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South Park
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    South Park

    So What Happens on the Post-Censored 'South Park'?

    by Brad Trechak, posted Apr 28th 2010 4:08PM


    South Park'South Park' has been censored before, but not as blatantly as it was for their two-part anniversary episodes '200' and '201.' Even 'The Simpsons' showed their support for the silenced Colorado kids. Tonight is the mid-season finale and the question on possibly everyone's mind is: will Trey Parker and Matt Stone have any further commentary on the entire Muhammed situation?

    My guess is that the issue won't even be addressed. Trey Parker and Matt Stone said as much with a public statement on the 'South Park' website. With only one episode to go until their break, they may not want to stir the pot (although pot-stirring is certainly their forté).

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    'Simpsons' Defends 'South Park' (Sort of)

    by Nick Zaino, posted Apr 26th 2010 1:45PM


    'The Simpsons'It's not uncommon to watch an episode of 'South Park' and wonder, how the heck did they get away with that? What would it take for the show to get censored? Well, it happens every so often, and Sunday, the biggest, longest-running cartoon franchise on TV showed 'South Park' its support.

    In the opening credits of last night's 'Simpsons,' Bart wrote "South Park -- We'd stand beside you if we weren't so scared" on the chalkboard (check out the Hollywood Reporter's Live Feed blog for the pic). 'The Simpsons' has taken its share of swipes at political and cultural targets in the past. So what could make Matt Groening and company so scared?

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    'South Park' - '201' Recap

    by Brad Trechak, posted Apr 22nd 2010 8:36AM


    (S14E06) This episode was a continuation of the 200th episode and definitely a treat for those who have been following 'South Park' for the past 14 years. There were a myriad of references to several famous episodes and while the ending could have been better (I would have tried to incorporate Imaginationland), the two-parter was satisfying overall.

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    'South Park's' '200' Continues This Week

    by Brad Trechak, posted Apr 19th 2010 11:29AM


    South ParkThere are very minor spoilers in the following paragraphs. You have been warned.

    For those who watched this past week's episode of 'South Park' titled '200,' you know that the episode ended on a cliffhanger. However, there was no indicator that it would be continued into the next episode as the words "to be continued" nor scenes from next week nor any indicator were anywhere to be found. It would be just like Trey Parker and Matt Stone to pull a prank like this (such as the 'Not Without My Anus' gag in the first season).

    The good news is that the story most definitely will continue this week in an episode titled "201," which makes sense since it's the 201st episode. Ain't It Cool posted some information about the episode in "inviso-text." Feel free to hightlight the text and get a clue about what's going to happen, unless of course you're spoiler-phobic.

    Of course, this could all be another massive prank by the creators. Find out on Wednesday.

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    'South Park' - '200' Recap

    by Nick Zaino, posted Apr 15th 2010 2:46PM


    200 celebrities verus 'South Park'(S14E05) No one, but no one, takes on obnoxious celebrity behavior with more gleeful scorn than 'South Park.' They've taken on everyone from presidents to b-movie actors and the world's biggest rock stars, and most every time, they have been right on target. It's what has made 'South Park' beloved to audiences and drawn the ire of the celebrities themselves.

    So to celebrate episode 200th of the show (called '200'), show creators Matt Stone and 'Trey Parker decided to bring back every celebrity they have ever made fun of and take them on all at once (see the incomplete list of those appearing on the show below). The result is a bizarre episode, even by 'South Park' standards (if you still have it on DVR, there are a few plot spoilers ahead).

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    What's On Tonight: 'The Middle,' 'In Plain Sight,' The End of 'Ugly Betty'

    by Rich Keller, posted Apr 14th 2010 12:35PM


    The celebrities get their revenge in the 200th episode of South Park
    Here's tonight's TV lineup (all times Eastern). All shows listed are new, unless otherwise noted.

