It's a sad reality that many will face tomorrow morning: Too much to drink during St. Patrick's Day shenanigans will lead to a morning of pain. While there's little you can do to avoid a hangover (except, you know, not getting blind, liver-crushing drunk), there's one magic elixir that seems to be the cure-all on the morning after -- the spicy Bloody Mary. Chef Laurent Tourondel of BLT fame has teamed up with Tabasco to ease New Yorkers with their Hangover Headquarters, mobile trucks that will be doling out free food and drinks to those who are still shaking off the St. Patty's cobwebs on March 18. PopEater was able to chat with Chef Tourondel about his Bloody Mary penchant, his booze of choice and what he thought about 'The Hangover.' His Answers After the Jump!