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TV genre series live on in iTunes thanks to Comixology

MIddleman and other TV properties live on via iTunes.Apple's iPhone and iPod are emerging as the preferred delivery device for online comic books. They're portable, hand-held and feature vivid screens capable of delivering any necessary colors. You can use the touch screen to flip the pages back and forth.

An online comics website, Comixology, is a central point for scores of online comics available via iTunes' App Store, including several titles based on popular genre shows of the recent and not-so-recent past.

You'll find that 80's anime after school favorite, Voltron living here. Marvel's animation-influenced X-Men flourishes in multiple versions. The Middleman, a now-canceled creative comic-book inspired children's live action show, continues in iPhone form. In fact, The Middleman stories on Comixology were written to continue the TV show's storyline.

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Reno 911 creators producing new comedy for NBC

homas lennon ben garrantIt's great to see members of The State getting their due in Hollywood.

Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant, founding members of the sketch comedy troupe, have been cracking me up since the early '90s when the State had its own sketch comedy show on MTV. They've been very productive since The State was canceled in 1995, starring and producing Comedy Central's hilarious Reno 911 and writing a number of films, including Night at the Museum and Balls of Fury. Now, the duo is bringing their twisted brand of comedy to NBC.

Lennon and Garant will write, produce and star in a new multicamera comedy for the network, says The Hollywood Reporter. The show is part of a talent deal NBC and Universal inked with Lennon.

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Tom Welling snapped wearing Smallville super suit

smallville logoSome clever nerd snapped a few pics of Tom Welling wearing what looks to be his Superman-meets-Neo supersuit on the set of Smallville.

Fans of the show have been waiting to see Welling wear the Superman outfit for years. If the leaked Comic-Con trailer is to be believed, then Smallville's Clark Kent will finally sport the Superman "S" on his chest in the show's upcoming ninth season.

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Original G.I. Joe and Transformers go digital for IDW

Storm Shadow returns in IDW's new G.I. Joe Digital Comics.G.I. Joe and Transformers climbed to their lofty perches atop Hollywood's food chain from their iconic beginnings on 80's television.

Now, IDW Publishing is helping to bridge the gap between those classic 80's shows and their 21st Century big screen adaptations with new series of digital comic books based on the adventures of Snake Eyes, The Baroness, Optimus Prime and Megatron.

Made especially for online devices like iPods and the iPhone, these digital comics should be a welcome site for hardcore fans of the original TV hits as they're not blown away by the CGI-driven movie adaptions. Yes, the animation of those after-school cartoons was about one frame every four minutes, but they had such purity and charm to their morality plays.

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And the most out of place Comic-Con panel award goes to...

Patricia Heaton and Neil Flynn star in When the San Diego Comic-Con opened its doors to allow every corner of television onto their floors, they weren't kidding. After seeing the roster of panels, I'm surprised the original panel from PBS's Washington Week didn't field questions from guys dressed in Transformer cosplay.

Apparently, Warner Brothers set up a panel for just about every television show that have in development including Patricia Heaton's new ABC sitcom The Middle, making it the most "fish out of water" selection for a panel at the geek confab.

And so did the geeks in attendance. The panel only drew around 75 attendees and studio heads ordered Heaton not to introduce the panel because the crowd was too small.

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Not so fast: Davies says Torchwood's fourth season on hold

Russell T. Davies is still hoping the BBC doesn't exterminate Torchwood.Reports flooded out of Comic Con International that a fourth season of Torchwood was all but a lock based on its spectacular ratings on both sides of the Atlantic.

That would make sense when you consider the third mini-season ("Children of Earth") pulled in north of 6 milllion viewers a night in the U.K. and is now BBC America's all-time highest rated show. Why wouldn't the BBC want to bring it back?

But, in an informal discussion in Los Angeles Wednesday, Russell T. Davies told me the fourth season has not been officially approved, despite previous reports.

Continue reading Not so fast: Davies says Torchwood's fourth season on hold

One more Comic Con tidbit ... Planet Hulk trailer

Planet HulkOne of Marvel's upcoming projects is a new direct-to-DVD animated movie called Planet Hulk. It's based on the comic story of the same name. It looks to be a pretty faithful adaption. I have read the original story and thought was good.

It's a huge story, though, and I doubt they'll fit all the details in a 90-minute movie (or however long it is). If the DVD has big sales, will Marvel release the sequel story in which The Hulk returns to Earth and fights the other Marvel heroes as a DVD as well?

Even though I liked Planet Hulk, there are other, better stories I'd love to see released as a DVD animated movie. Hey, DC, how about putting The Dark Knight Returns on a DVD (a real movie and not the cheap animotion Watchmen DVD)? Marvel, where's my animated movie of Marvel Zombies?

The trailer is after the jump so you can judge for yourself. Which comic storyline would you be interested in seeing animated?

[via Topless Robot]

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BBCA and Starz: Lucy Lawless will get naked, and Tennant's last eps - TCA Report

David TennantWhen you're bombarded with one panel after the other, it's sometimes hard to figure out how to group them together. One writer I was sitting with at the BBC America panel, for instance, was blogging each individual panel, and was such a frantic blur of writing and Photoshopping that she developed what can best be described as SCTS (Sudden Carpal Tunnel Syndrome).