    8:00 to 9:00
    ABC: 'The Middle' -- Starts at 8:30
    CBS: 'The New Adventures of Old Christine' and 'Accidentally on Purpose'
    The CW: 'America's Next Top Model'
    FOX: 'Human Target'
    G4: 'Web Soup'

    9;00 to 10:00
    ABC: 'Modern Family' and 'Cougar Town'
    CBS: 'Criminal Minds'
    The CW: 'Fly Girls' and 'High Society'
    FOX: 'American Idol' -- Results show. Special guest Adam Lambert
    BBC America: 'Peep Show' and 'That Mitchell and Webb Look'
    Discovery: 'Mythbusters'
    SyFy: 'Ghost Hunters'

    10:00 to 11:00
    ABC: 'Ugly Betty' -- Series finale
    CBS: 'CSI: NY'
    A&E: 'Dog the Bounty Hunter' and 'Billy the Exterminator'
    Bravo: 'Top Chef Masters'
    Comedy Central: 'South Park' and 'Ugly Americans' -- 'South Park's' 200th episode
    E!: 'E! True Hollywood Story' -- focus on Tiger Woods
    Showtime: 'Inside NASCAR'
    SyFy: 'Destination Truth'
    TBS: 'Tyler Perry's House of Payne' -- Two 30-minute episodes
    TLC: 'Addicted'
    TV Land: 'First Love, Second Chance'
    USA: 'In Plain Sight'

    Check your local TV listings for more information. After the jump, the late night talk shows.

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    Here's a Preview of 'South Park's' 200th Episode

    by Brad Trechak, posted Apr 11th 2010 1:27PM


    This coming Wednesday brings us the 200th episode of 'South Park.' When the show reached 100 episodes, there wasn't really a big celebration other than a mention at the end. This time it looks like co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are celebrating their own longevity by returning every celebrity their show has ever insulted for a class action lawsuit against the town.

    A special website has been set up in promotion of the event in which fans can upload their own videos. Trey and Matt have even been interviewed for this milestone by The New York Times.

    Two hundred episodes is a long time for a series to last with its original creators still running the show, particularly when the show only produces 14 episodes per year. Comedy Central has released a video preview of the 200th episode. Which 'South Park' moment has been your favorite?

    South Park Wed 10pm / 9c
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    Angry Ginger Kid Directs His Ginger Rage at 'South Park'

    by Danny Gallagher, posted Mar 25th 2010 4:08PM


    The "Ginger Kid" has become another milestone in the Internet lexicon and apparently, he's found out that 'South Park' is not only about to take another crack at his people, but also at him.

    YouTube's "CopperCab" spotted a commercial satirizing his famous "Gingers Do Have Souls" video. So he posted a stinging rebuttal to the creators of 'South Park' warning them not to air the episode or else, I guess, he would use his awesome pale skin powers to reflect sunbeams directly into Trey Parker and Matt Stone's retinas.

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    South Park Season Thirteen on DVD, and a New Microsite

    by Nick Zaino, posted Mar 16th 2010 8:44AM


    Eric Cartman from the Today is the day you can finally own epic episodes of 'South Park' like "Fishsticks," in which decimates Kanye West and Carlos Mencia (actually decapitates Mencia), "The Coon," which is Cartman's superhero identity, and "Whale Whores," which shows the 'Whale Wars' crew as selfish asses. Yes, season thirteen is out on DVD and Bluray today, a day before season fourteen debuts on Comedy Central.

    The rollout for these feels a bit like an old infomercial. But wait! That's not all! In addition to the DVD, which features some deleted scenes and a short feature touring the South Park Studios, you also get a microsite dedicated to season thirteen. There, you can get a bunch of 'South Park' goodies like wallpaper and ringtones (including West's "Gay Fish Song").

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    'South Park' Will Skewer Tiger Woods

    by Brad Trechak, posted Mar 15th 2010 9:30AM


    South ParkWednesday will be bringing us the season premiere of 'South Park,' and the topic of the episode has already been revealed. Trey Parker and Matt Stone will be raking Tiger Woods over the coals along with the concept of sex addiction in America.

    The season premieres of 'South Park' tend to be a little more thoughtful than the rest of the season, usually because Trey and Matt have had some break time to think about things. The last season premiere brought us the Jonas Brothers and "Mister Mouse," which was a highlight of the season along with 'Margaritaville.'

