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Michael Feldman

Glad You AskedMichael Feldman is the creator and host of Public Radio International’s popular quiz show Whad'Ya Know?, which originates from his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin, and airs on Saturday mornings. He also contributed sidebars to Britannica’s recent book Glad You Asked: Intriguing Names, Facts, and Ideas for the Curious-Minded published in conjunction with Triumph Books. Some of his posts will be based on writings for this book.

Posts by Michael Feldman:

Mama Grizzly on the Loose, LeBron James to Play for Heat, Dolphins, Marlins et al.: All the News That Isn’t

Mama grizzlies attack Tea Partiers, tear them Betsy from Ross.

Had Sarah Palin been raised in Wisconsin, we’d be talking Mama Muskies. In Florida, Mama Manatees. Missouri—Mama Carp. California, Mama Cass.

Read more of Mama Grizzly on the Loose, LeBron James to Play for Heat, Dolphins, Marlins et al.: All the News That Isn’t

McChrystal Reassigned, Obama Lets Michelle Go: All the News That Isn’t

It’s McChrystalnacht for General McChrystal. To be replaced with Betty White, whose star is rising.

General McChrystal thinks he’s Billy McChrystal. Been reassigned to a USO troupe in formerly enslaved Latvia. We’ll see how it goes on the road.

Vice-President Biden has the last bite-me.

President Obama found the firing such a heady experience he’s had to let Michelle go.

Read more of McChrystal Reassigned, Obama Lets Michelle Go: All the News That Isn’t

Fergie Sells London Bridge; New BP Gas (With Seawater!): All The News That Isn’t

Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of Flim-Flam, sells London Bridge yet again.

White House sends troops to Arizona border to keep Arizonans in.

Former Panamanian dictator Noriega to be handcuffed to Lindsay Lohan. His half can drink.

New BP gas: Gold Extra! Now with seawater!

Read more of Fergie Sells London Bridge; New BP Gas (With Seawater!): All The News That Isn’t

Moses’ Top Five Commandments

Today Moses would have 140 characters with which to prove the Lord God more worthy of following than Ashton Kutcher.

On his blog, Mo Sez, there would be opportunity to flesh it out a little, although not as much as ten commandments, since only Letterman Almighty still goes that route.

Read more of Moses’ Top Five Commandments

Shakira in Arizona, Shipped Back to Bogota; BP Well Spouting Off More than Gordon Brown (All the News That Isn’t)

“British Petroleum is coming! British Petroleum is coming! One if by land, two if by”—never mind, it’s already here.

The rig was in the Gulf but the wellhead is in London. Spouting off more than Gordon Brown.

Shakira goes to Arizona to straighten out this immigration thing, is shipped back to Bogotá in a steel drum.

The French church is turning to Craig’s List to attract priests.

Iran comes out with its version of the iPad, the ineedashaveabadPad.

Read more of Shakira in Arizona, Shipped Back to Bogota; BP Well Spouting Off More than Gordon Brown (All the News That Isn’t)

Veil Ban in France, Beret Ban in Saudi Arabia (All The News That Isn’t)

In retaliation for French face-veil ban, berets and carrying a loaf of bread in your armpit are now taboo in Saudi Arabia.

Poll finds 4 out of 5 Americans have no trust in government and the other one is in it.

Thief steals Denver man’s finger along with his iPad—but it’s useless without the hand.

Spirit Airlines to charge passengers for being overweight—but your Spirit flies free.

Read more of Veil Ban in France, Beret Ban in Saudi Arabia (All The News That Isn’t)

To Spam With Love: How a Nigerian Welshed Me in Wales Last Week

It had never, previously, occurred to me to spring break-it in Cardiff, even though Wales had recently been declared the happiest nation on earth. If it was bucolic, I’ve got plenty of that in Wisconsin.

I’m glad, in retrospect, when you think of what can go wrong.

Read on to see the actual email sent out to the world in my name last Friday.

Read more of To Spam With Love: How a Nigerian Welshed Me in Wales Last Week

Tiger Apologizes, Wife Goes Shopping — Well, That’s Over (”All the News That Isn’t”)

The Olympics Nordic Combined: that’s when a Swede marries a Norwegian and they raise the kids Finnish.

President unable to secure funding for debt panel.

New dinosaur species discovered—the Democratasaur.

Read more of Tiger Apologizes, Wife Goes Shopping — Well, That’s Over (”All the News That Isn’t”)

Blizzard Shuts Down Washington D.C.; Everything Functions Just Fine

Google plans a 100 times faster Internet, at which point it will change its name to Goo ! . . .

Prius now having a problem with cruise control, specifically anything over 25.

In a U.S. Jobs Bill compromise, the Senate cuts out the J-O and leaves the B-S.

Read more of Blizzard Shuts Down Washington D.C.; Everything Functions Just Fine

Bin Laden, the Environmentalist; Scientists Discover Neanderthal Teeth in Very Old Glass on Nightstand

Toyota must now fix LaHood. Also have a problem with Prius brakes unable to slow the vehicle down from 23 mph.

Scientists discover Neanderthal teeth in very old glass on nightstand in Poland.

New week-after pill, for those slow on the regret uptake.

France bars citizenship for a man who makes his wife wear a veil without even bothering to see what she looks like under there.

Read more of Bin Laden, the Environmentalist; Scientists Discover Neanderthal Teeth in Very Old Glass on Nightstand

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