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'Fringe' - 'Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver' Recap

Fringe; Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver
(S02E17) "I have to tell him. I've gotta tell Peter the truth." - Olivia to Walter

I wish I could figure out how Sam, the bowling alley guy, fits into everything. I don't trust Nina Sharp one bit and neither does Olivia, so why should she think that Nina's suggestion to talk to Sam is a good thing? He could be totally nefarious (even though I don't get that vibe from him).

His midnight game of Clue did give us the great title for this episode, though, so there's that (along with the fact that we got to see Finn Garrity from 'Damages' again). But even so, he's not being very helpful at this point. Is he from the other universe? "I'm older than I look," he told Olivia. "I barely remember my childhood. I'm also taller than I appear."

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'Fringe' - 'Peter' Recap

Fringe, John Noble, 'Peter' (S02E16) "Somewhere, Peter will grow up, somewhere he will lead a proper life, somewhere he will be happy, but just not here. And we must take comfort in this. We must begin to move on." - Walter to Elizabeth, watching alt-Peter through the window to the other universe

I've said it before and I'll say it again: John Noble is a fantastic actor. With the flashback to 1985 in this episode, he completely morphed into a different Walter Bishop. And yet, you can see traces of the person that he is now, and because of all he's been through, you can understand how he got from there to here.

But he wasn't the monster that I thought he might be, based on some of the things we've learned about him since 'Fringe' began. Instead, he was a loving and caring husband and father who was obsessed with finding a cure for his son.

This episode has gotten a lot of hype, and it didn't disappoint. While it did answer a few questions, it posed even more questions, which will make the rest of the season exceedingly entertaining and possibly heartbreaking.

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Fox Orders a Full 22-Episode Third Season of 'Fringe'

fringe foxFox's recent decision to renew 'Fringe' for a third season came as a surprise to some, but it probably wasn't a shock to most fans. The Thursday night sci-fi show isn't exactly a ratings blockbuster, but there are other factors keeping 'Fringe' in play, including its devoted fan base and its excellent pedigree (the show is produced by the in-demand J.J. Abrams and supergeeks of the moment Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman).

Despite delivering some truly thrilling episodes this season, 'Fringe' continues to slip in the ratings. Surprisingly, Fox doesn't seem too concerned about the show's low Nielsen rankings. According to TVbytheNumbers.com, Fox has picked up 'Fringe' for a full 22-episodes. Not 9, not 13, but a full 22!

That's quite a show of faith from the network known for greenlighting great sci-fi shows ('Firefly,' 'The Sarah Connor Chronicles') only to strangle them with inept scheduling before laying them out on the chopping block.

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Review: 'Fringe' - 'Jacksonville'

Fringe: Jacksonville
(S02E15) "We're standing in two buildings, one of which comes from the alternate universe." - Walter

Well, we asked for it, and we got it. A few big reveals -- or not -- about the alternate universe and Olivia's part in it. Big episode of 'Fringe' tonight, with lots of things coming together. This is the winter finale, and the next episode airs April 1, 2010.

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Review: Fringe - The Bishop Revival

Fringe: The Bishop Revival
(S02E14) An episode titled "The Bishop Revival" almost has a little religious overtone. But Fringe this week was all about Nazis and Walter's dad's involvement with them. Turns out Dr. Robert Bishop (a.k.a. Bishov or Bishoff) was affiliated with the University of Berlin and came to this country in 1943. Also that he was a spy for the allies, smuggling scientific secrets to the Americans. Thus the setup for this episode and a little backstory for Walter.

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Review: Fringe - What Lies Below

Fringe: What Lies Below
(S02E13) "Quickly, get your pajamas off and let's go!" - Walter to hazmat guy escorting him back to the lab

Ok, I know Walter Bishop is brilliant, but coming up with a cure for a 75,000-year-old virus? A little far-fetched, but hey, we'll go with it. Geez, put Walter on the cure for the common cold or cancer. Just put him in a room with Astrid and a refrigerator, and who knows what awesome scientific wonders he might come up with. He's the new MacGyver.

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Review: Fringe - Johari Window

Fringe: Johari Window
(S02E12) "Hard artichokes rarely keep. Norwegian elephants, Singapore sleep." - Walter's song to remember the Harkness Law Library

Now that's more like it! After Monday's misplaced episode, Fringe was back to speed tonight with "Johari Window," an episode that played like a thriller movie. I love Fringe and always hate when an episode ends because I know I'll have to wait a whole week to see the next one.

While this was seemingly a stand-alone episode that didn't deal directly with the alternate universe, we did get a little tidbit from Walter at the end. One of those lines with very words and a facial expression that says so much. Oh, Walter. I feel for you when it all comes out in the open, because I have a feeling Peter won't be so forgiving.

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Review: Fringe - Unearthed

Fringe: Unearthed
(S02E11) "Please allow me a moment to entertain my fantasies. They often lead to a truth." -- Walter to the priest

Ok, first of all, thank God for Twitter. When Charlie Francis showed up in a scene, I immediately turned to my Twitter friends and said, "What the heck?! Someone please explain why Charlie is here when I thought both Good Charlie and Evil Charlie were dead and gone."