You gotta do what you gotta do, I guess. Me, I figured that there were three panels that could be put in what I call the "Comic-Con group": Spartacus on Starz, and Doctor Who and Being Human on BBC America. These shows got extensive showcases in San Diego over the weekend, and there wasn't many details revealed in any of these panels that you wouldn't have heard over the din at SDCC. So I'm going to go over the three of them in brief after the jump.

Let me give you a good teaser: If you were on the fence about seeing Spartacus, the prospect of a naked Lucy Lawless may convince you.

Continue reading BBCA and Starz: Lucy Lawless will get naked, and Tennant's last eps - TCA Report

Why aren't Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick crazy-famous?

Doc and JacksonAs our own John Scott Lewinski pointed out in his interview with Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick, the Venture Bros. masterminds, the show is a cult treasure, but not so hot in the big picture.

It's a source of perpetual heartbreak for me, knowing that the many people I convert with my DVDs are just a mere drop in the bucket. Even worse, despite the insane number of fans that flood convention floors to hear Hammer and Publick talk, other [adult swim] celebrities of arguably less awesome programming get the mainstream love. Just check out this great LA Weekly interview (and photoshoot, ladies) with Hammer and Publick to remind yourself why these guys are so marvelous.

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Guinness Book hands out records at Comic-Con

Doctor Who received the Guinness Book of World Records title for longest running sci-fi series.The Guinness Book of World Records folks put a cap on last week's Comic-Con International festivities by handing out official records to several of the convention's most popular TV franchises, including The Simpsons and Doctor Who (right).

The Guinness Book recognized Doctor Who as Most Successful Sci-fi TV Show -- as it premiered in 1963 and is now readying its 32nd complete season.

Stargate held that title incorrectly in a previous edittion of the "Book of Records" before Guinness fixed the mistake.

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Mike Judge: The TV Squad Interview

Mike Judge admits that ABC might not have been the best home for The Goode Family.Mike Judge doesn't strike anyone as the kind of guy who's created a legendary animated duo and a cult hit movie. And, you certainly wouldn't size him up as a creative mind with two active series on first-run network TV.

The native-Texan is just too unassuming, soft-spoken and self-deprecating to show up at Comic-Con International last week to discuss TV's The Goode Family and King of the Hill alongside his new feature film, Extract.

But there he was in Press Room 28e, preparing for his panel and eyeing the Mythbusters Comic-Con bag I'd just picked up on the convention floor.

"I've got to get me one of those bags before I go out there," Judge said.

On behalf of a grateful TV Squad nation, I offered him mine. He accepted the bag graciously. Then we begin the interview.

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Here's the Smallville superhero outfit

John mentioned that the new Superman outfit that Tom Welling will wear on Smallville this season was unveiled at Comic-Con. Here's the first look at the suit. Not sure if that coat is part of the permanent costume, but it sure is stylish.

Update: OK, I checked with The CW and it looks like the pic I had up here before wasn't the real outfit at all, just a cut and paste job someone on the web did. We'll have the real pic up soon, so stay tuned.

Jimmy Fallon is ... The Recharger!

Jimmy Fallon is a geek. I don't mean this as an insult at all, even he would admit it. So I knew he'd be going to Comic-Con. In this funny clip, he tries to convince a bunch of famous people at the convention (including Jon Favreau, Stan Lee, and the cast of Lost) that his new comic book idea is a winner. (Video also here.)

Mythbuster Adam Savage goes undercover at Comic-Con

Mythbusters' Adam SavageI imagine a lot of stalkers must love a place like Comic-Con. All of their most sought after celebrities are together in one place for easy pickings. It must be their Costco.

One star, however, decided to turn the tables on his fans and used his own costume to stalk and hunt down a few of his fans on the floor of this year's convention.

To make it even creepier, he dressed up like a clown. That slurping sound you hear is my spine falling out of its socket from uncontrollable shivering.

Continue reading Mythbuster Adam Savage goes undercover at Comic-Con

Star Wars was the first ever Comic-Con panel televised, but was it good TV?

Kevin Pereira & Olivia MunnStar Wars is a big deal. I tell you this in case you are unfamiliar with the property (hey, it's possible!). So if you're going to choose which panel from this weekend's Comic-Con to become the first ever televised convention panel, why not go with Star Wars? You've got a rabid fan-base, half of them probably dressed up like their favorite characters from the saga. Get two of your most popular on-air personalities to host it and you should have television gold.

That was G4's plan going in. Kevin Pereira and Olivia Munn host the nightly live Attack of the Show, where they're topical, geeky and funny. I thought they brought much of that same energy to their hosting here. So what went wrong?

For one, it seemed like somebody slipped the audience some Xanax while they were waiting in line or something, because they didn't get excited about anything. It didn't help that the majority of the panel was incredibly boring.

Continue reading Star Wars was the first ever Comic-Con panel televised, but was it good TV?

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