    On a related note, the show is only five episodes away from its 200th, which will be broadcast next month. Their 100th episode dealt with the mood of the country after 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq and ended with a sing-off between a rock singer (Stan's father) and a country singer. Hopefully, the 200th will be equally as entertaining and insightful. Set your schedule accordingly.

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    'South Park' Premieres Its First Ever Deleted Scene

    by Danny Gallagher, posted Mar 12th 2010 7:05PM


    Stan and Randy work on their Pinewood Derby car on You would think that a show with 100 plus episodes that's reaching into its fourteenth season would have more cutting-room floor clutter than a director's cut of 'Road House'.

    But believe it or not, the thirteenth season of the long running 'South Park' saw its first ever deleted scene.

    The video, embedded at Comedy Central's blog, takes place during the hilarious "Pinewood Derby" episode and naturally features Randy Marsh cursing up a perfect storm. Naturally this clip is NSFW, so if you're at work and you're looking for a way to get fired, be sure to turn up the speakers to their maximum volume so everyone can enjoy it.

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    Blackwater Contractors Buy Weapons Under the Name "Eric Cartman"

    by Danny Gallagher, posted Feb 27th 2010 10:00AM


    South ParkI always knew that behind that sweet, innocent, fat little face lies the black beating heart of pure evil. That's how evil he really is. His heart lies behind his face instead of his chest.

    My suspicions were confirmed when news broke that some Blackwater contractors illegally obtained weapons that were meant to go to the Afghan police force by filing them under the name "Eric Cartman" as a cover.

    'South Park' creator Trey Parker told the Huffington Post that when he and co-creator Matt Stone heard the news, "Our first reaction to any story is 'How do we put this into the show?' and the second reaction is 'Did Cartman do that?' because he's so real to us, it's like 'I bet Cartman did that.'"

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    South Park creators making a Mormon musical

    by Brad Trechak, posted Jan 29th 2010 12:05PM


    South ParkSome things you just can't make up. South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone are working with Avenue Q songwriter Robert Lopez to create a new off-Broadway musical. The subject matter is "under wraps", which means everybody knows what it is. In this case, it's about the Mormons and likely about the founding of the faith. South Park has already dealt with this topic with a small-scale musical of its own.

    When this is finally released, tickets are going to be practically impossible to get. Trey Parker and Matt Stone and a religion-skewering musical are a winning combination. They even already have a song from the Mormon South Park episode called "Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum" (at least that's what I call it). It wouldn't be surprising if that catchy tune made it into this musical.

    Do you plan on seeing this team's Mormon musical? Let us know in the comments.

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    Is South Park too focused on reality TV?

    by Danny Gallagher, posted Nov 4th 2009 7:29PM


    Even though the show has been on forever, I still enjoy my weekly dose of the new South Parks. But lately, they seem to be running out of targets or have narrowed their focus too much on one particular evil: reality television.

    The season opener featured a rather nasty swipe at Disney's Jonas Brothers. The recent "Dead Celebrities" chortle-fest took a much needed pot shot at Ghost Hunters, aka, "the gayest f#*$ing show on television." And last week launched an all out attack on Discovery's Whale Wars and Deadliest Catch, particularly against Whale Wars star Paul Watson.

    The show has always been a bitch to write and making every episode a satirical masterpiece is impossible without suffering a full-on breakdown. But should the show lay off reality TV and take some bolder shots at reality, which as we all know are two completely different things?

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    Hi, Billy Mays III here for South Park...

    by Danny Gallagher, posted Oct 9th 2009 1:02PM


    Billy Mays on South ParkIf you're a celebrity and you appear on TV's South Park, chances are it's not going to end good for you. You're either going to end up dead, in Hell, or dead and in Hell.

    So you can probably imagine the reaction from the family of the late TV pitchman Billy Mays: exuberant joy and ecstatic excitement.

    Billy's son Billy Mays III said on his Twitter page that he was "proud" and "honored" his late father was included in their "Dead Celebrities" episode. He's also trying to get a cel of his father's caricature autographed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.

    He hasn't said if he's gotten it yet or not, but he's reportedly sweetening the deal for the South Park creators by throwing in an extra bottle of Chipotlaway absolutely free. Matt and Trey, call now!

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