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Thank you St Faith’s School!


Cambridge school becomes Friend Against Extinction.

An FFI gorilla accepts a donation from St Faith's School
Fauna & Flora International (FFI) would like to give a big thank you to St Faith’s school in Cambridge. The students from the School raised and donated over £600 to FFI, entitling them to become a Friend Against Extinction!

Find out more about our Friends Against Extinction scheme.

Pippa Howard, FFI’s Director of Corporate Engagement, visited the school several times, once with the famous FFI gorilla (also known as Rob Harris, FFI Fundraising Officer).

Here is a great write-up of Pippa’s visit by William Bearcroft and Max Malakfam, from Year 7:

On Wednesday we were very privileged when Mrs Howard, sadly without her friendly gorilla, gave a talk to us during our science lesson on her work with Fauna & Flora International.

FFI helps to save forests, all types of habitats and endangered species. As well as helping animals, they work with organisations like oil companies to reduce the damage to the habitat they are working in.

She showed us pictures from all over the world. Our favourite was the elephant helping after the tsunami in Aceh. She taught us we can save the world starting in our own back garden, doing little things and gradually building up to the bigger picture. Thank you, Mrs Howard.

Why not fundraise for FFI like St Faith’s? They ran a cake sale and sold tickets to their Christmas concert, but there are so many ways you could help.

Find out more about how to fundraise for FFI.

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Photo credits: Alison Price.


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