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What's Up With Jon Peter Lewis

Jon Peter Lewis was one of the rare 'Idol''s who could sing, dance and make us laugh.

Everything came together for him during the season 3 wild card round, thanks to a rousing performance of Elvis' 'A Little Less Conversation.' The performance won him the public's vote and pushed him into the top 12, where he remained for an additional five weeks.

After 'Idol,' Lewis kept busy recording music. In 2008, he released the CD 'Break the Silence,' a big success with critics.

Lewis, who is featured in all new episodes of 'American Idol Rewind' (premiered Sat., Jan. 31), recently chatted with AOL TV about the critical response to his CD, new judge Kara DioGuardi and what he thinks of Randy's goatee.

Continue reading What's Up With Jon Peter Lewis

EW's Best Hollywood Week Moments Ever

It's Hollywood week on 'American Idol,' a time when contestants are made -- and more frequently broken.

But amidst the drama of group performances and flubbing lyrics, Hollywood week has provided some of 'Idol''s best and most memorable moments (see last night's group performance of 'I Want You Back,' featuring a rap by India Morrison, for further example).

Entertainment Weekly is offering their choices for the 10 greatest Hollywood week moments ever. Highlights include:

-- Bailey Brown missing the lyrics in season 6.
-- Season 7's Amanda Overmyer and Michael Johns rocking out to The Doors.
-- Frenchie Davis and Kimberly Locke's performance of 'Band of Gold' (season 2) -- which also made our list for the Best 'Idol' Performances ever.

Continue reading EW's Best Hollywood Week Moments Ever

Hot Topic: Is It Time to Dump Randy?

When 'American Idol' first brought new judge Kara DioGuardi on board for season 8, many speculated that the show was trying to push Paula Abdul out.

But MSNBC argues that it's Randy Jackson who's the "most expendable judge" and Kara could take over the musician/producer's perspective. And frankly, Randy rarely contributes more than a "that was hot, dawg."

What do you think of the four-judge format so far? And if one judge had to go, should it be Randy?

Continue reading Hot Topic: Is It Time to Dump Randy?

'Idol' Recap: Hollywood, Round 2 - All Together Now ... Or Not

Tatiana del ToroGroup numbers returned to 'American Idol' to strike fear in the hearts of the remaining hopefuls. And even scarier was Simon Cowell's announcement: "Forget the words and you're out." Harsh!

Some groups fell prey to nerves, leading the caustic British judge to declare, "I don't want to do this anymore" (we don't quite believe that one, Simon). But other teams came together in beautiful harmony.

Check out our auditions round-up, plus read what the blogosphere is saying about the Hollywood group numbers, then sound off with your opinions about the episode.

Continue reading 'Idol' Recap: Hollywood, Round 2 - All Together Now ... Or Not

'Idol' Lunchtime Lowdown 02/04/09

-- Jennifer Hudson's performance of the National Anthem is now available on iTunes [MTV]

-- Kelly Clarkson says she could never be a lesbian [PopEater]

-- USA Today picks 12 standouts from the 'Idol' audition rounds [USA Today]

(more headlines after the jump)

Continue reading 'Idol' Lunchtime Lowdown 02/04/09

'Idol' Recap: Hollywood, Round 1 - Kara vs. Bikini Girl Rematch

Bikini Girl Katrina DarrellIn cities across the country, hopefuls came, sang ... and some received the elusive golden tickets to Hollywood.

But how did they fare once they got into the spotlight? After getting makeovers in 'Idol' bootcamp, getting tips from vocal coaches and receiving advice from Barry Manilow, only a chosen few survived to see another day.

Check out our auditions round-up, plus read what the blogosphere is saying about the first Hollywood episode, then sound off with your opinions about the episode.

Continue reading 'Idol' Recap: Hollywood, Round 1 - Kara vs. Bikini Girl Rematch

Simon Cowell's '70s Show

If newly-released photos of Simon Cowell are any indication, it appears he once had a bad case of 'Saturday Night Fever.'

The Sun has obtained photos of the notorious 'Idol' judge from 1979 -- back when he was just 19-years-old -- reportedly taken during a family trip to the Caribbean.

Highlights include: Simon wearing a low-cut v-neck (how times have changed), suspenders and -- perhaps most shocking -- a smile.

See all of the photos after the jump.

Continue reading Simon Cowell's '70s Show

'Idol' Lunchtime Lowdown 02/02/09

-- 'The Biggest Loser' is holding steady in the ratings war against 'Idol' [The Live Feed]

-- Beverly Beckham thinks season 8 feels "irrelevant" [Boston.com]

-- Kara DioGuardi has a new fan: Sanjaya [NY Daily News]

(more headlines after the jump)

Continue reading 'Idol' Lunchtime Lowdown 02/02/09

Cast the 'American Idol' Movie: Paula Abdul

Paula AbdulIf an 'American Idol' movie was made, who'd star in it?

This week, we cast the role of Paula Abdul.

Which actress can play sweet and crazy? Take our poll!

Continue reading Cast the 'American Idol' Movie: Paula Abdul

Post-'Idol' Update 01/30/09

  • Christian singer Phil Stacey signed with Reunion Records and 'Over the Rainbow' singer Katherine McPhee signed with Verve Records. (MjsBigBlog & Billboard)
  • Melinda Doolittle talks to PopEater about her new record, 'Coming Back to You.' (Popeater)
  • Pictures from the filming of Jennifer Hudson's new music video for 'If This Isn't Love' recently leaked -- the video's officially dropping in a few weeks. (MJsBigBlog)
(more headlines after the jump)

Continue reading Post-'Idol' Update 01/30/09

'Idol' Recap: New York City and San Juan Auditions - Flippin' iPods

New York City and San Juan auditionsWith season 8's audition phase coming to a close, 'American Idol' dropped by the Big Apple and, for the first time, Puerto Rico.

There, the judges found a familiar face, a life-sized gadget and the requisite crazies. Who made it to next week's Hollywood round?

Check out our auditions round-up, plus read what the blogosphere is saying about the New York City and San Juan auditions, then sound off with your opinions about the episode.

Continue reading 'Idol' Recap: New York City and San Juan Auditions - Flippin' iPods

What's Up With Diana DeGarmo

"And so now, what I've been writing and recording is just the life of a 21-year-old female ... and just finding myself and learning to be who I want to be."

For Diana DeGarmo, season 3 of 'American Idol' was the sweetest 16 ever.

Despite being a high school student at the time, Diana rocked the competition and made it all the way to the final two -- beating out heavy favorites like LaToya London and future Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson.

Diana lost to Fantasia Barrino in the finals. But 'Idol' still opened a number of doors, including a CD, an appearance on 'Gone County' and a role in Broadway's hit-musical 'Hairspray.'

Diana, who will be featured in all new episodes of 'American Idol Rewind' (premieres Sat., Jan. 31), recently chatted with AOL TV about her new CD, her interview with Howard Stern and her future theater aspirations.

Continue reading What's Up With Diana DeGarmo


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