -- tonight -- for new episodes. Why would the network be sending that message when there was a possibility of a Game Seven?

Continue reading Was Fox rooting for the Yankees to win the World Series?

Bones: Harbingers in the Fountain (season premiere)

Bones Season 5 Premiere
I'm sure I wasn't the only person dumbfounded by the way last season left off, but not to worry, faithful fans! We're not in for an entire season of Booth With Amnesia as feared. In fact, we pick up season five of Bones six weeks after Booth's brain surgery, and things are pretty much getting back to normal. Not only is Booth recovering fine, he seems to have (thankfully) gotten over his temporary amnesia and remembers Brennan as his partner and not his wife.

Continue reading Bones: Harbingers in the Fountain (season premiere)

The TV characters you can (or can't) trust with your money

Trust your money with Scrooge McDuckBoy, what a mess! Unless you live out in a tar shack in the middle of Montana (writing your manifesto, obviously) you know that the United States, nay, the world, is facing one of the worst economic crises in this modern time. Stocks are plummeting, financial institutions are folding, credit is tighter than Miley Cyrus' chastity belt. People are pulling out their money left and right, trying to find a safe place to invest until all of the craziness dies down.

That, of course, is where we come in. Sure, first and foremost we are a website that features information on television. But, we also have access to some of the greatest financial gurus that were ever created by television writers. To assist you in the right investment choices, we have compiled a list of those we feel you could trust to invest your remaining funds in a wise manner. Also listed, as a public service, are those who you shouldn't consider giving a penny to during the harshest economic times.

So, before your 401(k) loses another percentage point, here are your choices.

Continue reading The TV characters you can (or can't) trust with your money

Forget the rest! Keep Michael Badalucco on Bones

Michael Badalucco's Scott Starret should be the new intern on BonesAttention to Hart Hanson and Barry Josephson, the creators of Bones: your search for a new intern for Temperance is over. I know I know, you wanted Dr. Brennan to have a number of interns over this season so she could find a suitable replacement for Zack Addy, who went a bit batty in the season finale. But, why waste any more of the show's budget when you exampled the perfect replacement in this past week's episode.

Michael Badalucco, who portrayed Scott Starret -- Bones' oldest intern, is the man for the job. For one thing, he is the total opposite of Zack...friendly, outgoing, worldly. He is also a near perfect fit for the Squints who are missing something now that Bones spends most of her time in the field with Booth. Think about it: Cam is the organizer and the bureaucrat; Hodgins is now the "geek" of the group since Zack left; Angela is the free spirit. Having Starret added to the team would give the Squints a calming, fatherly and well-rounded figure who could be their stabilizing source.

Plus, let's face it, Michael Badalucco is just so cuddly. Just like he was in The Practice. So, what do you think? Am I way off here or would he be your choice for Zack's replacement?

Bones: Man in the Outhouse

(S04E02) I have a, er, bone to pick with some of you. I understand that many of you are unhappy about Zack's fate. I also understand more of you are upset that the season premiere of Bones was less than stellar. But, that's no reason to totally rack up the fourth season as a total failure. It's looking bleak, I know, but a finale and a premiere sometimes don't make a season. All I ask is for you to hold off a bit until you judge this season as a total disaster.

Continue reading Bones: Man in the Outhouse

Bones: Yanks in the UK (seson premiere)

The Squints and Doctor Sweets

(S04E01) Hullo Guv! Welcome to the fourth series premiere of Bones. It has been a summer of anger and anticipation for most fans of the show. Anger, as many felt creator Hart Hanson bollixed the whole thing up by making Zack Addy a bit potty. Anticipation, because those same fans are curious to see how Hanson and his writers will fill the gap and how the rest of the blokes at the Jeffersonian will adjust. And, of course, there's also the unanswered question as to the state of Bones and Booth's relationship: will they shag or not this season?

None of those questions were answered in this two-hour series premiere, althouth Zack's fate was briefly mentioned. What we did get was a trip to Londontown by Temperance and Seeley (hence, the British slang), and some significant relationship changes amongst the Squints. So, grab a pint, some fish n' chips, and your favorite duck, and let's begin.

Continue reading Bones: Yanks in the UK (seson premiere)

What to expect in season four of Bones

A lot of Bones fans were unhappy last season when Zack was revealed to be Gormogon's apprentice. However, thanks to spoilers leaked over the summer, I can tell you we haven't seen the last of him. Want to know if the squints and co. are all back? If Angela and Hodgins will finally marry and be happy ever after? And if Brennan and Booth will truly kiss this season? Answers are coming up!

Beware: Spoilers ahead!

