International conservation reports
Fauna & Flora International reports are available exclusively from the Natural History Book Service (NHBS). To find the report, simply type the report's title into the search bar on the NHBS website.
- Mobile Phones: An Appropriate Tool For Conservation And Development?
Mobile phone technology is developing at an extraordinarily rapid pace and is being applied to an increasingly wide range of human activities and the environment in which we live. It brings both benefits and challenges. This report looks at the implications and applications of mobile phone technology on conservation and development initiatives in the developing world.
- Conservation Status of the Asian Elephant in Vietnam
Asian elephants are in danger of extinction throughout their range. The total population in Vietnam is estimated at 57-81 individuals isolated in 11 different sites. In a strategy to conserve representative populations of this national and global flagship species, Fauna & Flora International has targeted sites where elephants are under severe threat; specifically identifying groups with a realistic chance of survival if action is taken quickly.
- Coltan Mining in the DRC
The wildlife of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been decimated during an appalling war. The conflict has been driven partly by various military and political factions fighting for control over valuable natural resources. This report provides background to the extraction of coltan and recommendations for directions forward.
- Leaf Monkeys
So called because of their highly-specialized folivorous diet, leaf monkeys were once abundant in Vietnam, but recent studies show that several species are facing an uncertain future. Leaf Monkeys contains detailed species notes and provides conservation recommendations, including research, protected area gazettement, anti-poaching patrols and conservation awareness.
- Cardamom Mountains Survey
Invaluable summary of the findings from the first major biodiversity survey of the Cardamom Mountains in south-west Cambodia, an area of more than 1 million hectares.
Cambodian Journal of Natural History
The Cambodian Journal of Natural History is a regular free journal that was created by FFI and the Centre for Biodiversity Conservation (Royal University of Phnom Penh) in 2008. Its purpose is to encourage and enable conservationists and other scientists in Cambodia to publish and share their findings and the lessons they have learned.
Hard copies of the journal are distributed free of charge within Cambodia. The sponsors of each issue are listed on the back pages.
Download Cambodian Journal of Natural History - 2008 (PDF - 2MB)
Download Cambodian Journal of Natural History - 2009 (PDF - 6MB)