About 500 other people were asking the same question, and a few smart ones gave us the answer: It's an unaired episode from season one. That's what they said. I can't confirm or deny, but it makes sense. Doesn't it seem weird, though, to air such an old episode? Why not just put it on the DVD rather than confuse us? Whatever. More after the jump.

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Review: Fringe - Grey Matters

Fringe, Walter Bishop, Grey Matters
(S02E10) "I don't do Valium nearly enough. I'll have 50 milligrams please." - Walter

More Walterisms like the one above, as well as a few reveals and a nice cliff-hanger into the second part of this season, which picks up January 14. So far, every episode in this season of Fringe has psyched me up for what's to come, whether it's a seemingly stand-alone ep or something that carries us forward into the alternative universe. Things don't sound too good over there. In fact, it sounds a little apocalyptic. Now I'm curious to take a look myself.

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Review: Fringe - Snakehead

Fringe: Snakehead, John Noble
(S02E09) "Aren't they magnificent?" - Walter, looking at hookworms

Another creature feature! We're sort of in a "pattern," if you will, with Fringe alternating creature episodes with alternate universe episodes. It's ok, though. I probably wouldn't want all alternate universe episodes. Would you?

Wow, though. Those creatures were seriously freaky. That opening scene, among others, just made me cringe. I'm just now getting my appetite back. But this episode was more about Walter and Peter than the creatures.

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Review: Fringe - August

Fringe: August(S02E08) "Who are these people?" -- Peter

Awww ... we have met The Observer, and he is shy and caring. Or a cold-hearted killer, take your pick.

At long last, it was good to learn a little more about these mysterious creatures, although there are still lots of questions about them. We know there are many of them, that they observe people throughout the course of their life, and that they're not supposed to interfere. Oh, and they like hot sauce, but we already knew that.

So even with all of the scary stuff she sees in her line of work, Olivia is scared of roller coasters. I guess it's one thing to peer down a dark corridor with a gun in your hand, and yet another to be at the mercy of the roller coaster builders. At least she and Ella got their day at the theme park. If only we knew what that Observer meant when he said ...

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Review: Fringe - Of Human Action

Fringe: Of Human Action
(S02E07) "Truthfully, I really don't spend a lot of time thinking about what human brains would taste like." Astrid to Walter, while he's dissecting a brain

As with last week, this episode of Fringe wasn't completely centered on the alternate universe and its goings-on, but that's ok. We still got plenty of good stuff to tie us over to next week, when it's all about The Observers.

What struck me most about this episode in terms of relationships is how broken up Walter was over the loss of his son. As mentioned in my other reviews this season, Walter is like the kid and Peter is the parent. John Noble does a fantastic job of portraying a scared kid who's lost his dad in a department store. I've said it before, and will again: He deserves an Emmy and whatever other awards are out there.

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Fringe: Dream Logic

Fringe - Dream Logic
(S02E05) "Whether you admit it or not, your life is something of a nightmare." - Bowling Alley Guy to Olivia

For a minute there, I thought maybe we were in a True Blood crossover with the horned guy in the first few minutes of this episode. But no, it was the usual twisty-turny Fringe-isms involving mind control, computer chips and dream states.

And it appears that something many of us assumed had happened to Peter actually did happen -- though with this show, you can never be sure until it all plays out. It wouldn't surprise me if it's something completely different from what I'm assuming it is. All this, and Mysterious Bowling Alley Guy after the jump ...

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What was in the graffiti on Fringe last night?

Fringe graffiti
Call me Fringe obsessed, but after commenter Schwack mentioned something about "Easter eggs" hidden in the graffiti on the wall during Charlie and Olivia's fight scene in last night's episode, I had to go back and take a look myself.

Specifically, Schwack wrote in the comments: "Some are saying there are some "easter eggs" in the mural/graffiti during Olivia and Charlie's fight scene. I went back to it and I did [see] the Fringe's seahorse, a portrait of Van Gogh and another man, though I don't recognize him.

I found the episode on SlashControl and took a few screen shots to see what I could see, enlarging and sharpening as much as I could without crashing our pages. Above is the main one and I must admit, I see nothing. The guy on the far end looks a little like Leonard Nimoy, but that would be too easy. More after the jump...

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Fringe: Momentum Deferred

Fringe: Momentum Deferred with Leonard Nimoy(S02E04) "Momentum can be deferred, but it must always be paid back in full. As I always said to Walter, physics is a bitch." - William Bell to Olivia, on the dangers of jumping universes

Cryonics, frozen heads, worm juice, mercury blood, shapeshifters, and Leonard Nimoy were all featured in this episode, and I loved it all.

Let's start with the worm juice. Olivia must have been seriously craving her William Bell memories to drink that awful stuff. And what a trooper that she was able to keep it down, too. I guess it must have worked. She got some of her memories back, along with some help from the bell -- both the bell they chimed during Rebecca's psychedelic adventure and William Bell. Or Willem, as Olivia used to call him.

Is she right not to trust him? Could he have started the war? It's certainly possible, given his mysteriousness. He said for reasons she might understand later, he couldn't come back to this universe right now, possibly never. Why? What's he doing over there? Is he the one building the army? Is he being forced to? Will he and Walter face off eventually?

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