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4 more days until Olympus falls. on 12 Mar 2010 9:21 PM

  • What a coincidence. I beat Bioshock 2 also.
  • man i love finding the ridler trophies
  • Have you read Andy's post where he gives some analysis of the complaint document from Zampella & West's case against Activision? Much as I've suspected (been ranting about as a MW2 apologist :P ), it is Activision/Kotick that pushed IW to make MW2 when they wanted to work new IPs, likewise Activision enforces the CoD for every holiday deadline. I think left to do what they wanted, IW wouldn't have put out MW2 last year- and when they did put it out, it would have been after more playtesting for glitches/bugs. That said, I am actually happy with the growth of the MP experience in that game, and the story is the first "standard" FPS story to grab me in some time (usually I dislike the singleplayer aspects of "standard" FPSs- and I don't count Bioshock, Dead Space, etc as being "standard"). Also, just as I don't knock Live for the idiots who spew their hate talk on there, I don't blame IW for the fact that there are exploiters out there- I have played a lot of MMOs and FPSs online, and they are there in varying numbers for every game. There's some sorts of games that fill my need for new exciting experiences, and some games that scratch the itch for good multiplayer shoot 'em ups. For some MW2 is simple, and just more of the same, for me it's pure deathmatching goodness boiled down to its purest. The mulitplayer portions of a lot of the "cooler" shooters and other games end up feeling gimmicky or tacked on to me, but MW2 is purpose built. I think the only real area that MW2 would be expanded given more time/focus would be in the campaign stuff- other than more maps, there's not too much more I'd want from the sequel to MW. While creativity and originality should be better rewarded, I believe MW2's sales speak to giving people what they want.
  • Hey, have you gotten Bioshock 2 yet? I'm playing it, and I'm having a BLAST.
  • me 2 i beat it twice and beat zombie island still working on the underdome though it reminds me of fallout 3 as well and have you played batman aa
  • Lawl, no kidding- how do you think I got up to silver on here? It wasn't with sunshine and bunny whiskers. But yeah I feel you; anything that gets overhyped gets annoying (particularly if you're not that big on it). I kinda feel like it's gone both ways with MW2 on GIO though/ everyone either loves or hates it with little in between. And I think the hate is a bit overblown as is the hype. Specific to that title I just wish more people would realize or acknowledge that the missteps have a lot more to do with Activision's dictating a strict holiday release schedule than IW's work being shoddy. As far as Schafer goes, I was saying a lot of the same things last gen as to Psychonauts that you say this gen about Brutal Legend (that it's vastly under-appreciated in terms of sales).
  • man i read your borderlands guide and you are ABSOLUTELEY right about everything especially the co op man thanx alot this helped
  • Wow I wish mine would do that.
  • Staff
    Thanks for the suggestions! I've actually already read all of the Harry Potter series and now they wait for my daughter to be old enough to read them. I'll definitely look into the Philip Pullman trilogy though. Isn't that The Golden Compass? I remember the movie... didn't look all that thrilling but perhaps it's better in book form. Thanks again!
  • Also, don't get me wrong: I have plans for a PS3 in my future, and if those plans come to fruition, UC 1&2 will be some of the first games I pick up. Others on that list are Demon Souls, LBP, at least one of the Motorstorm games, and probably a few others that escape memory at the moment. But if I did have a PS3, the fact that I bought a FPS wouldn't have stopped me from also getting UC2.
  • Lawl, not exactly that, it's just that MW2 is A) the one I see get beat up the most lately on GIO, and B) the only big FPS I've bought in a while--- not a Halo fan.
  • Ha you write some of the funniest stuff: "I'm not buying the world anything." Anyways, I would like to know how you got your PSN Portable ID working. Mine still has the X thing in the corner.
  • Meh, you're not missing much with Shadow Complex; it's short, and only somewhat sweet. I would rather a port of Flashback or Out of this World, or better yet Oddworld. People compared Shadow Complex to a number of great 2d titles, and it was merely adequate (particularly for 15$) in my book; it's not terrible but just when it starts to pick up steam, it's roll credits. If you're one for speed running games, it does have achievements (and if it were on PSN, trophies, one would imagine) that cater to that.
  • Could you help me think of a better XBox profile name? My Profile name's a little bit too long.
  • Hey thanks for the post on the cameo article (and all your other comments too, they are very appreciated). I never got that far in Viewtiful Joe I guess, but that's cool they put Dante in. To be honest, half the reason I did that post was because I was hoping that people would post comments listing other cool cameos in games. So then I could hunt the games down and see the cameos myself :) So thanks for playing into my diabolical plans!
  • thats fine, I was just being general about FG. Your favorite quote is awesome btw.
  • My fav quote describes you perfectly? I didn't know that.
  • also I was testing out putting pictures in a blog...and I just needed an excuse to do so
  • That was a joke post...it was meant to be a parody of top 10 lists, I'll probably do another one of my halfway 10 on my top 100 list next time I want to give people an idea as to what games I enjoy playing...
  • Yeah, true true. I even have an uncle who never played video games his entire life, got hooked on COD.
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