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First Edition Preface  Second Edition Preface  Acknowledgments
Section LL index191-199 of 372 terms

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  • lightning current—The current flowing in a component of the lightning flash.
    It is usually considered to be the current in the return stroke.
  • lightning damage— Direct damage to property and any indirect damage (due to fire or accidents) caused by lightning.
  • lightning detection network—An integrated array of lightning direction finders that provide information for trigonometric location of cloud-to-ground lightning discharges.
    Timing and direction information from individual receivers are combined to provide evolving maps of lightning occurrences across vast regions that sometimes reach beyond the range of storm surveillance radars. See sferics receiver.
  • lightning direction finder—See sferics receiver.
  • lightning discharge—The series of electrical processes taking place within 1 s by which charge is transferred along a discharge channel between electric charge centers of opposite sign within a thundercloud (intracloud flash), between a cloud charge center and the earth's surface (cloud- to-ground flash or ground-to-cloud discharge), between two different clouds (intercloud or cloud-to-cloud discharge), or between a cloud charge and the air (air discharge).
    It is a very large-scale form of the common spark discharge. A single lightning discharge is called a lightning flash.
  • lightning echo—A radar echo from lightning.
    Lightning echoes are explained by the scattering of radar waves by the high concentration of free electrons created in the narrow channel of a lightning discharge. Because the electrons recombine quickly, lightning echoes have short durations, typically 1 s or less.
  • lightning flash—The total observed lightning discharge, generally having a duration of less than 1 s.
    A single flash is usually composed of many distinct luminous events that often occur in such rapid succession that the human eye cannot resolve them.
  • Lightning Imaging Sensor—(Abbreviated LIS.) An instrument designed to detect lightning from space as part of TRMM.
  • lightning mapping system—A network of lightning detection equipment for locating the electromagnetic sources of a lightning flash.
    The flash, both intracloud and cloud-to-ground, is mapped in three-dimensional space using equipment with a time resolution of less than 1 μみゅーs. Since cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-air are rare lightning phenomena, mapping them has little or no importance.
  • lightning recorder—Same as sferics receiver.

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