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Fundraise for wildlife
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Fundraise for Fauna & Flora International

Sponsored running

Other sponsored events

Organising your own fundraising event for Fauna & Flora International in your community, school or workplace is an excellent way to give something back to the planet - and have fun in the process!

Every penny raised counts. Be it through face painting or running a marathon, you’ll be contributing to the survival of animals, people and places worldwide. We greatly appreciate the effort you put in to raise money for our work.


Ty Kramerfield"I think the crocs are the king of the jungle, not the lions. When I heard they were on the brink of extinction after watching Edith Bowman do the show, I decided to raise money to help them. I also want to save all the other endangered animals. From Ty"
-Ty Kramerfield who organised his own sponsored run raising £314.57 for FFI.

James Wood from Newcastle-upon-Tyne chose to run for FFI in the Great North Run in October 2008. James selected us because of our commitment to ‘create global change through sustainable local action’. James kindly agreed to be interviewed for the latest FFI Update, which is available as part of the member package. Read about what James has to say about taking part in a sponsored event here.

As James says, you don’t have to be a world-class marathon racer to take part in a running event. Running can be enjoyable no matter your age or fitness. Plus it’s a good way of keeping fit and getting trim; here at FFI lots of us run to burn off all the treats that are passed around the office!
If you choose to raise money for FFI through a sponsored run we can provide you with:

  • A free organic cotton t-shirt with the FFI logo on it
  • An official sponsorship form and letter of support
  • Advice and guidance

Download a sponsorship form here
Set up a Justgiving Site here

Note: FFI does not currently have its own places on the bigger running events such as the London Marathon, but if you have an individual entry to any of these and would like to fundraise for FFI, Rob Harris at rob.harris@fauna-flora.org or call him on +44 1223 431953.

Please see the links below for more running events:

Bupa Runs
Running Diary
Runners Web
Runners World
209 Events


If running is not your thing, then read on for more ideas for how to raise funds for FFI without wearing holes in your running shoes!

Top 10 Fundraising ideas:
1. Sponsored events (walk, swim, dance, karaoke, silence - the more challenging the better!!)
2. We all know we should use our cars less so see if you can use public transport, walk or cycle everywhere for a week or more. 3. Organic gardening - grow & sell your own organic fruit and veg (see boxed case example below)
4. Ask people to give donations to your favourite FFI project instead of giving you Christmas, birthday, wedding presents etc.
5. Sponsored 'Waste-not-want-not' - see how LITTLE waste and rubbish you can produce or how much you can reuse / recycle
6. Put on a show - theatre, puppets, concert, opera, poetry recital - it could have an animal theme!
7. Food - hold a cake sale, a charity dinner party at your home,
8. Sponsored competition (football match, netball game, pub quiz etc.)
9. Keep your room tidy for a month!
10. Sell on e-bay

Download a sponsorship form here.

At the end of every summer Dinah Picton of West Sussex sends us a donation raised through the sale of vegetables grown in her garden:

‘I enjoy gardening and since my parents passed away I have more time to do it. The result is considerable over-production for one person. I don’t price or weigh anything – just ask for a donation in an honesty box and put a little notice out showing how much I got the previous year and where it went. I went on with FFI because it seemed genuinely concerned about practical conservation in the field on the widest possible front but on a firmly scientific and academic basis and didn’t go down the road of making grants for eye-catching projects from the sale of soft toys etc, valuable as these may be.’ 

General charity events and challenges websites:
Across the Divide
Classic Tours
Bike Events
Discover Adventure
Tall Stories
NDCS Challenges
Charity Challenge
Do It For Charity

A note on Responsible Tourism
If you have chosen to take up a challenge overseas to raise money for FFI, it is important to make sure your trip considers the people, places and purses of the destination that you are visiting.

A good place to check out if your organized trip is responsible is Responsibletravel.com. To find out more about what responsible travel means visit The International Centre for Responsible Tourism.

Important notice: Please make sure that any event you organise in aid of FFI complies with the law. There are many sources of information and advice on running events and activities. The best thing is to contact your local council as the first point of call; they will be able to advise you who else will need to be contacted as well. Remember...Keep it safe and legal.

Try the following links for more information:
The Institute of Fundraising
The Directory of Social Change

The Wall of Fame (people who have fundraised for FFI)

Donate Online Save more graphic Photo: Snow leopards are found in the mountains of Central Asia. Credit: Chris Loades.

“Investment in the work of FFI is, truly, an investment in the planet.” – Sir David Attenborough, FFI Vice President. Please join FFI today.

Learn more graphic Photo: Sumatran police show the skin of a tiger, captured for a tiger dealer. Sumatran tigers are poached for their skins and body parts. Please help us stop this. Credit: Jeremy Holden.

FFI’s magazine, Fauna & Flora, examines themes that effect our work worldwide and includes interviews, notes from field teams and species profiles. Join FFI and receive your copy.