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Tasmanian devil (marsupial) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
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Tasmanian devil

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Encyclopædia Britannica
(species Sarcophilus harrisii)

Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii).
[Credit: John Yates/Shostal Associates]stocky carnivorous marsupial with heavy forequarters, weak hindquarters, and a large squarish head. The Tasmanian devil is named for the Australian island-state of Tasmania, its only native habitat. Vaguely bearlike in appearance and weighing up to 12 kg (26 pounds), it is 50 to 80 cm (20 to 31 inches) long and has a bushy tail about half that length. The coat is mainly black, and there is a whitish breast mark; sometimes the rump and sides are white-marked as well. Gaping jaws and strong teeth, along with its husky snarl and often bad temper, result in its ... (100 of 496 words)

External Web Sites
The topic Tasmanian devil is discussed at the following external Web sites.
Animal Diversity Web - Sarcophilus laniarius
Information on this species of the family Dasyuridae. Provides details on physical characteristics, food habits, geographic distribution, habitat, reproductive cycle, and behavior.
Parks and Wildlife Service - Tasmanian Devil
Briefs on the Tasmanian Devil. Includes information about its habitat, diet, behavior, breeding, and status.
Enchanted Learning - Tasmanian Devil
How Stuff Works - Animals - Tasmanian Devil
National Geographic - Tasmanian Devil
Animal Planet - Tasmanian Devil
San Diego Zoo - Tasmanian Devil


MLA Style:

"Tasmanian devil." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 24 Aug. 2010 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/583942/Tasmanian-devil>.

APA Style:

Tasmanian devil. (2010). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved August 24, 2010, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/583942/Tasmanian-devil

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