Continue reading What to expect in season four of Bones

TV Squad presents the 2008-09 fall schedule

The cast of Fringe, the new FOX drama premiering in SeptemberIt's coming. The table is set, the players are on the field, the sails are raised, and the pretty maids are all in a row. Of course, I speak of the 2008-09 television schedule. In just a few short weeks viewers will be able to dine on a number of favorite and new dishes that are being served by the networks as well as the increasing number of cable channels who are delving into original programming.

While other fall seasons have come and gone with nary a whimper, this season may be different. Due to the prolonged Writers Strike many shows ended their seasons quite early. Programs like Life, Private Practice, Pushing Daisies, and Heroes haven't aired original episodes since the end of 2007. Heck, there hasn't been a new episode of The Shield since June of last year! So, the beginning of the 2008-09 season will be a second chance for some of these shows, particularly the ones that premiered last season, to show their worth to fans and the networks.

Continue reading TV Squad presents the 2008-09 fall schedule

The Bones panel - Comic-Con Report

David Boreanaz

David Boreanaz knows how to work a crowd. The man is honest, funny, and self-deprecating. Oh, and I guess he's good looking (I'm a man's man and really don't look at those things.) That's probably a reason why so many women crowded into the huge Ballroom 20 for the Bones panel -- a panel that I was highly anticipating. Well, it was probably Boreanaz as well as the appearances of Tamara Taylor (Cam), John Francis Daley (Dr. Sweets) and Michaela Conlin that made the audience wait in line for over an hour.

But, it was David who took over the panel for most of the time as they revealed some upcoming facts about season four and took audience questions.

Gallery: Bones - Comic-Con 2008

The Bones PanelHart Hanson and David BroeanazBarry JosephsonTaylor, Hanson, Boreanaz, Daley and Conlin

Continue reading The Bones panel - Comic-Con Report

Comic-Con Countdown: Friday, July 25th

What's going on Friday at Comic-Con? Take a look here to find out.Okay, show of hands. How many of you are going to the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con to see all of the panels being held by the many television studios and shows? Uh-huh, a good amount. Now, how many of you are going to be perusing the booths and dealers down at the exhibit hall? Ahhh, not so fast!

If you're a fan of all things television and you think you'll have some time to see what else is going on during this, the world's largest science fiction and comic book convention, you may want to re-think your plans. This isn't your grandfather's, father's, or even older brother's comic book convention.

Starting last year this convention has become the biggest television event between the TCA's the week before (which we are covering, by the way) and the Emmy's at the end of the summer. This year is no exception as the days are packed with shows varying from Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica to Big Bang Theory and Bones.

Continue reading Comic-Con Countdown: Friday, July 25th

Five things I learned from TV this week

Archuleta and CookWho says you can't learn anything from television? We talk about a lot of things here on TV Squad each week, and it's amazing what TV Squad and TV in general can teach you about life.

TV ... it's like the Bible!

1. America likes making a point rather than rewarding talent. Let me say upfront that even though I wrote this, I still think that David Cook is a good singer, and it was great that the American Idol final came down to him and David Archuleta. But I'm baffled as to why he won by 12 million votes! It's almost as if viewers were voting for Cook not just because they liked him, but because they didn't want to fulfill the predictions many had weeks and weeks ago that Archuleta would win (as if the kid could control any of that). They didn't want to prove to everyone that American Idol is predictable, or that Simon's comments about Archuleta winning the final night of singing meant anything. And what about that night? Come on, Archuleta clearly won that night, but it's almost as if they don't even have to have that final night of singing, because fans are clearly voting for other reasons. The Archuleta backlash has to be one of the weirder things that has happened this TV season. I have a very good friend who is a Cook fanatic. Nothing could make her say anything bad about him and I think she broke her phone calling in to vote for him, and even she admits that Archuleta did better that last night. I think fans convinced themselves that they had to vote for the "rocker" (cough cough) and not the kid who sings well (and I have to disagree with my cohort Debra - there's nothing "unique" about Cook).

Continue reading Five things I learned from TV this week

Bones: The Pain in the Heart (season finale) - VIDEO

The cast of Bones

(S03E15) Holy. Frikkin. Frak!

You all speculated on it, but you couldn't believe it was true. Heck, even I mentioned it in a previous post. I just didn't realize that Hart Hanson and his writers would actually do it. Some people are going to be happy, some will be sad, and some will be downright angry about who turned out to be Gormogon's apprentice.

Now, I'm not going to reveal who it is on this page, because I would be pulled out of my house and systematically flogged. So, if you have not watched the season finale of Bones DO NOT JUMP AHEAD! If you did watch the episode, then click forward and read on.

Gallery: Bones: The Pain in the Heart

Sweets, Bones and BoothThe Squints examine some evidenceBooth talks to the SquintsBones, Angela and HodginsTemperance and Zack

Continue reading Bones: The Pain in the Heart (season finale) - VIDEO

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