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'Fringe' - 'Peter' Recap - TV Squad
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'Fringe' - 'Peter' Recap

Fringe, John Noble, 'Peter' (S02E16) "Somewhere, Peter will grow up, somewhere he will lead a proper life, somewhere he will be happy, but just not here. And we must take comfort in this. We must begin to move on." - Walter to Elizabeth, watching alt-Peter through the window to the other universe

I've said it before and I'll say it again: John Noble is a fantastic actor. With the flashback to 1985 in this episode, he completely morphed into a different Walter Bishop. And yet, you can see traces of the person that he is now, and because of all he's been through, you can understand how he got from there to here.

But he wasn't the monster that I thought he might be, based on some of the things we've learned about him since 'Fringe' began. Instead, he was a loving and caring husband and father who was obsessed with finding a cure for his son.

This episode has gotten a lot of hype, and it didn't disappoint. While it did answer a few questions, it posed even more questions, which will make the rest of the season exceedingly entertaining and possibly heartbreaking.

What do we know? As many of us speculated, we know that Peter died in this universe, and that Walter created the technology to move to the alternate universe and back again. I had thought that perhaps he was a bit of a madman, and that he went there with the express purpose of stealing alt-Peter and bringing him back to this universe for good. Not so.

In fact, Walter went there because he inadvertently saw that alt-Walter had indeed created a cure, but that he was distracted by the Observer and missed the important moment in the lab that would save Peter. Walter couldn't fathom the idea that the other Peter would die, too; based on what he saw, he knew he could save him.

Still, you had to wonder ... had Elizabeth not been so happy and relieved to see alt-Peter, would Walter have had the strength to take him back? Not likely, based on what he told Olivia: "I realized at that moment that despite what I promised, what I fully intended to do, that I could never take Peter back. The way she looked at him, I saw in her what I feared most in myself when I saw him ... that I couldn't lose him again. It was the first hole, Olivia, the first breach, the first crack in a pattern of cracks, spaces between the worlds. And it's my fault. You can't imagine what it's like to lose a child." This scene alone is surely Emmy material.

I wondered how they could explain the sudden appearance of Peter alive and well in this universe, when in fact, they'd just had a funeral for him. But as Elizabeth explained, because of his illness, Peter really hadn't had a life outside of their home. He'd never been to a normal school or had friends, and Elizabeth and Walter were the only family he had. Also, there were just a few people at the funeral: Walter, Elizabeth, Nina Sharp, Dr. Warren, and the minister. So it's probably realistic to think that they could have pulled it off.

We also know that Walter's foray into the alternate universe would result in turmoil. "Walter, I'm sorry, but you can't," said Dr. Warren, upon learning of his plan to travel to the alt-world. "Shattering the wall between the universes would rupture the fundamental constants of nature ... it's a good theory. It is why we have been lying to the military telling them it's impossible. There has to be a line somewhere. There has to be a line we can't cross."

The Reiden Lake crossover was fascinating for other reasons, too. Now we know how Nina Sharp lost her arm and hand. It got caught in the doorway to the other universe as she was trying to prevent Walter from going through. She'd also tried to sway him by saying that William Bell would never go for it. But Walter disagreed, saying, "All William Bell ever cared about was finding a way to increase the power and the wealth and the legend of William Bell."

We also know that when Walter and alt-Peter came back and fell through the ice, the Observer saved Peter in order to right the wrong he'd committed in the alt-universe. And based on his fast disappearance, it seems they do have the ability to cross over at will.

Other Stuff:

Walter showing the military the "mobile telephone" (digital, not analog). No, he didn't create it. He copied it from the alternate universe, where the technology was more advanced.

The opening credits were pretty fun, with the 1980s techno music.

Now we know the significance of the coin. Peter wanted his dad to have it after he died; in the alternate universe, he wanted his mom to have it.

'Back to the Future,' starring Eric Stoltz.

A few quotes:

"You're not my father, are you?" Alt-Peter to Walter

Walter: "Why did you save us?"
The Observer: "The boy is important. He has to live."

"You need to take action to restore balance ... you will have an opportunity to fix this." - One Observer to the other Observer who distracted alt-Walter in the lab.

Dr. Warren: "I am Become Death, destroyer of mortals."
Walter: "Don't you quote Oppenheimer to me."

Dr. Warren: "Some things are not ours to tamper with. Some things are God's."
Walter: "My son is dying, Dr. Warren. I will not allow that to happen again. There's only room for one god in this lab, and it's not yours."

I look forward to your thoughts on this episode.

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